1. Sayo Aisaka

The ghost of the classroom also known as Sayo Aisaka did not recall much of her former life due to being a ghost for so long. That is a good thing. When she was alive Sayo was one of the most violent and insane assassins that existed back in the old days. It didn't matter if the target was human, magical, or demon. Any object that entered into her cute palms would become a lethal weapon within seconds. Witnesses to her attacks were scarred for life and usually commented that she seemed to be more evil then her victims. Now that she can interact with her class again and has friends, any enemies should fear the day when Sayo remembers what she is truly capable of.

2. Yuna Akashi

Yuna pretty much likes everyone. Well that is with the exception of one Shizuna Minamoto. Frankly the Mahora teacher has been a little too friendly, almost flirtatious around her father one too many times. Therefore the sports club girl came to the most logical conclusion and decided that the bitch must die. Yuna plans to strike as soon as she can figure out the perfect murder weapon and alibi or save enough money to hire Mana, whichever comes first.

3. Kazumi Asakura

Kazumi's initial dream was not to become an investigation reporter. As a child she read comic books and really wanted to become a superhero. The reporter thing was just meant to serve as a good secret identity. As she got older and realized that she had a real talent in journalism, the dream faded. However, Kazumi now does have a magical spying power and a ghost sidekick so every once in a while she does give pause and thinks.

4. Yue Ayase

While Yue is known to be highly intelligent she is also a young girl and young girls have been known to do silly things. For example, Yue has a clown fetish. Ever since she was a young girl on her first trip to the circus and was handed a juice box by a smiling white makeup face, she hasn't stopped thinking about them. Yue loves clowns and gets excited about everything involving them from their silly clothes to their funny antics. Yue has managed to keep the fetish under control except for a couple of times during class when she has fantasized about Negi wearing a wig, big sized clown shoes, and hardly anything else.

5. Ako Izumi

The story of how Ako got the scar on her back is a long and complicated one that would take several hours and multiple pages to fully explain. The main factors that contributed to it were a young girl, a kidnapping, a secret lair, an evil villain, said villain telling the girl that she was an ugly prisoner, a secret agent, a rescue attempt, heroic and villain dialogue banter, and a bet being made on whether or not the girl could outrun the deadly panther that lived in the lair's death pit. Ako still being alive today is proof that the agent won the bet, albeit barely.

6. Akira Okochi

Akira Okochi is a lesbian. It's nothing that she is ashamed of and despite not bringing it up, she is sure that her friends would understand and not treat her any differently. The only issue was when she developed a bit of a crush on her classmate Ako. This was ironically at the same time that Ako was completely infatuated with Nagi. Akira briefly toyed with the idea of tracking down this older boy and telling him to stay away from her turf. The plan was quickly dropped after she learned Nagi was really Negi due to the emotional stress that this would cause Ako as well as the fact that Negi could retaliate against her with detention and bad grades.

7. Misa Kakizaki

With clothing malfunctions pretty much becoming a daily occurrence within the classroom, someone was bound to take notice of it. That person was Misa Kakizaki and while she was embarrassed when it happened to her, she also took the occurrences as a sign. Misa took the loss of clothing as a sign that she was one day destined to become a professional stripper. The more she thought on it, the more Misa realized that this was the perfect career for her. Her body is flexible from being a cheerleader, she has a love for dressing up in various costumes and most importantly Negi would be the perfect gentleman to test her skills on when he gets a bit older.

8. Asuna Kagurazaka

Asuna is far more intelligent and knowledgeable then people give her credit for. In fact that is one of the reason she took on the part time of delivering newspapers. Every day she keeps a copy of the paper for herself and makes sure to read over every single article. As such, Asuna knows more about current events then anyone else in her class, even her teacher. Asuna's intelligence isn't obvious because that she tends to act first and doesn't want to look like a nerd. Sadly this knowledge doesn't help with her bad school grades since Mahora Academy's curriculum is twenty years outdated.

9. Misora Kasuga

Believe it or not, Misora has not always the perfect religious figure that she is today. A year ago, the girl began to doubt her beliefs and in turn began to fall in with the wrong crowd. She was lured into joining a soulless cult of pure evil called the church of Scientology. Misora was about to sign away her life and money to the organization when her friends stopped her with a timely intervention. After several passionate speeches and Cocone hitting her on the head with a bible enough times to cause brain damage, Misora's faith was restored and she returned to the true light.

10. Chachamaru Karakuri

Chachamaru's has a very large memory bank that can hold countless terabytes of data. At the moment 28% of that countless memory is being used to store dating sim computer games. When the robot girl started to realize that she had an attraction to her teacher, she also immediately realized that there would be a good deal of competition. Therefore she began to download the romance games in order to research about love and see what boys like. Chachamaru now has several love subroutine programs, including such classics as the tsundere and yandere modes, which she can use to adapt to any romantic situation with Negi.

11. Madoka Kugimiya

In her spare time aside from cheerleading, Madoka is also a bit of an aspiring writer. More precisely, she is an aspiring yaoi writer. Most of her stories are Final Fantasy VII fanfics starring Cloud and Sephiroth since they are the greatest one true pairing of all time. However Madoka does also have one truly original work. Spanning multiple chapters of epic length, it is a tale of two teachers, one old, one young and their friendship turned scandalous affair that happens each afternoon when class is over. Entitled 'A Lesson in Love', the main characters are named Tegi and Nakamichi. These characters and events are in no way based on anyone in real life according to Madoka's disclaimer.

12. Ku Fei

Ku Fei's father is none other then Jack Rakan. No, really. Years ago, Jack was wandering the real world looking for adventure when he happened to bump into a beautiful woman. The two talked, flirted and nine months later after a one night stand, everyone's favourite Chinese martial artist came into being. When Ku Fei saw Rakan for the first time, she immediately saw the family resemblance and meant to talk to him. Unfortunately she was distracted by everyone pressuring her to kiss Negi in order to get a pactio and ended up forgetting all about it.

13. Konoka Konoe

As much as Konoka cares and loves her precious Secchan, that was not actually her first crush. Years earlier Konoka had feelings for another person, someone who was brave, always spoke her mind no matter what, and was always there to cheer Konoka up after one of her grandfather's attempts to set her up with a fiancé. The young girl would have acted on her feelings but she realized that they would not be returned. Her crush preferred someone that was older and also male. Instead Konoka just accepted that her love for Asuna was not meant to be and happily declared that she would stay by her friend's side no matter what.

14. Haruna Saotome

When Haruna saw the magical world for the first time, she was amazed by all the sights and wonders of this new world. So much that she quickly decided to conquer it and rule over it herself. Since then the artist has spent countless nights sketching nightmarish creatures to serve as her foot soldiers. During the day she secretly sets up situations to get more girls attracted to Negi, her potential biggest threat, so he will be too distracted by hormones to stop her. The fact that her two best friends could end up landing the boy of their dreams is just another advantage for the future genius dictator.

15. Setsuna Sakurazaki

Setsuna has a few things that she disliked, Tsukyomi and guys flirting with Konoka near the top of the list. But there is one thing that the swordswoman hates and truly despises more then anything out. That is the vile substance of pure unstoppable evil better known to the unsuspecting masses as curry. Ever since the day that her precious Ojo-sama's tongue was burned by the vile food, Setsuna has sworn a blood oath that she will take her revenge on curry everywhere or die trying. On a side note, Setsuna will also send the occasional death glares over at Satsuki since she was the one who served the food to Konoka in the first place.

16. Makie Sasaki

Makie Sasaki is not real. Makie has never existed. She is nothing more then an alias, a fake name and fake identity to hide someone and keep them safe from harm. Makie is in fact the long lost mother of Negi Springfield who was made to forget about her former life and believe that she was a young girl interested in gymnastics via magical age deceiving pills, plastic surgery, and mental reprogramming. Sadly the programming might be too good as Makie has yet to realize that her feeling towards Negi are motherly and not the romantic type.

17. Sakurako Shiina

To put it simply, Sakurako is the richest person in the class. Her riches come from a gambling addiction that started off with a few sports bets to get extra shopping money and soon escalated to high stake poker games against corporate executives with millions on the line. She even owns the deed to a casino which she plans to run after she graduates from school. Sakurako even offered jobs at the place to her good friends Madoka and Misa. They both turned her down though figuring that she was joking just like the time she told them that her father was a secret agent.

18. Mana Tatsumiya

Many have speculated on how Mana developed her incredible sniper skills. Was she in some sort of black ops program as a child? Did it have to do with her pactio made with her mysterious former partner? Perhaps it is a mystical innate ability? The answer is actually much simpler. As a child Mana played shooting video games and developed her gun skills from countless hours and high scores. Mana still has several of the old gun game accessories although they have been redesigned to be a lot more deadly.

19. Chao Lingshen

When Chao threatened to reveal who Negi would end up marrying with a book of her family history, she was bluffing. It was a bluff that was necessary in order to guarantee the safety and stability of the future. None of the girls were ready at that point to learn the horrible truth: that after being around scantily clad girls all the time during his childhood, Negi would eventually get bored of the female form and decide to take a life of celibacy. Ironically when Chao said she was Negi's descendant that part was true. She just neglected to mention that it involved artificial insemination and that someday Negi would have some samples of his sperm stolen.

20. Kaede Nagase

Kaede is secretly the heir to the Koga ninja clan and with that there is a great task that only she can perform. Even since she was a little girl, Kaede has trained endless to become powerful enough for the task. The thoughts and prayers of her people are what drive her towards that fateful day. The day when Kaede must track down Masashi Kishimoto, kick his ass in a fight, and show him what a true ninja is thus restoring honour and respect to their title, de gozaru.

21. Chizuru Naba

One must have a soul in order to create a pactio. Therefore Chizuru Naba is automatically eliminated from the running. She has not had a soul for several years as she freely gave it away to her lord and master, the devil. Chizuru's fake kind and loving nature has helped lead countless innocents over to the side of lord Beelzebub. After all, it is always the one that you least expect.

22. Fuka Narutaki

Fuka Narutaki's secret involves her sister's origin. The truth is that Fumkia Narutaki is not the first person to have that name. The original Fumika passed away in childbirth immediately after Fuka was born. Her parents were devastated at losing one of their daughters. In their despair they turned to genetic cloning to create a new child from Fuka's DNA. Fuka learned the truth by accidently overhearing her parents talking about it but decided not to tell Fumika because she doesn't want her sister to think any less of herself.

23. Fumika Narutaki

Fumika Narutaki's secret involves her sister's origin. The truth is that Fuka Narutaki is not the first person to have that name. The original Fuka passed away in childbirth immediately before Fumika was born. Her parents were devastated at losing one of their daughters. In their despair they turned to genetic cloning to create a new child from Fumika's DNA. Fumika learned the truth by accidently overhearing her parents talking about it but decided not to tell Fuka because she doesn't want her sister to think any less of herself. However, she does secretly gloat that she is really the older sister when her twin is not nearby.

24. Satomi Hakase

If anyone asked the class of 3-A who has the biggest crush on their teacher, most would probably say Nodoka or Ayaka. They would be completely wrong as Satomi has even deeper affections for the boy mage. Intelligence is the biggest turn on for Satomi and a ten year cute teacher was too much for her heart to bear. Her adoration only increased when she learned how much of an accomplished mage Negi was. Sadly, Satomi has no confidence to admit her love to him amidst so many other cute girls competing for him. So for now Satomi will watch Negi from afar with the hidden cameras she installed in Chachamaru's body while perfecting her love beam ray gun.

25. Chisame Hasegawa

Chisame has the largest underwear collection in the classroom. A large portion of it is for the cosplay outfits she wears as Chiu but Chisame has increased her collection twice since then. The first time was when she learned about the existence of magic and calculated that 40% of all things magical involved females having their clothes destroyed. The second time was when she was in the magic world and started to constantly stay in the form of a small girl, something she actually enjoys quite a lot.

26. Evangeline A.K. McDowell

Evangeline's secret existed in a specific spot, a hidden room in a secret passage deep within her resort. By unfortunate luck, Chachazero accidently stumbled across the room one day and witnessed the horrible sight within. The doll was never the same; she would randomly cry or tremble and completely loss the urge to kill. It got so bad that Evangeline ended up having to cast a spell to erase Chachazero's memories. Just before the spell was cast, Chachazero tearfully asked why her master was an obsessed fan of Twilight. The only response the doll got was a cold emotionless stare.

27. Nodoka Miyazaki

Unbeknownst to the rest of the class, Nodoka has a small part time job. She actually serves as a love advice columnist under the secret identity of the Author of Affection. Thanks in part to Nodoka reading over every book involving romance and sex in the Mahora library, the Author of Affection has an incredible track record of giving near perfect advice and receives a ton of letters every week. Now if only Nodoka could be confident enough to use her knowledge in real life, then she wouldn't have to worry so much about the competition for Negi's heart.

28. Natsumi Murakami

As a young girl, Natsumi never liked the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The way she sees it, the wolf didn't do anything wrong. He was just desperately hungry for food and was brutally attacked by a hunter instead of anyone offering to help him. Whenever Natsumi sees Kotaro and wonders why she doesn't mind having the dog hanyo living with her, she thinks of that old story. She also uses these thoughts as an excuse for her conscience when she has inappropriate sexual dreams about the young boy.

29. Ayaka Yukihiro

Ayaka Yukihiro belongs to a family that is not only quite rich but filled with several practises and traditions going back decades. And no tradition is more important then the females of the family to learn the ancient art of being a dominatrix. When she has breaks from school, Ayaka is taught about all the techniques by her mother who learned from her mother before. Once is fully trained and certified, Ayaka plans to invite Negi as a guest to see her personal dungeon inside her home. She might also let Asuna come along and stay for a few days in order to get back at the girl for beating her in their last fight.

30. Satsuki Yotsuba

Satsuki Yotsuba is the ultimate evil mastermind behind everything. She is the one who made Nagi Springfield disappear and arranged for Negi's village to be attacked when he was a little boy. She has secretly been controlling the actions of people like Chao, Fate, Kurt Godel, and even Haruna. All these events and people are nothing more then minor ingredients in her recipe of doom. For now, Satsuki stays in the shadows occasionally tossing in a spice of interference when needed to make sure things go as planned. When the final conflict arrives she will strike and be unstoppable just like how no one is able to resist that delicious piece of pie even after being full from the main course.

31. Zazie Rainyday

Zazie Rainyday's secret is the greatest one of them all. Her favourite type of jam is orange marmalade.

Author's Note: Special thanks to both Nankotsu and Gash for helping me come with some of the crazy ideas for this thing. You guys are the best.