Chapter 1-

The life of a stranger…

I sat in silence, in the passenger's seat of the 2010, silver Corvette stingray concept. Reflecting on past memories of the life I had just left behind. I would miss mom, dad, Zach, Emma, and Keppy, but this was for the best. Ever since he left my world had fallen apart. The sleepless nights, the night mares, and so many shed tears. Maybe this could make it all go away.

Nathan was one of the best things that ever happened to me. He brought me out of the darkness. I tried not to fall for him but I did any way. Before he got his white ford pick-up truck, he was nice, and kind. But after he turned into a complete jerk! I still remember the way he talked, the way he moved, and most of all the way he looked at me. We used to have so much fun.

He once tried to kiss me. He held my hand. We pushed each other in the creek on hot summer nights. Even one night in the winter a hose broke on the dodge, and we were sitting in the back. Every car that went by us had to stop. There was so much smoke coming from the truck. We couldn't keep from laughing.

"Can you slow down please?" I asked glancing down at the speedometer, which now read 122 mph.

"Why? Are you getting sick? Do I need to get ratchet?" Sideswipe's musky voice was now worried.

"No, I just don't like the fact that we're doing 122 in a 35mph zone." I replied.

"Since when do you care?" He was being a complete jerk.

My mom had always been there, no matter what. But most of the time she just didn't care. I had no one to talk to anymore. My life was slowly ending; I was starving, cutting, and harming myself. Mom threatened to send me to an insane asylum but I didn't care. Why should I?

For the first time I looked over at sideswipes face. The holomatter's perfect form, how he sat so straight. I envied him, but yet fell in love with his charming blue eyes. And his luscious, choppy, dark brown hair and his beautiful smile. Being in his very presence made me feel a little bit sane again. For the first time since Nathan left with his shattering goodbye, I actually felt slaggin` sane again!

"So, what made you come for me?" I asked casually.

"You where all over your human television, for trying to jump off bridges, and get in trouble with the law. So Optimus Prime, our leader, sent us to get you!" He replied enthusiastically, as if not to make me angry.

"Oh great! More people to try to care!" I added sarcastically.

"We just wanted to help." Sideswipe tried to defend himself.

I started staring out the window, trying to drown out the impulsively chatter-ish mech. Going back to my flash backs I thought of my old friends, who I ditched.

Sydney was the one who stuck out in my mind the most. How could I have been so retarded to let such a good friendship turn into stone? She was the only one who ever listened, who ever cared about me. "Why don't you just go hang out with the popular kids and leave me alone?" that was the last thing I said to her. But I was nothing but stupid! She believed in me when no one else did.

"Do you ever shut up Sides because you're really starting to get on my nerves? Can't you talk about something else?" I asked impolitely.

He shut up, and just stared at the road. This was my chance to open up to some one about my feelings.

"If I tell you something do you promise not to tell any one?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah! Why what is it? Is something wrong?" He was getting worried again.

So I began spilling my guts to the holomatter. He seemed to listen more than any one else had. Like he really cared! I was starting to fall in love again! All this time thinking that I would end up alone in jail somewhere, or a mental facility, just vanished.

When I had finished, he told me his story. How he used to have a twin brother, and he was a red and black Lamborghini, and his brother Sunstreaker was a yellow and black mech. Sunstreaker died in battle, and Sideswipe almost killed himself, but Jazz stopped him. His story was much more interesting than mine. But he was a corvette that transformed into a 27 foot tall robot, from the planet cybertron.

I fell asleep after a very long pause of quietness. I woke up in a giant room surrounded with red, yellow, and black walls.