Hello everyone! This story is the sequel to my first story "I'll Save You Jo." I think you should read that one before you start reading this, because otherwise you wont understand what has happened. ^^ I hope that you like this chapter! :)

Jo Harvelle: 27 years old.
Dean Winchester: 30 years old.
I'm not sure if these ages are correct, because I looked it up on the internet.

Chapter 1

When Dean and Sam arrived to the motel, Bobby was sitting in a chair, and his eyes were his eyes were shiny with tears. Sam had called him and told him about the demon, and what happened with Jo. Dean carried Jo's lifeless body to the bed where she earlier that morning had been sitting on. Dean carefully put her down, hoping that she would wake up. She didn't, she was dead, and Dean blamed himself. Bobby stared at Jo, she was too young, this was not her time to go. Sam stared down at his hands, he also had tears in his eyes, but not only for Jo, also for Dean. He had always known that Dean liked Jo, and was just waiting for the right moment to make his move. But now Jo was dead, and Dean had so much to say. Dean couldn't look at Jo, it was too painful. Instead he walked towards the door. Sam stood up and grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked. He was worried for his brother, he didn't want him to go and do anything stupid.

"I'm going for a drive, I need to be alone." Dean said and walked out. Sam sighed and sat himself back on the chair next to the door. He turned to Bobby.

"What should we do with Jo`" he asked. Bobby shook his head.

"I've got no idea kid... She was 27, she shouldn't be dead. Dean wont let us burn her body. And then there's Ellen, we have to do something with her." Bobby sighed, he had known Ellen and Jo for a long time, when Jo was still a kid she used to call him "uncle Bobby". He smiled a bit to the memory of Jo running towards him when William, her father, was going for a hunt. William and Ellen always left Jo at Bobby's when they were out of town. A tear rolled down his cheek, he regret so much and had so much to say.

Dean was driving fast, way over the speed limit, but he didn't care. He just wanted to forget about Jo. He tried to think about something else, but all that he could about was the look in Jo's eyes when she killed herself. He was angry at Jo, sh had killed herself so that the demon inside her wouldn't kill them, but why did she have to care about them? Why did she care so much that she decided tat their lives where more important than hers? Questions filled his head, and he couldn't answer a single one of them. He saw that he was coming closer to the crossroad that he was hoping on finding. He parked his car, and walked over to the crossroad. Then he put the little box under some rocks. He knew what to do, he was going to save Jo like he had saved his brother, even if it meant that he had to go back to hell. Suddenly he saw the crossroad demon walking towards him. She had a green dress on, which matched her green eyes. She smiled at him.

"Dean Winchester, let me guess, you want to save your girlfriend...?" she said with an amused smile. Dean didn't nod, he just stared at her with a cold look on his face.

"How did you know?" ha asked. "Do you demons have some sort of little gossip club?" She smiled to him.

"No, but information like this travels fast. Adrien is one of the most cruel demons that I've met. Poor girl, being sent to hell like that..." she sighed. Dean clenched his teeth when he heard the name of the demon that had raped Jo and killed Ellen and was the reason that Jo was dead.

"What do you mean go to hell?!" dean asked. Jo didn't sell her soul or anything, so why would she be in hell? He thought for himself.

"You didn't know?" The demon asked before continuing. "That's how Adrien does it. Rapes them and makes them his own. I'm sorry Dean, but Jo Harvelle is Adriens bitch now. There's not much that you can do." Dean took out his gun from his pocket and pointed it towards her.

"What can I do to get her back?" he asked. A small `click´ sound was heard when he loaded the gun. The demon smiled a sad smile to him, like she felt sorry for him.

"You have to prove true love. That's all you have to do. But if you hesitate even for a second, you will die. There are five different so-called levels that you have to go through, If you pass them all, you can have Jo." the demon explained.

"So it's like some sort of sick game?" Dean asked. The demon nodded.

"It's not going to be easy, so if you don't want to take a chance and try to save her..." she started.

"I'll do it." Dean interrupted.

"And what do I get?" the demon asked. Dean lifted his gun back up.

"You'll live, me and my brother wont come and kill you when I've saved Jo." Dean said. The demon chuckled.

"Fair enough." she replied. Then she pressed her hand on Deans forehead, and everything went black.

I hope that you like it! Please, please review so that I know what you think!