Chapter One

Sixteen years…it's been Sixteen years sense I have seen him. I think to myself as I see our prom King and Queen picture in my old high school year book, that my daughter is looking through. I tell her I am going to work. She waves me of. I smirk and shake my head heading to the hospital.

Allison Swan, my daughter. She is the best daughter I could ask for. She has his green eyes and my brown hair. The most outstanding personality I have ever witnessed. She takes after her father in that way. He was always outgoing trying to make life an adventure the one reason he isn't present in her life today.

Her twin brother, Evan Swan couldn't be more different .I wouldn't call him shy but quiet, he likes to keep to himself. He has brown hair and is a brilliant pianist. They both excel in music related things, much like their father.

His name is Edward Cullen. My lost love. We were high school sweethearts. At the time I lived in Forks, Washington with my dad, it was love at first sight. But like all high school relationships, they never last.

He was going to Julliard, on a scholarship for piano and composing and I was going to Dartmouth for pre-med. We had plans to keep in touch, a long distance relationship but then things happened, like getting pregnant. It happened the night after our high school graduation. He was leaving the next day and I found out two months after. I couldn't ruin his dreams, so I left the country going to Europe and living with my older sister , Rose and her husband Emmett. I haven't spoken or seen him sense.


I look up from my chart and see Rose.

"Hey Rose."I say and smile at her.

"So Julia and Blake want to learn the piano and cello, can Ally and Even do it?"She asks and I nod.

"They can .Just give me a time though I know Ally won't do weekends."I say.

"Rafting right?"I nod.

Ally is in the outing club at school and every weekend they go camping, doing all these activities. Evan doesn't like the outdoors that much but on our end of the summer camping trips he puts up with it.

My beeper goes off and I see home flash on the screen.

"Rose I have to go."I say and she nods.

"I'll see you at Ally's concert tonight."I nod

"I'll call you later about the lessons."I say and head to my locker while calling home.

"Hey Mom" Evan answers.

"Hey hon what are you and Ally doing?"

"Just working on her solo for the concert. We were hoping for greasy fast food tonight, Ally burnt the tacos."He says and I laugh. Ally will never be a house wife, she has no cooking skill what's so ever.

"Alright, Wendy's burger and fries?"I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah."He says. I put my stethoscope in my locker along with my lab coat and head out to my car, an Audi.

I picked up dinner and pull up to my house. It was my dream house, not really a mansion but big enough…it was like Edwards parents house. Rose had done the remodeling, making it look like a piece of art. It has a long pathway heading to the front door and vines all around it, little patches of trees on the front lawn and an archway that covers the front door. It is beautiful.

I go and hear Evan playing the piano, I can always tell the difference between the two. Evans playing relaxes you and his music flows while Ally's is more upbeat and makes you want to dance. I smile as I hear Ally come in. She has a voice of an angel.

"ALLY, EVAN FOOD."I yell and I hear the music stop and footsteps .They appear in front of me.

"YES FOOD!"Ally yells and takes the bag into the kitchen. I laugh as Evan shakes his head at her, smiling. After dinner they head upstairs to get changed as do I.

Ally comes down in a black dress and her hair curled. Evan comes down in his white shirt and jacket and black pants. I feel a stab at my heart. Evan looks so much like Edward.

We head to the school and are greeted by Emmett, Rose, Julia and Blake.

"Hey Ally, Evan."Rose says , hugging them.

"Hey Aunt Rose."Ally says and hugs her.

"ALLY COME ON WE HAVE WARM UPS…aahh…Hi Evan."The girl says blushing and drags Ally off.

"Who was that?"I ask, looking at Evan.

"Just some girl."He says and heads in, we follow, Rose and myself chuckling.

"Hey I heard there are some scouts from Julliard here."Rose says and I freeze…Julliard.

"Oh Bella I'm sor.."I shake my head.

"Don't worry Rose."I say and sit next to Evan.

"Mom are you ok?"Evan asks and I nod, wiping my eyes.

"Just realizing my babies are growing up."I say and he doesn't look convinced but lets it go. The lights start to dim and we clap as the principle comes onstage along with…Carlisle Cullen…Edwards father along with Edward. Oh my god.

"Welcome everyone to Iris's annual pops concert. With us tonight is two representatives from Julliard. Edward Cullen and Carlisle Cullen. They have been observing our students for some time and two of our students have been selected to receive a full scholarship to Julliard. Our first is Eric Stephen."

Everyone around me cheers but I can't bring myself to. Carlisle takes the mic.

"I would like to say this school is filled with so many talented people. It was a hard choice for us to make, it was originally supposed to be one person and a senior but when we heard this girl, it was during a voice seminar lesson. We knew her talent could go far. So we would like to present this scholarship to Allison Swan."Carlisle says clapping, along with the crowd, many people whistle as Ally goes onstage, looking shocked, this is too much.

"Allison, Eric will you accept the scholarships and join us in the fall next year?"Carlisle asks. Eric answers yes immediately.

"Allison?"Carlisle asks. She smiles.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cullen but I have no interest in going to Julliard. I am not thinking about a career in music. I do it for fun. I believe this scholarship should go to someone who is serious about music."She says and hands him the folder back. She bows her head slightly and walks off the stage, leaving everyone shocked. Except Evan and myself. Ally wants to be a pediatrician and music minor. She loves science. Evan already has his job established as a composer.

"Well then…Let the show begin."The principle says and they walk off the stage. I glance at Edward once more and notice…him staring right at me.