A/N::: The first chapter here will be mostly all diary entries by Bella so that when I start writing, the plot line will be all set up and I get can get to the fun parts. Thanks so much for reading!!!



Dear Diary,

After half a century, I'm no longer going to be Katherine's shadow. I'm tired of all her evil and treating me like we weren't equals. I used to think of us as best friends, but I was wrong. It was just she and I, no Klaus or Salvatore brothers. And I'm sick of it.

I'm here in the United States now, on my own for the first time in my eternal life as a vampire. I grew up in Italy with Katherine and the Salvatores – Damon and Stefan. I was Katherine's new friend when she came to town: I was always a bit slower, behind her, never doing anything for herself – I was a follower, standing in her shadow. Of course I was – she was already a very dangerous vampire. Katherine changed me when I was 17, during her love affair with both the Salvatores. I had tried to kill myself… I loved the older one, Damon. She pitied me, and maybe even cared about and loved me, so she changed me. But then the two brothers killed each other and broke her heart, so we left.

I had stayed with her and Klaus for some years after the Salvatore heartbreak for both of us. Klaus taught us evil, and eventually we killed him together and left for England and the Americas. We had fun doing evil and seducing boys, but I didn't want that anymore – at least with her. I didn't want to follow her around doing what she wanted. Now, I don't know why I ever did. I was as strong, if not stronger than her. I was faster, more skilled, and just as bad. I just couldn't stand being around her. Of course, I cared to much about her after all this time to just kill her – I left while she was sleeping. I left her no note and flew away as fast as possible in my eagle form.

I am in Washington State now. I left her in Argentina, and have come a long way. I'm sitting in a tree outside of a small town called Forks, writing this – I think I was compelled to come here because of the many ley lines I sense. I bought you, Diary, in a craft store right down the road. No one will see me – I'm too high up in the trees. I'll sleep here tonight – I've yet to go to a bank; I have millions stashed in my account.

I just want to say this, because it's always been true and always will be: I am in love with Damon Salvatore. I haven't seen him in half a century, but I am in love with him. I know we'll see each other again.

Isabella Rosalini

I closed up my new little diary and stretched my arms and legs out, getting comfortable on the tree branch. Thank god my clothes were just simple jeans, converse, and tee and an Italia soccer sweatshirt. I constantly changed and left behind my outfits and belongings in various places as Katherine and I had traveled. But that was the past, and this was me now.

I lay my head back down, resting my diary on my stomach, and fell into a still and tranquil sleep.



Dear Diary,

I have been here for two weeks now – happy new year! I felt that I must stay for something, and I now know what it is. In this town, there was a girl who looks just like me – my practical splitting image! She just drove into town yesterday with the police chief. Her name is the same as mine, too – Isabella – and she seems shy and a bit awkward. How weird is that? I have kept my hood up, even in the cloud cover, so that no one mistakes me for her in public.

I went by her house hours ago in the night out of boredom. So, anyway, I went up to her window to take a peak, and bam – she'd stabbed herself on her bed! Depressed, much? As my first devilishly sudden and absolutely crazy act, I have decided to take her place. I 'disposed' of her body (yum) and am now her. Looking through the room and listening to her father – the police chief - and his thoughts a bit, I know that I am Bella Marie Swan, his daughter, who just moved here from Phoenix because my eccentric mother was just remarried to a traveling baseball amateur.

This decision was an impulse. I will be a shy, klutzy girl attending Forks High tomorrow - and for a time period that has not yet been defined. I have no clue what will happen. I can just hope that fun and guys might be involved eventually after Bella gets over her 'shyness'.

Isabella (Swan!) Rosalini


The Next Day

Dear Diary,

Oh, god!!! There are some definitely inhuman things at my new school! And one of them who's really hot –Edward – was acting so weird to me. They don't have a heart beat! And he acted like I smelled bad. What the hell are he and his adopted family? All his siblings are dating. I have a funny feeling the ley lines didn't just draw me in – the undead come in many different packages, you know.

I spent the day trying to be Bella-like, and it worked. Yet, I still compelled the humans to love me. Mike Newton might be a fun screw, but I don't know yet. Jessica Stanley was really into him, and I don't know if I'll let her have him or if I'll use him for a blood bank. I've already fed off of the native boy who came to visit the dead girl buried in the backyard. His name was Jacob, and he was cute. I mentally influenced him before and after, so he had no clue what the hell was going on.

The Cullens – that's the mystery family's name – are definitely going to make this a fun experiment. Isabella Rosalini, undead party girl turned awkward high school student. What would those I've met and known over the years all say? It's like I'm dressing up for a role when I put on her clothes in the morning. But I hate Bella's wardrobe.

I never influenced the Cullens, because I wanted to watch them and their reaction to me. Only Edward seemed to notice I existed, and he loathed me or something like that. I'll let the family do what they like, but I swear that I'm going to crack this mystery nut that is the Cullen family.

I'm going to sign as me for as long as I have you, Diary. You are my prized possession. NO one shall find you, or else they become snack food faster than I can run to the Thriftway and back.

Forever, Isabella Rosalini


Guess what, Diary?

Edward Cullen is back at school! And he talked to me. He creeps me out: in the way where I can barely resist him. It's weird.

Isabella Rosalini



Oh, Diary-

I'm so in love! Edward and I are together, and he's a different kind of vampire! He's much too good, though – he feeds off of animals, something I have never even considered. And he's not even near half my age – he was born in 1901, centuries after me.

And he has no clue what I am. I am in love with him, but he's in love with Bella Marie Swan. He thinks that I'm her and I'm human.

I'll tell him when the time is right, when I'm done having my fun playing human.

So we went out I the sun together – I with my ring he hasn't noticed yet – and he doesn't even perish in sunlight. In fact, he sparkles like a diamond! It's beautiful and completely hilarious! I know so much about him, and he knows so much that I made up about Bella.

What they all say if they were here with me, or watching me? Katherine, Klaus, Stefan, and… Damon. I haven't thought about him often, but yes, I do love him. I don't know… It's just so complicated. But Edward never has to know a thing.

Isabella Rosalini



Oh dear God, Diary.

Tomorrow is Bella's birthday, which she will hate . I have been through a lot of crazy shit with Edward, but we love each other. I have asked him to 'change' me into a vampire like him , but I influenced him to say no. It's part of the act towards him and his family.

I love his sister Alice, and wish desperately that I could tell Rosalie my secret – then she wouldn't hate me so much. I love Emmett and Jasper, too, and Esme and Carlisle are okay. Edward is just so Edward. I love him. This is my life.

I haven't hinted at anything that I'm a vampire. I can't yet, now, or maybe even ever. Oh, god, I'm in a deep hole. I used to have fun doing this, but then he changed everything and if I come out a vamp now he'll hate me or something. He can harm he physically and mentally – and only by leaving. I might just kill myself if he found out and left me.

He won't leave me though. I'm unwilling to influence him on a grand scale like that, but he's too in love with me… or Bella Swan, the act. It would kill him too, I'm sure of it. It saddens me so deeply that he's probably just in love with Bella, and not the real me. He's too good for me; I'm just too bad.

Isabella Rosalini


The Next Week

NO, Diary, NO.

He's gone; he's left me because he thought I was in danger of his kind. I am his kind! Ha! I'm perfectly capable of killing him, and he thought he was a danger to me?

I don't know what to do. I didn't go after him; I wouldn't know where to look first. I can't believe what's going on. I've been so still (a vampire thing) for the past week that people are wondering if I've gone mad. No, I'm just thinking.

I think I might leave now. Go find Katherine again, or maybe stay on my own. Flee to a ley line covered spot, and hope something there might spark my attention. I'm fairly heartbroken. I'm dead – it shouldn't even be beating. But it is, as the tide rises and the tide falls. Things move on, maybe even me.

I'll leave tonight. I'll make the town think that Bella Swan died tonight. I'll dig up her body in the backyard, and as it's already trashed as hell from me, you wouldn't be able to tell when the body died. The knife is still in her chest – I'll just scream and then make a break for it. Charlie and the town will get what should have happened almost a year ago. His daughter will be pronounced dead.

Goodbye, Forks. I really won't miss you at all.

I am so not in love with Edward fucking Cullen anymore.

Isabella Rosalini

I closed the book and hopped down from my bed, and I changed into my original outfit. I felt like myself, my real self, once again. I could be me without hiding now. Slipping out the window, I headed to the moonlit backyard at midnight.

I dug up the grotesque body with my bare hands and dusted her off a bit. No one would know the difference with a bit of dirt in her hair and on her face. I cut my arm and let some of my fresh blood flow onto her shirt and bed. I let out a blood-stopping scream, alerting Charlie from downstairs.

I jumped out the window and ran where the wind took me.