In Chipmunk Years

NOTE: Hello KtC here. A few quick notes.

Children of the Corn in on hiatus until I get inspired.

Based on the 2007 and 2009 movies, not the cartoons.

Idea perceived after reading wikipedia articles and watching trailers, which is why certain aspects of the story are a little different from the Squeakquel. (If you're a superfan, you'll be able to pick up on them)

The title of this story is how the chipmunks get away with acting rather like children, although they are eighteen.


Chapter one: The Chipettes Choice

Brittany Wilson lay on her bed while her younger sisters played chess on the floor. (Or rather, Jeanette tried in vain to teach Eleanor chess) The eldest Chipette had been rather quiet the whole day, not at all like her normal self. Ideas were swimming around brain and refused to leave her in peace. The ideas all involved Alvin, her Alvin, and his upcoming birthday.

Finally feeling ready to talk, Brittany poked her head over the edge of the bed and said, "Girls?"

"Eleanor, the knights move in an 'L' shape, not an 'S' shape!"


"Yes Brittany?" Eleanor asked, eager for a distraction from the chess.

"Have you ever thought about what it would be like to become a real woman?" Brittany blushed lightly.

"Huh?" Eleanor frowned.

"What are you talking about Brittany?" Jeanette asked, scratching herself behind the ear.

"You know . . ." the eldest chipette looked down as she rubbed her paws together, "sex?"

Jeanette went scarlet and Eleanor let out a shrill giggle.

"I'm serious." Brittany jumped down from the bed, "the guys will be eighteen in a few days; don't you think it's amazing they haven't tried anything yet?"

The younger chipettes looked at each other.

"Don't tell me—!" Brittany exclaimed.

"Of course we haven't!" Jeanette sighed, exasperated, as Eleanor's pigtails flailed on her rapidly shaking head, "I just don't feel like sharing the extent of my personal life with my sisters."

Brittany let out a huff of air. "Tell me this much," she rounded on them again, "on your fingers, how far have you gone?"

"Only if you do as well," Eleanor pouted, arms crossed.


All three chipettes held up two fingers. Brittany and Jeanette looked at Eleanor in slight surprise.

"What?" she shrugged, "things got a little heated at one of the concert parties."

"A touch T.M.I. Ellie," Jeanette smiled slightly, rumpling her sisters blond fur.

"Well," Brittany turned away as she chewed on her next words, "would you think I was a slut if I gave myself to Alvin on his birthday?"

"Of course not!" Eleanor looked shocked at the very idea, "Jeanette and I were planning on doing the same thing."

"You were?!" Brittany's neck cracked as she swirled around.

"Stop reading my diary please," Jeanette rubbed her temple.

Brittany scowled deeply. "Seeing as we're all of age, that won't be an issue."

"Then what's wrong?" Eleanor looked imploringly into her sister's eyes.

"The problem is who will get the bedroom?"

Jeanette rolled her eyes. "Do we really have to argue about this Britt?"

"I don't want to hear the ear-wrenching screeches of Simon's glasses scraping against yours while I'm kissing Alvey," the eldest chipette snapped.

The normally quiet Jeanette bristled.

"Do you think I want to inhale rancid cheeseballs while holding Simon?" she snapped back.

"Everything all right here girls?" Claire poked her head inside the room, eyeing them with mild suspicion.

"Yes mom," Jeanette smiled, draping her arm over her still scowling sister's shoulder. Eleanor beamed; glad her siblings had suddenly stopped arguing.

"A letter just arrived for you." Claire passed in the letter, which was the size of a post-it note. Brittany took it and tore it open with her teeth.

"It's from the guys!" she squealed and the others instantly crowed around her, "they've invited us over to hang out on their birthday."

"Excellent timing, I have a date with Dave that night," Claire smiled, "We'll drop you off on the way to the movie."

The second the door shut, Eleanor smiled. "Well, that solves that problem," she grinned.

"Not really," Jeanette sighed, shaking her head, "The Chipmunks only have one bedroom and I don't feel comfortable losing my virginity on Dave's bed."

"How about a rock-paper-scissor competition?" suggested the youngest chipette.

Since Brittany was unable to come up with another way, the three eighteen-year-old chipettes sat around and squabbled over the outcome of rock-paper-scissors. In the end, Brittany emerged victorious. Jeanette and Eleanor were resigned to find some other place, although they felt confident they could.

And so, a few days later, with the personal provisions they needed, the three chipettes arrived at the chipmunks house, determined to leave women.