I own nothing. This is dedicated to my good friend, Judailuvr911!

The case was so close to being completed. Everyone was waiting on Holmes' answer. And at the moment the detective was sitting in his chair by the fire, smoking his pipe. He was in deep thought it seemed.

Watson sat across from him, absent-mindedly toying with his cane.

He jumped when Holmes suddenly stood and said,

"This isn't working."

Watson looked at him strangely, "What do you mean Holmes?"

"I mean that I just can't think like this anymore," Holmes tossed his pipe onto the desk. Watson suggested he play his violin, but Holmes just shook his head, certain that that was not going to work either.

Holmes then smirked. "I think I know how…"

Watson looked at him curiously, "How?"

Suddenly, the doctor was pulled into a soul searing tongue war. His thoughts went blank. But Holmes didn't even tell him what it was!

"Holmes--" he tried to force them apart to ask him what it was, but Holmes just pressed harder against him,

"Silence, Watson."

They did this for a little while, until Holmes abruptly stood back up, breaking the kiss.

"I've solved it! Come Watson, we haven't much time!" he ran over and grabbed his coat.

Watson's eyes widened, shocked.

"Holmes…were you thinking about the case that whole time?!"

Review please!! And thanks for the help Bri! ^_^