It had officially been an hour since she made a fool of herself to her partner on the phone. The mere though of their conversation, and to be honest, it was all that she could think about, made her feel like a fool. Why had she become so defensive with his question? Why had she felt the need to rebuff him in such a ridiculously outlandish way?

Of course she had wanted to spend her day with him. She wished that she could spend every waking moment with the man, but for some reason, his assumption had caused her to run right back into her safety net of cold indifference.

She had attempted to read a book in the time that she had spoken with him but couldn't stop her thoughts from drifting back to their earlier conversation. She couldn't take it anymore. She had to apologize to him. She stood up and shrugged on her coat and picked up her car keys, ready to go to his house and beg for his forgiveness when she remembered Parker.

Maybe she shouldn't go after all, she thought to herself holding the door open trying to decide what direction she should move in. The memory of her mother's voice drifted through her head, 'In or out, Temperance. Pick one and stick with it!'. She smiled to herself and shook her head. She desperately felt the need to apologize to her partner but she couldn't go over to his apartment with just that thought in mind. She quickly shut her door in front of her and ran into her bedroom, reluctantly grabbing her sweatshirt, which actually belonged to him. She held it lovingly up to her nose, hating the fact that she would have to return the object and second guessed herself. Could she really handle giving up his sweatshirt just to see him for one day? Just to apologize for snapping at him. Perhaps the sweatshirt was more valuable being her secret comfort item; the one shirt that she could wrap herself in at the end of a terribly exhausting day and feel nothing but loved.

Did he even know that he was missing it? Did he remember that he had left it at her apartment on night? She always wondered if perhaps he had left it there on purpose to see if she would return the article of clothing or keep it for herself. She reasoned that seeing him once made up for a year with an object that had no intrinsic meaning and tucked the sweatshirt under her arm and made her way downstairs to her car.

She knew that if he had Parker today as he had said that she was not going to intrude upon their time, however, if she had a perfectly logical reason for stopping by, such as bringing back his sweatshirt which she 'found' while cleaning up her apartment she could effectively apologize to him without seeming awkward or forced.

As she neared his apartment, her heart, as it always did, began beating harder in her chest. She parked her car across the street from his apartment, as there was no other place to park and reached over the grab her bag and the sweatshirt from the passenger seat.

Just as she was about to open her door, she saw the door to his building open and watched as her partner hopped down the steps from his apartment. He looked just as good as he always did. His hair was perfectly mussed, the way it usually is, making his appearance look haphazard even though it was always precisely placed that way. She was about to attempt to run up to him, but before she could even fully exit her vehicle, he hopped into his SUV and drove away.

Brennan huffed and sat back in her seat, her left leg planted on the ground just outside of her vehicle and his sweatshirt still clutched in her hand. Now what? Should she follow him? She assumed that he was just going to pick up Parker and he had told her earlier that they would be at the park, so in reality, it wouldn't be odd if she showed up there to give him the sweatshirt and subsequent apology. She put her things back in the passenger seat of the car and shut her door while turning the ignition. She pulled out of her spot and drove off in the same direction as he did.