HEY guys! This is my first story, like ever so lay it easy on me.

I, in no way, shape, or form own lucky star.


It was a Saturday, and somehow Konata had found a way to get herself in the Hiiragi household to copy homework. More specifically Kagami's homework, the more reliable of the twins.

"Oi, I honestly don't know why I let you copy my homework. One day, you should do your own homework." Kagami sighed, reading a light novel she had recently started.

"But Kagami, if I did my homework, I wouldn't have a reason to come over here!" Konata said, with her signature cat like grin on. "And whatever would I do without my precious Kagamin?"

"Whatever, get back to work," Kagami said, ignoring her.

"Kagamin~ Play with me!~" Konata whined.

"No, do your homework!"

"But Kagami~"

"Do your homework!"

"Oh, Kagami why must you be so cold!" Konata threw herself to the ground dramatically.

"Stop it, you're so overdramatic!" Kagami said, still not taking her eyes off of her book.

"Kagamin~~~~" Konata whined. She started to crawl over to Kagami, while she was distracted by her book. Suddenly she pounced on her, and wrapped her arms around Kagami's waist as tightly as possible.

"O-o-oi!" Kagami shouted, turning red more quickly than humanly possible. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Aw, Kagamin can't you show me some looove?" She said, rubbing her head on Kagami's stomach. Kagami blushed more. "Oh, Kagami, you're blushing! That must mean you like it!"

Kagami pulled her book up to her face. "S-shut up! It's embarrassing to have you doing this to me! Normal girls don't do this you know!" Kagami shouted, angry.

"What are you talking about? Girls hug all the time!" Konata said, almost purring.

"Just get off of me, midget!" Kagami shoved a hand between them and attempted to pry her off.

"No, no! Stop it, stop it!" Konata held on, but eventually the strength of the almighty Kagami forced to fall off, with a small thud. "So cruel! I was just trying to bond with my Kagami!"

"No, you were trying to harass me yet again, and you know it!" Kagami yelled angrily. Konata started to try rubbing Kagami's leg. "Go do homework with Tsukasa!"


"Go!" Kagami shouted, pointing to the door. Konata picked up her books, looking sad, and walked out the door.

God she is so annoying! Why doesn't she think about other peoples feelings ever? I mean she could try being considerate every once and a while. Kagami thought, frustrated. Geez why am I so angry? She is always like this! I need to get her out of my mind. Kagami turned her attention back to her book.

"I love you…" said one of the characters.

Oi, so sappy. Real romance isn't like that… but then again how would I know what real romance is? The only on I have is… Kagami stopped dead in her thoughts. Her face looked like this right about now O.O What the hell was I about to think?! Back to the book, back to the book.

"It may not seem like it, but I am madly in love with you!" said the character. "Even though I seem mean sometimes, I really love you!"

Why would she just come out like that? What if she isn't loved back? It would be better to just stay friends. Kagami sighed. So stupid. At least then the relationship will never be awkward and broken. They might never be able to go back to being friends.

"um, um…" the other character said.

Answer her already. Reject her or not, just do something.

"It's ok, even if you reject me. At least I got my feelings out."

"No! I just, I didn't think anything this good could happen to me!" the boy said, grabbing the girls arm.

Alright, I'm done before something bad happens and I'm depressed. Kagami looked down at her watch and it read "10:30pm". Oh, I've been reading for like two hours. I wonder where Konata is… did she really go to do her homework with Tsukasa? Kagami groaned and got up. She walked over to Tsukasa's room, which was only a few feet away from Kagami's. The door had been left open so Kagami just looked in at first. Strangely, Konata was at Tsukasa's table working, and Tsukasa was asleep, face flat on the table.

"Oi, what happened to Tsukasa?" Kagami asked. Konata didn't even jump.

"She fell asleep, as you can see." Konata turned around and looked up at Kagami with her usual cat like grin.

"Alright, whatever…" Kagami went over, and started attempting to wake her up. "Tsukasa, wake up. At least put your pajamas on! Tsuuuukaaaasaaaa…" Kagami looked at her, now frustrated. "TSUKASA!!!" she shouted.

"Ah, hm?" Tsukasa said, wiping her eyes slightly. "Oh, did you need something, Onee-chan?"

"You should probably put on some pajamas and actually get in your bed." Kagami said, patting Tsukasa's head.

"Alright Onee-chan!" Tsukasa yawned and crawled into her bed.

"Uh, you forgot to… never mind," Kagami sighed. "What are we going to do with her?"

"Beats me." Konata said.

"You should go to sleep too," Kagami said.

"Aw~ Is my cute tsundere worried about me?"

"Wh-who would be?!" Kagami yelled and stormed out the door. "Go ahead and burn out like a candle for all I care!"

"Ooh, Kagamin!! I was just kidding!" Konata said, running after her.

"Quit following me!"

"But I want to sleep with you!" Konata yelled, loudly. Kagami turned around as quickly as possible and put a hand over Konata's mouth.

"Oi! Shut up! People are trying to sleep!" she suddenly felt pressure on her palm and it was wet. "Ew! What are you eight?" she said, wiping her hands on her pants.

"Hey, whatever works, is what I'm gonna do." Konata shrugged.

"What a kid. A personality to match your body." Kagami said.

"Maybe my mind developed as fast as my body?"

"I sure hope not! If you were like this that young…" Kagami imagined being in an elementary school with her and shuddered. Kagami reached her room, and walked to her bed in the dark. She knew where everything in her room was so she didn't kick anything over. Oddly, neither did Konata. Kagami had hoped Konata would run into a bunch of stuff and give up and sleep on the floor. She felt a nudge into her ribs.

"What?" Kagami hissed.

"Scoot over…" Konata said, sounding like a little kid.

"Why should I?" Kagami growled.

"Please?" Konata begged. Kagami was too tired at this point to really feel like arguing. She merely backed up and turned so her back was to Konata. She felt the bed give a little and then it sprung up back a little. She lay like that for a while until she felt little arms start to wrap themselves around her waist.

"O-o-o-oi! What are you doing?!" Kagami shouted, moving forward a bit. Konata followed.

"I'm cold…" she said simply. She clung tightly to Kagami and put her head into her neck.

"Fine, whatever." She began to relax, hoping Konata would just fall asleep. Instead she felt her move her mouth to her ear.

"Number one Princess in the world" Konata was singing something.
"I know that, so
you are my
Bride!" and with that Konata bit down on Kagami's ear gently.

"Eeek!" Kagami squealed. "What the hell was that?!"

"It's a song. I heard it from Vocaloid and you know Miku sorta reminds me of you. So I thought maybe I should sing you a song about you." Konata whispered. "Why you didn't like it?"

"Well, uh, no I didn't! You don't just bite people's ears!" Kagami growled.

"Well, yes some people do." Konata said.

"But, those people are usually an item." Kagami sighed.

"And what if I want to be an item?" Konata said, hugging Kagami tighter to her.

"Well, I guess that'd be-" Kagami then realized what Konata had just said. "Wait WHAT?!"

Alright what'd ya think?

Sorry if it sucks alot