Hello all!! Just wanted to play around with some really short little one-shots to see what would turn out!! Multiple pairings, multiple genres, and everything in between!! Hope you all like them!! :D

I own nothing =/ Believe me, if I did there would be shirtless Kirk all the time *drool*

1. Adrenaline

It was almost like an addiction; an overwhelming desire that seemed to take hold of him sometimes. He lived his life on the edge, always had, and the feeling of adrenaline coursing through his veins had become a common occurrence. The racing heart, the increased breathing, the feeling of dizzying weightlessness as he was freefalling through the air…Jim craved it. That's probably why Bones always got nervous when he was standing too close to a window.

2. Alex

Jim had lost his first crew member today, a young man only a year or so older than him. His name was Alex Burke and he was from Duluth, Minnesota. The young man had been working in the engine room and his sleeve had gotten caught in a grinding gear; he'd been pulled through before anyone could stop the machine. The remaining crew had held a ceremony for him that evening, simple but heartfelt. It was a hard blow to the fledgling crew, one that could have been avoided. That night, Jim fell asleep with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

3. Accent

The drunker Scotty gets, the heavier his accent becomes; thick almost to the point of being unintelligible. He usually starts to ramble, his voice raising and lower in octaves so suddenly it's hard to listen. The a's become shorter, the e's longer, all jumbled together into a mass of slurred words and phrases. The crew doesn't even try to understand what Chekov says when he gets drunk.

4. Aloof

Being in control of one's emotions, the focus on logical thought and decision, that was the Vulcan way. Aloof was how most of the instructors at Starfleet had called it. Spock was aloof; standoffish and detached, always level-headed and logical. But when Vulcan was destroyed, vacuumed into the swirling abyss of the black hole, Spock felt something inside of him break.

5. Allergy

No one knew Scotty was allergic to pollen until he showed up on the Bridge one morning, covered in hives and itching. He said it was nothing, just a mild reaction that tended to occur at varying times of the year. That didn't stop Bones from stabbing him in the neck with a hypo and ordering him off of duty for the rest of the day.

6. Anchor

The room is silent and dark, the occupants sound asleep in a single bed. At some point in the night, one awakes with a start, heart pounding, breathing labored. There's a soft whisper beside him, a hand, warm and strong, clinging to his own and anchoring him to reality. Comforted by the presence, the other falls asleep once more, nightmares fading into nothing.

7. Asthma

Chekov hasn't had an asthma attack in years, so long in fact that he doesn't even carry an inhaler anymore. It was an old, outdated device anyway, very cumbersome to keep with you even before they were outdated. That's why he's surprised when, in the midst of a sudden and violent attack brought on by a dust storm on Heldra VIII, Sulu appears by his side with an inhaler in one hand. Even though visibility is zero, he can breathe easier now.

8. Awake

Jim can't sleep. He's had terrible problems with insomnia all his life but its nights like this, when nothing but stars extend as far as the eye can see, he stays awake and stares out into the distance. Its like he's trying to find something he'll miss if he's sleeping. It makes for a really rough couple of nights when there's nothing to do but stare.

9. Alone

Loneliness scares him, the thought of being left out and forgotten. He hates that fear, it's a weakness a Captain shouldn't have, but he has it and it gnaws at him when no one is looking. Most people would be surprised to know the Jim Kirk doesn't look for bed partners simply for sex but because he likes having a warm body next to his to remind him that he's not alone. Bones got used to waking up with Kirk in his bed.

10. Apologize

Once everything was over, the Narada was destroyed and Earth was safe from Nero's drill, Kirk went off to find the first officer. The older man was standing on one of the observation decks, looking down at the blue and green planet below. He knew Kirk was beside him but said nothing for a long time. Finally, Kirk spoke up softly, his voice full of sincerity and guilt. "I'm sorry…about what I said before…"

11. Breathing

There have been several times when Jim has come back from a mission with more bumps and bruises than McCoy can count. There have been times when Jim has come back with most of his blood on him rather than in him. There have been times when Jim gets back and McCoy isn't sure how the hell he's managed to obtain and injury like that. And there have been times, like tonight, where the only thing McCoy can do is sit and listen to Jim's breathing to assure himself that he's still there.

12. Beer

Uhura doesn't like beer. She'll drink it if she has to but given the choice she's rather settle for gasoline. That's why everyone is surprised when, on a particularly rambunctious evening, she agrees to play beer pong. Everyone is even more surprised that she's incredibly good at it too. Since that night, no one agrees to play against Uhura unless they want to be black-out drunk by the end of the game.

13. Blood

There's something warm and wet dripping down the side of his shirt, down his pants legs and puddling around his shoe. Its uncomfortable, startling in the quantity, and worst of all, its not his. "Bring him over here." Bones demands, clearing the way as Jim staggers through. "Don't worry." He breathes, taking a few unsteady steps. "It's not mine." Bones nods absently. "I know Jim, humans don't bleed green."

14. Birthday

For Chekov's 18th birthday, Scotty buys him a bottle of whiskey, Kirk buys a case of beer, McCoy finds a bottle of Southern Comfort, Uhura gets a bottle of wine, Spock finds something that glows blue when the lights are turned off, and Sulu buys a bottle of sake. For some reason, Chekov feels he has to try every single one of these before the night is complete. It definitely explains waking up next to Sulu the next morning.

15. Beagle

One morning a beagle shows up on the Bridge. Its surprising, considering they're several light years away from Earth. Scotty appears a few minutes later, excitingly telling anyone who will listen that it's the "Admiral's Beagle", "his prize winning beagle", and "where the hell has is been all this time?" The beagle appears to be in good health, a little skittish around the transporters but for good reason. Scotty names him Warp.

16. Bedridden

Breaking your leg is not the worst thing that can happen to you, especially on a Starfleet Ship. Breaking it in three places and then being bedridden for a week while the various drugs and machines work at repairing the shattered bone is pretty terrible though. Jim has never been so bored in his life.

17. Brawl

There have only been two bar brawls that Jim has lost in his entire 25 years. The first was the night he met Admiral Pike but, to be fair, 12 against one was a bit of long shot even for him. The second was about a week after they defeated Nero. The brother of one of the cadets killed in Nero's first attack found him sitting at a bar and, without even so much as a warning, knocked him out cold on the bar floor. He awoke a few minutes later with Bones crouching over him and Spock restraining the intoxicated man until police arrived. Jim wished he could say he didn't deserve the punch but he still felt guilty about not predicting Nero's attack sooner.

18. Banter

McCoy simply rolls his eyes when Jim and Spock begin their all too familiar banter again. The First Officer will usually point out something in that flat, monotonous voice of his and Jim will counter it for some strange reason (he always has to have the last word in everything) then the argument will start. Jim's usual retort of "your mom" never comes in to play in these arguments because he knows its dangerous territory, but God does it piss him off when Spock wins.

19. Brave

There's a difference between bravery and idiocy and sometimes Jim can't tell the difference. Jumping off the platform to save Sulu: brave. Cheating on the Kobyashi Maru: idiocy. Offering himself as a hostage for a madman interrupting a galactic peace meeting: well, there were some grey areas he was still working out.

20. Books

Sulu collects books. Not like the digital copies available on every computer system known to mankind but honest-to-God books. He likes the way they feel, the way the pages smell, and he likes to read for hours when he's not on the Bridge. For Christmas, Chekov found an old steam trunk filled with classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Frankenstein, and a Tale of Two Cities. The look on Sulu's face was worth every cent.

21. Cut

There are some days where, out of nowhere, Uhura will randomly decide to cut her hair. The first time was about a month after being on the Enterprise, she showed up on the bridge with her long, silky hair cut to just past her shoulders. It was different, she got many double-takes, but no one seemed to not like it. This morning she had woken up and taken out a pair of silver scissors, cutting her hair just below her jaw. Today was going to be an interesting day.

22. Child

McCoy is good with children. He went grocery shopping one day and found a little girl about Joanna's age, crying in the middle of one of the aisles. She was lost, scared, and no one seemed to take notice of her. Forgetting what he had been looking for in the first place, he walked over and smiled, talking to her in the gentle tones of a father trying to comfort a distraught child. He took her tiny hand and walked with her, asking her questions about her mother and telling jokes until the little girl was smiling through her tears. They found her mother, searching frantically for her daughter, towards the front of the store. McCoy thought about saying some rather unpleasant things about losing one's child but the look on the mother face when she saw her little girl said it all.

23. Cold

Jim can't stop shivering, no matter how many blankets are piled on top of him. Falling through the ice was bad enough but then getting lost in the snow? God, today sucked. He was trembling all over, muscles spasming as they tried to re-warm themselves. The heater on the table wasn't helping and neither was the IV sticking out of his hand. It wasn't until Bones slid into the bed next to him, gathering the younger man in his arms, did the shivering stop.

24. Careful

Jim tells all of his crew members to be careful even if they're just retrieving something from a different part of the ship. Being on a Starfleet ship has its own set of hazards (stairs, water pipes, etc) and every one of them could be potentially fatal if they aren't taken seriously. No one is quite sure what to say when Jim trips own the stairs and gets a concussion.

25. Car

Jim can hotwire a car in a little under 45 seconds. It's a skill he picked up living in Iowa with a dick of a step-father. He liked to joyride, to get away for a little while, and it was really hard to do that with Frank watching every step he took. That's why, when he was thirteen and had had just about enough, he hotwired the classic car Frank kept in the garage and drove it straight off a cliff. In retrospect, it had been a shame to waste such a nice car but man, had that been a rush.

26. Cycle

Uhura hates that time of the month. Absolutely hates it. Shouldn't they have figured out a way to stop this completely by now? Seriously? The cramping? The headaches? The nausea? Honestly?! She sighs as she enters the Bridge, her body aching all over, and just wishes the day would be over. There's a chocolate bar with a smiley face sticker sitting at her consol as she sits down and she can't help but notice Jim turn away innocently as she looks over. She smiles. She'll have to thank him later.

27. Chess

Spock is ridiculously good at Chess. He can predict strategies to win a game from his opponent's very first move. He's beaten everyone who's ever played him except for one person. James T Kirk. The younger man had surprised him with his skill and cunning, the way he had carefully and methodically taken control of the game with the Vulcan even noticing. When the final move had been made, Kirk smiled softly, not in the cocky, I-just-beat-you,-in-your-face way, but in the good-game-let's-play-again-sometime way. "King me."

28. Collapse

There's no way he should still be standing. Hell, there's no way he should still be conscious, but he is. Standing in the middle of the platform with three terrified children clinging to him is Captain James Kirk. He's trembling, blood staining his clothes from multiple wounds. There's blood running into one eye and streaking his blond hair in gruesome patterns. The nurses run forward to grab the children and McCoy runs forward to grab Jim just as the younger man collapses into a heap on the ground.

29. Curse

Scotty likes to curse. Actually, its not that he likes it, it simply that he's become so used to it that he doesn't even notice it anymore. Most of the time Kirk isn't even sure what he says are real words sometimes. But you know, with a Scottish brogue, its really hard to tell.

30. Caress

They don't speak in moments like this; words are frivolous and fleeting. She traces his face with her fingertips, her caress memorizing every angle, every curve as if it's the last time she'll ever see him. Her touch is soft, passionate, and completely devoted to him. Words are not needed for anything that passes between them.

31. Dammit

McCoy's favorite word is "dammit." His second favorite word is "Jim." His favorite phrase is those two words combined together, "dammit Jim." Like now, he sighs and says, "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not your damn pillow!" when he wakes up to see Jim asleep in his lap. He doesn't have the heart to wake him though.

32. Decon

It takes all of five minutes for McCoy to decide that Jim and Scotty are never allowed to go on an away mission together again. The two are stuck in the Decontamination shower, stripped down to their underwear, and giggling hysterically. Physically their fine, the orange pollen their covered in doesn't seem to be affecting them at all, but mentally…well, that's yet to be determined.

33. Decipher

Uhura prides herself on being able to decipher almost any language in this part of the galaxy; she didn't graduate top of her xenolinguistics class for nothing. But jarbled, broken words that filter through her monitors have her stumped. That is, until Kirk walks by and mentions that one of her wires is loose. He tightens it absently and the words come in clear as a bell: Klingon. She's surprised at Kirk but doesn't say anything.

34. Dream

Being a parent means you automatically begin having dreams about something terrible happening to your child. In one of the more vivid dreams, McCoy watched as Joanna was kidnapped and killed by one of Nero's men and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He jerked awake, crying her name and gasping before he realized she was safe and sound back on earth. It took a long time before he was able to convince himself to lay back down and go to sleep. He needed to call her in the morning.

35. Drink

McCoy always drinks on the same night every year: Joanna's birthday. Partially because he's not there to celebrate with her and partially because his bitch of an ex-wife likes to remind him of this every year. Jim drinks on the same night every year for different reasons: his birthday. Partially because it was the day his father died and partially because his mother likes to remind him of it every year. They both sit down with their respective drinks, neither speaking, and proceed to drown their sorrows in alchol.

36. Disarm

Spock has the ability to disarm Kirk with a flick of his wrist. Its annoying, embarrassing, and worst of all, it works. The few times Spock has ever needed to take a gun away from his captain, he simply maneuvers the weapon away from him with fluid efficiency. Kirk is convinced he cheats somehow.

37. Drill

Jim didn't think when he jumped off the drill after Sulu, he just did it. In retrospect is was a really stupid idea, for all he knew he parachute had been damaged in the first fall and now he was going to drop to his death a couple thousand feet below. But that didn't occur to him until later. All he cared about was getting to Sulu and trying to stay alive long enough to make sure they both made it back to the ship. The mountain speeding toward him wasn't a very comforting thought.

38. Dynamic Duo

If you want to piss Jim off, compare him and Spock to Batman and Robin. McCoy discovered this little pet peeve a few days ago and has been using it to his complete advantage. If you really want to piss Jim off, tell him he'd Robin.

39. Delirious

Fevers do strange things to Jim, especially if he's sleep deprived to boot. Considering he's allergic to pretty much every painkiller known to mankind, his list of medications is pretty limited and most of the time its easier to simply let the fever burn itself out without the help of medicine. Its only when he gets to that talking-to-the-walls-and-babbling-about-pink-pandas stage that Bones starts to worry.

40. Early

Its crazy early when he wakes up, the clock on the wall reading some absurd number that his sleep-fuzzed brain can't even comprehend. He squints at it and scowls, falling back onto the mattress and staring at the dark ceiling. "What time is it…?" A sleepy voice asks next to him and he smiles faintly. "Early." He answers in the same soft, subdued tone. He pulls the body close and closes his eyes. "Go back to sleep."

41. Eyes

His mother tells him he has his father's eyes and it makes him sick to his stomach. He hates that he reminds her so much of him, of a man he never knew yet can never come out from under his shadow. Maybe that's why he got into so many fights when he was younger: a black eye looks nothing like his father's. Maybe she'll stop comparing.

42. Empty

Gazing out at the nothingness of space makes him feel empty and small, like nothing he ever does will matter in the grand scheme of things. He's saved planets, destroyed enemies, and rescued people who never learned his name. But there will always be more, it's a never ending cycle. Staring out at the yawning openness makes him realize that and he feel hollow. He steps away from the window.

43. Earth

Earth is nothing like Vulcan. Vulcan was a dry, desert planet, full of volcanoes, and canyons, and rocky outcroppings everywhere you looked. Earth was different: it had water and trees and animals he'd never seen outside of a text book. Of course he missed his homeworld, he always would, but maybe Earth wasn't such a bad place to be either.

44. Elders

Spock was given the opportunity to go with his father and the Elders when they went to start a new Vulcan colony. He considered it, weighed the logical necessities for going, and had almost made up his mind when his older self stepped in to prevent him from going. Never mind the mind-blowing paradox of meeting oneself, his older counterpart insisted he stay with the Enterprise, that he follow a destiny he had not yet uncovered. Spock hesitated for a only a second before agreeing that it was the most logical thing to do.

45. Elf

Kirk developed a new nickname for Spock after he was comfortable enough to call him a friend. Instead of the "pointy-eared bastard" christening or McCoy's "green-blooded hobgoblin" approach, Jim had taken to calling him Elf whenever he was too lazy to say Spock (which was pretty much all the damn time) Spock was not very pleased and repeatedly expressed his distaste to Jim to which to Captain promptly ignored.

46. Embrace

Jim Kirk was dead. They had all seen it, the way his single-person pod had exploded as it came in contact with the devastating asteroid heading directly toward Saturn's outer rings. The mass would destroy the planet without a doubt and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Kirk insisted on trying but his pod's mechanical system had failed at the last minute and he crashed into the deadly asteroid. The asteroid had been destroyed but Kirk had gone with it. The sorrow was palpable, the disbelief ship-wide and no one could believe it when the young Captain suddenly appeared in the Transport room, a little singed and tousled but most definitely alive. He had beamed back at the last second and managed to make it back to the Enterprise with little more that a few bumps and bruises. He couldn't even get a word in edge-wise as nearly the entire Bridge crew raced over to embrace him.

47. Entwine

Spock looks out at the emptiness where Vulcan used to be, nothing but stars and distant planets filling the void. Uhura approaches from the behind, keeping her words to herself. There's nothing she can say so she just offers her presence. Without a word, she entwines their fingers and continues to look on with him.

48. Eyebrow

Of all the spectacular talents Jim Kirk has up his sleeve at any given time, he cannot lift one eyebrow and it pisses him right off. Everyone on the Enterprise can do it with one or the other but he can't. Spock is the best at it but when he asks his Vulcan First Officer for tips, the older man simply does exactly what he's been asked about and wanders off. Jim huffs and gives up for the time being. He may not be able to lift one eyebrow but he can still juggle better than anyone on the ship.

49. Ex

McCoy hates his ex-wife with a passion. She ruined his life from the moment they got married and tries to continue ruining it even though they've been divorced for over five years. Whenever Jocelynn calls it puts him in a bad mood for the rest of the day and when she randomly shows up its even worse. One day, out of the blue, she shows up at the door, demanding to speak to Leonard. Jim is shirtless, his hair tousled and unruly and he has a towel around his waist. "Let me get him, we just got out of the shower." He says, emphasizing the word "we". Her expression was priceless and he's pretty sure she won't be showing up or calling again anytime soon.

Hehe, so the pink pandas thing came from my friend Newspaper Taxis because I thought it was too funny to pass up!! Love ya hon!! :D Hope you all liked it!!