Hello! So, I've been catching up on season two(they haven't aired it where I live- sadface) and while watching 'Beauty and the Beast- Part II," a lovely little idea popped into my head when I saw Arthur's reaction to Merlin hiding under his bed. I hope you enjoy this little drabble and find it worth your time to review it. Haven't had this beta'd, so any mistakes are all my doing and uh.. oh yeah! Rating is for the implied slashyslash. Well, the implied stuff that comes with the slash.

Btw, I no own Merlin or any part of it. Makes me a saaad panda.

All the recent events that had taken place-his father marrying a troll, Merlin leaving, the tax, being disinherited- weighed on Arthur's shoulders as he climbed into bed and blew out the candle. He closed his eyes as his thoughts drifted, as they always did at this time of night, back to Merlin, wondering if he was safe.

Suddenly, he heard a voice he knew all too well whisper his name. "Arthur," the voice called again when it received no reply. He first thought it to be Merlin's, hoped it was him, but that was impossible, for he had left. Soon, Arthur was on his feet, sword drawn, demanding the intruder show themselves.

He heard a laugh, and Merlin, of all people, slid out from under his bed. After his heart beat slowed, he managed to exasperatedly sigh, "You're back," at his unbelievable manservant. His shock at finding the boy in his chambers, of all places, masked his flooding relief at both the boy being alright and that he hadn't done what he…normally did when he missed Merlin. He'd never let Arthur live it down; it could have even scared his manservant away.

Then Merlin said it. "I never left," the warlock informed Arthur, grinning, obviously proud he had managed to fool everyone into thinking he really had been gone, even Arthur. That did it. Arthur's mind began racing. How long had he been under there? What had he seen? Oh, God, what had he heard?

"If you've been under there this whole time…" Arthur trailed off, satisfied at how his tone resembled threatening rather than completely alarmed and nervous.

"What? No, no, of course not," Merlin promised him, seeming confused as to why Arthur would be so angry, or at least so against Merlin stowing away in his chambers while he was searched for.

Even more relieved than when Merlin first revealed himself, Arthur simply replied, "Good." His heart was light- Merlin still didn't know. His secret was safe! Then his heart sank like a stone. Merlin still didn't know.


Please express them to me by leaving a review, for, even though it'd be pretty awesome if I could, I am unable to hear your thoughts through the computer.


And thanks so much for reading!

Oh, and did anyone else get the same impression of Arthur doing something he wasn't supposed that had to do with Merlin during the episode? And what about that little grin on Merlin's part at the end? It all seems very suspicious to me. Those boys are both pretty shifty, in my opinion.
