Chapter 2

Disclaimer: same as the last one.

Annabeth's POV

"Um…no I don't," she lied, seeming very nervous of what was about to happen.

"I think you know exactly why we are here. But I will help you Athena has a big part of it." I told her getting very annoyed by her stupidity.

"Oh that…well funny story actually. I kind of thought she knew already so I told her."

"Are you positive that you weren't jealous of Percy and I?"

"What, of course not, you know that I am over Percy."

"Then why did she tell me that you were happy about it?"

"Because I am happy for you guys, duh."

She is lying. A voice said in my brain.

"You are lying, I can tell."

"Fine, I haven't gotten over Percy yet and I thought that you two would break up if Athena got mad at you and made you break up."

"She tried, but she can't control love now can she?"

"No, that would be my job," Said a voice from behind us. We turned to see the one and only love goddess, Aphrodite, standing there with a look of hatred on her face. She of course was glaring at Rachel and the gods forbid we didn't know why.

"I worked too hard for a mere mortal to mess up my favorite couple. Athena was about to kill Percy and then I would have nothing to entertain myself with." Aphrodite said getting very angry. And getting a god angry, especially Aphrodite, is never a good thing.

"I did not know that you loved to see people fall in love so much that you would do anything to keep it going. Athena wouldn't have killed him and caused her daughter so much pain." Rachel said.

"She hates Percy she would love to kill him, but Annabeth stopped her before she got too far."

"I don't care I just want Percy back, so do your job and make him fall in love with me."

"You dare tell me how to do my job; you will be cursed and will never be loved again." Aphrodite screamed. Rachel then let out a piercing scream which made people turn to see what was going on. All of them had a look of astonishment on their faces. Chiron and Athena came out in time to see Aphrodite disappear in a cloud of pink smoke. They both came over and checked on Rachel.

"What happened?" They both asked.

"Aphrodite got mad at Rachel and cursed her so that no one would ever fall in love with her." Percy told them.

"Why was Aphrodite here in the first place?" Chiron asked.

"She got mad at Rachel for trying to ruin her favorite relationship, ours, by telling Athena on us." Percy told him.

"That makes sense, but it was really unnecessary to curse Rachel just for that."

"Oh Rachel also tried to tell her how to do her job."

"Okay we will have Rachel fixed up soon, but the curse can only be lifted by Aphrodite."

"I don't care, but do what you can to help her." Percy said as he walked away pulling me with him. We walked in the forest for some time before it was time for dinner. We walked up together, but had to sit at different tables. Chiron stood up to make an announcement.

"As you have seen we have been granted with a visit by none other than Athena." He started.

"She will be here for awhile for…um…to help with training." He finished with a lie although most people already knew what the real reason was. They looked at Percy and me and smiled. We were both blushing and looking at our plates. Dinner seemed to take forever, I constantly looked over at Percy who mouthed, meet me at the beach after dinner. Of course I nodded near the end of dinner a turned to look at where my mother was she was watching and I knew she would follow us to the beach. When I got up to leave Percy and mom both got up and walked out. I just headed for the beach. When I got there I found Percy sitting on the sand looking out at the ocean. I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Hi Wise Girl, what's up?" He asked.

"The sky, Seaweed Brain, duh," I told him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. He can always tell when I am upset.

"Sometimes I wish we were just normal people."

"If we were normal people we wouldn't have met."

"That is true," I told him as I snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Athena's POV

I followed them to the beach just to see what they were doing. I watched as Annabeth sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Then they started to talk.

"Hi Wise Girl, what's up?" Percy asked.

"The sky, Seaweed Brain, duh," She said. I almost wanted to go to her because she sounded depressed. If he could make her feel better than he would have some of my respect.

"Is something wrong?" Percy asked looking concerned.

"Sometimes I wish we were normal people." She told him. I was shocked by that.

"If we were normal people than we wouldn't have met."

"That is true," she told him as she snuggled into his chest. He just wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair as she fell asleep. He just got up with her, carrying her bridle style, and headed to the camp. I got up and followed him.

"I'll take her if you don't mind." I told him. He turned around to face me.

"You positive she is a little heavy."He told me and I just laughed.

"I can handle her; just go back to your cabin."

"Ok, here she is." He said as he placed her gently in my arms. He went back to his cabin just as he was told. I carried her to her cabin and placed her in her bed. She woke up when I set her down.

"Mom, when did I get here?" She asked.

"Percy started to carry you back when you fell asleep, but I took you from him." I told her.

"How did you know I fell asleep and where I was?" She asked.

"I followed you because I need to see if what you said was true."

"Ok, good night," She told me and see fell asleep.

"Good night Annabeth, sweet dreams." I told her as I left. As I left the campers came back from the sing-along noticed me. When they saw where I had come from the smiled and giggled. I just walked back to the big house to get some sleep.