NEW STORY! YAY! Ok, so have you seen Max Keeble's Big Move? I got the idea for this story from that movie! (Haha) Except this is Samantha Forster style. Anyway, the first 6 chapters are already written for this, so be sure to leave lots of reviews so I can post the next chapter! Enjoy, let me know what you think :)

Wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy...

I was awake, but I definitely did not feel like P. Diddy. I slapped the top of my clock trying to find the off button. Stupid alarms...stupid school.

Before I leave brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack...

No thanks Ke$ha. Besides, my dad is a more of a Jim Bean kinda guy. Finally, I had found the button to shut off my alarm. Rolling over with a groan I stared at the time.

Five o'clock in the morning.

The sun wasn't even up! Why should I be? I rolled out of bed and landed on the cold hard wood floor with a thunk. With my blanket still wrapped around me I crawled to my closet in search for something decent.

A pair of wrinkled jeans and an old tie dye shirt. I was good to go. I pulled on my well planned outfit--that I found on the floor--and yawned. Gram would certainly have something to say. She had tried to take me shopping but I refused. It's not like I would wear any of it anyway, I like what I already had...why waste money? That and she also didn't want to take me to the thrift store where I do my usual shopping.

"You need to stop wearing everybody else out dated and baggy clothes. How about a nice skirt?" She had said. I bolted from the room once I heard the word: skirt.

Gram constantly badgered me about me clothes. I guess men's flannels and some 1980 brown corduroys weren't her style. But they were mine so she just pursed her lips and shook her head at my rolled up hems and beaten up Converse.

I grabbed my beaten up messenger bag and trudged down the stairs. First day of school was always the worse. There was something worse about waking up for school than waking up for a cattle drive. Maybe it was because I hated school and just about everyone in it...with an exception of a few people. The kitchen light was already on when I came down stairs and I could smell the delicious sweet smell of cinnamon rolls. My favorite.

When I pushed open the swinging door I found Gram and dad hunched over the kitchen table looking at The Book. I groaned at the sight of it and let my messenger bag fall to the floor by my chair.

I snagged a cinnamon roll off of the plate Gram had already set out for me and took a too big a bite.

"Reawy, 'dis earwy in the mornin'?" I said with a mouthful of gooey sweetness. Gram lifted her eyes from The Book and gave me a warning look.

Don't talk with your mouthful.

She looked back down at the book and I shrugged. As long as it wasn't me that had to go through it. Although, according to dad I was going to start learning how to keep The Book.

The Book was what made River Bend run. It was the financial book. Basically, it had every record to everything...basically; I thought it was just a giant pain in the butt. And dad wanted me to start taking some responsibility for it. Great.

Right now Gram was in charge of the book; my mom had once helped her, before her car accident. Dad was always busy with the work-work so Gram was stuck doing it by herself. But recently I've come to find them both huddled over it whispering only for them to stop as soon as I'd enter the room. It was fishy. But in all honesty, I was kind of glad they weren't dragging me into it, like I said, I hated The Book. I finished my first cinnamon roll in three bites, earning another look from Gram as I sucked the icing off my fingers before reaching for another.

Dad shook his head with a sigh and slammed The Book shut. I gulped down my cinnamon roll with a glass of milk wiping my mouth with my arm.

"For heaven's sake Samantha, use a napkin!" Gram said setting a stack of napkins in front of me. I took one and wiped the sticky stuff off on my arm. Gram tsked. "You'd think we taught you know manners."

She shook her head and refilled my glass. Looking up she grabbed a strand of my dirty messy hair. "Did you even brush this?" She asked trying to comb her fingers through it and hitting a knot.

I smacked her hand away with a squeak. "Ow! No...I happen to like bed head."

Gram frowned. "When was the last time you even took a shower?" She took my now empty plate off the table and rinsed it off in the sink.

"Look at the time...I'm going to be late." No I wasn't. But I knew Gram was just getting started. Next she'll say something about my dirty wrinkled clothes and I wasn't up for that on the first day of school. I was going to have enough crap to deal with as it is.

I grabbed my bag from the floor and kissed dad on the head as I passed.

"Bye dad," I said opening the door. He was already in The Book again.

"Bye, hun. Love you," he didn't look up from The Book. I knew something big was up but I was afraid to ask.

I hopped down the porch steps and nearly tripped over Blaze who excitedly wagged his tail at me. I scratched him behind the ears with out stopping and he followed me to the bridge.

Maybe they were making some awful lesson plan. Or maybe, they were second guessing giving me partial responsibility to The Book.

Shrugging off thoughts of The Book, I kicked a rock off the bridge and into the river and let my thoughts wonder to school. I was finally a sophomore.


"I like the hair," Jen said as I slid into the seat beside her on the bus. I was sure it was sticking out in every direction. My hair has recently become a species of its own and it was completely untamable. I tried taking scissors to it and managed to make it look like a choppy mess, so much for getting those cute layers everyone had now.

"You even gave yourself bangs," Jen said smoothing down a piece that stood up like I was Alfalfa.

"Ok laugh it out. I hacked it...," I said shaking some hair into my face.

Jen smiled. "No I actually really do like it. It suits you...but it's still really long."

I didn't have the heart to cut off the length. I had done that once and had looked like I was about six. My brave soul was not that brave.

"Besides, it'll probably piss Jake off," Jen said smiling more. She just loved anything that made Jake mad.

"Why would he care...or better yet why would I care?" I asked a little annoyed that she would even bring that up. It was my hair. I could cut it if I wanted to...besides he had cut his and I never said anything.

She shook her head and looked out the window, still smiling, but this time a smile that said she knew something that I didn't. But she wasn't sharing.


"Well this is it! Our first official day as sophomores!" Jen said excitedly, she looked like she was ready to burst from excitement.

Me on the other hand...

"Thanks for reminding me we still have Junior and Senior year left," I grumbled putting the strap to my bag over my shoulder.

The front of the school was crowded with kids, some returning, and some here for the first time. Girls hugged and squealed, as if they hadn't seen each other in forever when in actuality they probably just saw each other yesterday. I guess it was different when you saw each other in this hell hole.

"Well, I'm going to home room," I said and began pushing my way through the crowds.

"Sam! Wait up!" Jen shoved her way after me. I paused, waiting for her to catch up. She came up behind me puffing. "Jeez, people are so rude...," she mumbled fixing herself. "Anyway we still have like ten minutes until the bell rings."

I looked at the buzzing crowd and back at Jen. "Sounds good enough for a nap," I began walking again, shoving some blonde bimbo's who glared at me, I just smiled. Jen was muttering behind me, she grabbed my arm.

"I'll see you later then?" She asked. It was obvious she wanted to see some of her other friends. Which was fine with me, I just wanted to get to somewhere quiet and right now that place seemed like it would be home room.

I shrugged, yawned and waved her off. "We ride the bus together you ninny." No duh we would see each other later. Jen rolled her eyes and smiled before disappearing back into the crowd.

I turned to start heading my way towards home room once again and collided with someone. They screeched making me flinch and peeking through closed eye lids I saw Rachel and her group glaring at me. Opening my eyes all the way I had to keep from laughing. Rachel had a big wet spot right smack in the middle of her shirt.

I snorted and coughed to try to cover it. "Top o' the mornin'," I said tipping my head as if I had a hat and tried to shove my way past once again. But was stopped by a line of brain washed Rachel wanna-be's.

"Look at what you did you imbecile!" Rachel yelled causing a few heads to turn.

I applauded her use of a semi-big word. "Actually I did nothing; you were the one holding the drink in an insecure fashion." I smiled and earned glares from the Rachels. It was as if their brains were some how intertwined with hers...their timing was impeccable.

"There was nothing wrong with the way I was holding my drink! Do you know how much this shirt cost?" She wailed, people now began to stare.

I squinted my eyes pretending to study her shirt. It was white with some odd large paisley pattern. "I hope not too much...," I muttered letting my distaste coat the words.

She glared. "Let me put it this way. More than that hunk of dirt you call your home cowgirl," she said through gritted teeth.

And just like that my humor was gone.

I snatched the remaining drink from her hand and poured it over her head. The groupies gasped and Rachel screamed. Now we had an audience.

"How dare you!" She screamed. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. I shoved the empty cup into her chest and she grabbed it on reflex. "You are going to pay. You and that dump. I'm going to make sure that little pony of yours becomes my little Shih Tzu's Alpo!" She sneered.

Acidic rage built like a toxic ball behind my collar bone, threatening to choke me. I lunged forward and everyone gasped. My momentum was stopped and my body was jarred. Someone had grabbed a handful of my shirt by the nape of my neck. I toppled back into something hard, their shadow falling over me.

Jake glared and looked down at me, he was still holding me up by my shirt and if he let go I would fall right on my butt. Thankfully, he didn't. "I think that's enough Brat."

I found my footing again and tried to twist out of his grasp, he grabbed me around the waist and started carrying my like a sack of potato's. I thrashed and kick but he never let go. Even when I screamed at him to let me go. The crowd parted like the red sea and I did the last thing that I could matter how childish.

I stuck my tongue out at Rachel.

Jake opened the bed of his truck and tossed me inside of it. I scrambled into a crouching position, ready to pounce. Jake just shook his head.

"Don't even try it. I will hang you on the flag post by your granny underpants." He warned, I glared at him.

"I do not wear granny panties." I growled and sprung. Jake caught me and set me back down hard onto my butt. He held me down and shook me.

"Cool it!" He said finally, not yelling but his voice stern. It was enough to make me sit still. Jake sighed. "Thank you." He sat down on the truck beside me, rubbing his hand over his face. We sat quietly, me twiddling my thumbs, imagining making Rachel into Alpo for her sorry excuse of a dog.

"School hasn't even started yet and you can't keep yourself outta trouble...," he muttered shaking his head. A hint of a smile played at his lips. "I can't believe you poured her own drink over her head." He said trying not to laugh.

I did laugh earning a smack to the back of my head.

"Don't laugh, Brat. You know you are going to be in trouble...what'll Wyatt say?"

I sobered. Dad was going to be furious, so would Gram. Rachel surely would go tattle and the school will call home...oh jeez.

"Why do I even hang around you?" He asked shaking his head, the smiled still teasing his lips. I couldn't help but smile.

"Because everyone else is too damn boring."

He shoved me off the truck and hopped down after me. He paused staring at me; it was uncomfortable to have him looking at me like that, like he was studying me. I squirmed.

"You're freaking me out Golly Green Giant." I said looking away and pretending to fix my bag.

"You cut your hair." It was a question and oddly enough it sounded like an accusation.

"No the boogey man did." I said sarcastically. Jake rolled his eyes and shoved me towards the school.

"Seriously, Brat. How old are you?" He asked following me towards the school.

I held up five fingers. "This many!" And slapped him on the head; taking off towards home room before he could hang me off the flag post by my underwear.