I know, I know, it's been forever since I updated. I got caught up in He Comes First. Now that that story is finished, I'l finish this one. Since it's been so long since I updated, you all probably forgot what the story was about and what happened last, so here's a brief synopsis.

Adrian and Daphne are no longer Strigoi, Rose and Dimitri were on their honeymoom when Strigoi showed up and Christian proposed to Lissa, who accepted. Now for the conclusion.

I don't own Vampire Academy and probably never will.

Rose POV - in the near future

"I'm so excited for her. Aren't you excited?" I ask Dimitri as we get dressed for the graduation ceremony at St Vlads. I look over to my very sexy husband and see the long scars on the side of his torso that he got from a Strigoi fight on our honeymoon. Damn monsters thought they could ruin my romantic moment strolling on the beach with my new husband. Well, they quickly learned not to mess with the Belikov's when they're on vacation. Unfortunately, it was a lesson they'll never have a chance to utilize since we killed them all. One of the Strigoi Dimitri was fighting made the mistake of clawing him in front of me. Yeah, he didn't last long on this earth after that.

"Yes, I'm excited. She's worked very hard to get to this point. I'm very proud of her." he tells me. We just finish getting dressed when there's a knock on the door. We're staying at the guest quarters at the academy to see our girl graduate and get her promise mark. I walk over and answer the door to see my favorite newlyweds standing there.

"Hey Little Dhampir, how's it feel to back here?" Adrian asks while holding Daphne's hand as they walk into our room. They just got married about six months ago in a big ceremony at Court. He is the Queen's nephew after all. Everything was way over the top if you ask me, but nobody did. Daphne was so beautiful in a very frilly, very expensive white dress with a train a mile long. I was honored to be her maid of honor with Lissa, Rose Ann, Mia and Katie as her bridesmaids. Peter was Adrian's best man since they've gotten to be great friends through practicing Spririt together.

"It's crazy. Walking down the halls I have the weird feeling like I'm running late for class." I laugh.

"Maybe because you always were." Dimitri adds walking up to us. I turn and give him a dirty look.

"No one asked you." I tell him. Just then, Lissa and Christian walk through the door that I didn't shut.

"Man, this place hasn't changed a bit." Christian says as he greets us. Lissa walks over and hugs everyone. Lissa and Christian got married about a year after Dimitri and I. It was a very traditional and classic wedding. Everything Lissa has dreamed it would be since she was twelve. Of course, I had to make the sure the bachorlette party was classic too. You know, male strippers and lots of booze. It was great. You know it was a good party when most of the guests can't even remember what happened the following morning. Thankfully, Peter made sure he was available to heal those of us who were pretty plastered so we could get throught the ceremony. A pissed Lissa on her wedding day was not something I wanted to experience.

"Alright, Are we ready to go? I'll call the others and have them meet us downstairs." I pick up my phone and call Alex and Rose Ann's room and then Eddie and Katie to have them meet us. Both couples are going strong and still working with us breaking up Strigoi cells throughout the world. It's really the only way we Dhampir couples can stay together without compromising our charges. Just as I'm about to call Jacob, he walks in the room like he owns the place.

"Let's go see all the fresh meat graduating and entering the free world. I'm sure I can find some good looking graduate to unwrap my gift." he says looking down at his pants. Still as much of a pig as ever. He and Viktoria didn't last very long, much to Dimitri's excitement. Now he just dates random women he encounters at bars and charms with his heroic tales of fighting Strigoi. I must admit it works pretty well for him.

"Jacob, you're such a lecherous ass." I remind him as we all start heading out the door. We see the others waiting for us and we all walk over to the gym wear the ceremony will be held.

"Where's Peter?" Alex asks as we walk.

"He's already there saving us seats." Christian tells us. We get there and there are lots of people standing around talking amongst themselves. I crane my neck looking for our friend but there are too many people in my way. Thankfully, my husband is exceptionally tall and finds Peter fairly quickly.

"He's over there, in the front." he points. I push my way through the crowd until I get to my destination. I give Peter a hug and take one of the available seats.

"How's Mia doing?" I ask. He beams at me when I mention her name. Peter finally popped the question and they eloped only taking Katie and Eddie with them. I was a little upset I didn't get to come, but I was busy helping Lissa with her wedding plans. They're pretty private but they let us throw them a party when they got back.

"She great. She's.." Kirova interrupts whatever Peter was going to say when she announces that they were getting started and for everyone to take their seats. We all did as asked. I'm so excited to see her get her promise mark, I can't sit still. Dimitri has to literally put his hand on my leg and hold it down to stop my foot from tapping like a jackhammer.

"Calm down Roza. You'd think you were the one becoming a guardian." he whispers in my ear. I can't help it. Kirova and Alberta get on stage and start with their speeches which I barely register as I think back to all the combat lessons and trainings we went through with her and how proud I am of her for getting this far. They're starting to announce the names and I notice I'm holding my breath waiting for her name to be called. Finally, she's next.

"Mia Badica." Alberta calls as our whole group jumps up and starts screaming and hollaring for our girl. Mia is the first Moi to become and sanctioned guardian. She sees us and waves with the biggest smile on her face. After we left Russia, Mia enrolled at St Vlads to be a guardian. It took a lot of convincing on our part for Kirova to accept her. But after Mia demonstrated what she already knew by sparring with me, she was enrolled. Now, two years later, she finished what she started and is making history. I wipe away the tear I feel rolling down my cheek as I remember how hard she's worked to get here.

After it's over, we find her in the crowd and practically knock her down in a group hug. "May I congratulate my wife." Peter asks as he pulls Mia away from the rest of us and gives her a proper, passion filled kiss that makes me blush a little. Damn, Peter. You've come a long way from that shy kid I met a few years ago. I'm impressed.

We decide to take Mia out to celebrate at a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks. "So I assume that you'll request for Mia to be your guardian now since she's your wife after all." Katie asks Peter. Katie is officially his guardian, but with our group, we all just watch after each other.

"Yes, I've already done that. And, we also have some other news to share with you all." Peter says to us then looks over to Mia to finish telling us the news.

"Well, Kirova asked us if both Peter and I would like to stay at St Vlads. Peter would teach Spirit in the new program they've started. St. Vlads will be the premier academy for Spirit users since it's still not an element many have. I will be a school guardian and help teach Moroi in the new offensive magic program. I'll be teaching Moroi in hand to hand combat." The entire table is quiet for a few moments while we digest this news.

"That's wonderful." Lissa exclaims, the first to speak up. We all give them our best wishes but I feel a little bad because I know how much I'm going to miss them. Even with Mia training at school, Peter would come with us on our raids to help heal anyone who was injured. We still have Lissa and Adrian though. After we all eat, I feel Lissa getting overly excited and nervous through the bond all of a sudden.

"What's up Lissa?" I ask. She can't hide anything from me. She gives me a big smile and looks over to Christian.

"Well, we have some news also. Christian and I are going to have a baby in about six months. I'm pregnant!" she squeels. Holy cow! I jump up and grab Lissa tight, I'm so excited.

"I'm going to be an Auntie." I exclaim. I so plan on spoiling this baby. It's the first of our group so of course it's going to be smothered in love. Everyone congratulates the happy couple as I lean against Dimitri, happy to see my friends so happy.

In the years to come, our original group of eleven grew to eighteen. Lissa and Christian have three boys and a girl. Adrian and Daphne have one of each and Mia and Peter have a little boy. Adrian and Daphne offered to help Dimitri and I have a baby by donating Adrian's sperm. Of course, Adrian offered to deliver his seed the old fashioned way, which pissed Dimitri off. We discussed it, but decided that our role exterminating the world of Strigoi was more important and that having children would hamper that greatly. Plus, if I have a baby, I'd want Dimtri's genes to live on in our child. So we just love on every else's kids until we've had enough and give them back to their parents. It works out great. Whenever we go on assignments, the couple with the kids will leave one to care for the family. It works out well, especially since the number of Strigoi cells has decreased greatly over the years. We don't have to go on raids very often anymore. The Moroi and Dhampis populations are on the rise, thanks to the work we do. Something that we are all proud to have had a hand in.

The End

Short chapter, I know, but I think it wraps up pretty well. Thank you for reading this story and leaving such wonderful reviews.