A/N: Wow! 2 updates in one week! This makes me feel so accomplished! I still don't have any votes on my poll. Please go to my profile and vote!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

Chapter 6

Isabella's POV

"Oh, yeah," I said walking towards the school building. "I've been meaning to tell you guys to call me Bella instead of Isabella. It's just too formal."

"Sure thing," said Alice. "Now you two need to get your butts in the office and get your schedules."

As Peyton and I walked to the office, we heard some wolf-whistles and whispers about us. We had better hearing than most of the people around us. We could hear what a few people said.

"Damn. I'd tap that." I glanced at who said that. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a baby face. Cute, but I was more for Edward.

"She's hot," his friend answered, "but I like the blonde one better. I think she would be more fun in bed."

The guys here were disgusting. We were the new girls that no one knew. At least we had the Cullens to help us. They told us that most people seemed to shy away from them.

"So your the new Volturi girls," said the secretary looking us over. She seemed kinda rude.

"Yes," I said. "I'm Bella and this is Peyton."

"Oh, really," she said. "Because it says here that your name is Isabella."

"Yes. That is my full name but I prefer to be called Bella."

"Whatever," she said while rolling her eyes.

"Here are your schedules. Have a nice day," she said with a fake smile.

"Well that was fun," said Peyton in a sarcastic voice as soon as we got out of the office.

"I agree," I responded. "She was kinda rude."

"More like very rude," said Peyton. "What classes do you have?"

I looked at my schedule. I really hoped I had some classes with the Cullens or Peyton. It said


1. English (Mr. Mason)

2. Government (Mr. Jefferson)

3. Trigonometry (Mr. Varner)

4. Spanish (Ms. Smith)

5. Lunch

6. Biology (Mr. Banner)

7. Gym (Coach Clapp)

When we caught up with the Cullens, Peyton and I compared their schedules to theirs. .I had Government and Biology with Edward, Trigonometry and English with Alice, Spanish with Rosalie and Emmett, Lunch with everyone and Gym with no one. I didn't have any classes with Jasper and Peyton but I had classes with Emmett and Rosalie even though they were seniors. That's kinda weird.

The bell rang signaling that homeroom would start in 5 minutes.

Alice, Edward and I walked to the English room, which was our homeroom. Alice and I were lucky because we just had to stay there.

The teacher had just finished taking roll when the bell rang. Most of the class left, but a few stayed behind. After 5 minutes, the bell rang again and class began.

"Class," said Mr. Mason, "today, we have a new student." he gestured for me to stand up. "Why don't you introduce yourself."

"Um... my name is Isabella Volturi. But please call me Bella. Uh.. I moved here from Italy with my half sister who's a senior." I sat back down after that.

"That you, miss Volturi," said Mr. Mason. "I know most of you had me last year, but we need to go over the syllabus."

So that's how it was all day. I would introduce myself and then we would go over the syllabus. Introduction. Syllabus. Over and over again.

"Ah. That was so exhausting," sighed Peyton collapsing on the couch when we got home.

I giggled at her over-dramaticness. "Well aren't we a little drama queen."

She childishly stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed at her and walked into the kitchen to get a snack.

Edward's POV

Earlier in Biology

Bella sat next to me in Biology and that made me extremely happy. I knew she was just a human but I was falling for her. And falling hard. She introduced herself just like I saw her do in Government and heard in all her other classes.

After we went over the syllabus, Mr. Banner said, "Class, we are going to choose lab partners. Both partners MUST agree. And they have to be of the opposite gender. You have to come tell me after you have partners and you will have them for the rest of the year."

All the girls immediately surrounded me with the guys trying to get them back. I shot Bella a pleading look. She just laughed until she saw Mike Newton walking towards her. She immediately had on the same face that I probably did.

"Hey, Bella," said the human newt.

"Oh. Uh hey..."

"Mike," he said.

"Oh right," Bella said. "Sorry Mitch."

"It's Mike."


I laughed at Bella. I knew she knew what his name was. She was just messing with him.

"So do you want to be my partner?" asked Mike.

"Well Mitch—"

"It's Mike."

"Whatever. I'm not really sure." She sent me a pleading look. The same look I gave her.

"Bella!" I yelled over all the girls screaming about wanting to be my partner.

"Yes, Edward?" she said.

"Do you want to be my partner?"

"Sure!" she called back.

I pushed my way through the crowd of girls and met up with Bella and went to the front of the room.

"Ah. Our first pair. Bella and Edward" said Mr. Banner writing our names down on a piece of paper. "Why don't you guys choose somewhere to sit."

"So where do you want to sit?" I asked.

"How about the back? You and I can both hear exceptionally well so how 'bout we leave the front open for someone that can't hear as well."

I smiled at her reasoning. I knew it was really because she wanted to talk and because she didn't want to be stared at.

After everyone had their partners and had sat down, Mr. Banner gave us permission to talk for the rest of the class.

Eventually the bell rang and we went our separate ways. Biology was my new favorite class.

A/N: So how did you guys like this chapter?

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