This is my first attempt at a multi-chapter fic. I'm still not entirely satisfied with some things, but I want to post it on schedule.

Any comments/opinions about Valentine's Day aren't meant to be offensive. They're just what I can see each character thinking about it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, CBS does.


The holiday season had passed, and the tinsel and mistletoe had been taken down. The attention of the city had been shifted to the next upcoming holiday-Valentine's Day. NCIS was no different. Since the beginning of February, small reminders of the romantic day had slowly begun popping up around the office. There were fresh roses in the break room and red and pink paper hearts hanging all around the building. The overall effect was putting some people in the mood for love, while it made others gag.

NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee sat at his desk listening to Tony talk about his date. The other man was droning on and on about how much he had impressed his current girlfriend. According to him, she a gorgeous grade school teacher who also modeled on the side. McGee wasn't sure though. He might have her mixed up with the pilates-loving masseuse from last week. It was hard to keep all of Tony's girlfriends straight. He was getting tired of listening to him rave about his exploits with women who all seemed the same.

McGee continued nodding to Tony as he slowly let his eyes drift down to his computer screen. He needed to finish a chapter of his latest book for his publisher, and Tony's talking was distracting him.

"Hey, Probie, are you listening to me?" Tony demanded.

"Mmmmhmmmm." McGee mumbled in Tony's direction.

"Then what did I just say?"

McGee glared at Tony. "That you took her to that French restaurant downtown and then back to your place?"

"Wrong, McLiar. I said that I took her to the Indian place, then back to my apartment." Tony looked down. McGee was already back at his computer screen. Tony covered the screen with his hand. "Maybe you should pay a little bit more attention to what I'm saying. You might pick up some tips to help you with your own love life."

McGee sighed and looked up at Tony. "Look," he began, "I really, really don't care what you and your new girlfriend did last night. I am not living vicariously through you. And my love life is just fine without your tips."

"Really?" Questioned Tony. "Then you don't mind me asking what your plans are for Valentine's Day?"

McGee stared blankly up at Tony.

"You know, Valentine's Day, February 14th, a holiday dedicated to love, flowers, chocolates and tacky cards? The night when men take their wives and girlfriends to expensive restaurants in the hopes that they'll get laid later?"

"I know what it is, Tony." McGee snapped back. "I don't have any plans, and if I did I wouldn't tell you about them."

Tony held his hands up and backed away from McGee's desk. "Whoa, didn't mean to upset you there McLifeless. I was just asking."

"Well, don't ask again." McGee replied. "To be honest, I've never really gotten into Valentine's Day that much. It's a day over-commercialized by card companies to sell massive amounts of crap. It's just not my thing."

"Maybe having a special Valentine's night would make you change your mind." Tony suggested, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Whatever." McGee said, returning to his story.

"Well, just because you're a party pooper doesn't mean that I have to be too." Tony declared. "Anyway," he continued, "I've got the whole thing planned out. First I'm going to take the girl, Teresa, to the Japanese place downtown where they prepare the food right in front of you. Then I'm going to get a limo to pick us up and take us to the romantic film festival. Then back to my place for champagne, a massage and-"

McGee snapped. He had had it listening to stories about Tony's seemingly amazing personal life. It was time to make a change.

"You know what, Tony," McGee said as he slowly rose from his chair. "I don't need to know how good your date will be, because I'm going to go on one of my own."

"Oh, Really, Probie." Tony smirked.

"Yes, Tony, really."

"So what's her name?"

"Her name?" McGee spluttered. "Her name is…well I don't know yet but I will soon. And once you meet her you're going to be so impressed that you''ll…"

"I'll what, McStutters?" Tony tormented. "I'll be so impressed that I'll do what? Spit it out."

McGee looked around frantically as he tried to think of a way to follow up on his bet. Nothing was coming to him. "You'll be so amazed with who I managed to get a date with that you'll stop telling me about yours." McGee finished lamely. "And, you'll do my paperwork for a month."

Tony cocked his eyebrow at McGee as he considered his offer. "Sold. You bring this amazing mystery woman on my Valentine's Day date with Teresa and we'll see how impressed I am."

"Good." McGee said, sitting back down at his desk. "See you in a week."

"It's a date." Tony replied.

Ziva watched the situation unfold from her desk and shook her head. Tony and McGee really needed to grow up. She sighed as she watched Tony walk back to his desk confidently and McGee panic silently as if he had just realized what he had agreed to. It was going to an interesting week…

What did you think? If you have any suggestions/ideas or spelling/grammar problems, please leave it in a review.