I don't own Merlin. I do, however, own this failure of a fic. Silly plotbunnies, biting me while I'm meant to be sleeping!


"Take off my shirt," a stern voice commanded, "and that's an order."

The servant nodded dutifully, fingers trembling as they fumbled with the drawstrings.


The man purred, biting his lip afterward, trying desperately to hold back the giggles that were forming in his throat. The dam broke abruptly, making Merlin laugh out loud, startling the prince at his feet.

"For God's sake, Arthur, I can't believe you can be this serious all the time."

The prince scowled dramatically then burst into chuckles himself, barely able to hold himself up.

"Because I'm royalty, Merlin, but I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Merlin pouted, God how Arthur loved that pout, and he couldn't help but kiss that sad look off his lovers face.

"Cut it out, you!" Merlin laughed, pushing the other man away, "we still need to finish this, remember?"

He was speaking, of course, about the re-living of their first time (with a few changes, of course.) They'd been drunk that time, outrageously so, and Arthur was being a bossy prat, as usual. But Merlin didn't really mind it when the pratting led to fucking, really he didn't. Somewhere in the usual flirtatious banter of the day, they'd decided they should do it again, but switch roles. God knows how it came about, but they both decided it was a wonderful idea and would happen that evening, princely duties be damned.

"Ok, ok fine. Where were we, oh prince?"

Arthur asked with a cheeky grin, raising an eyebrow as he snuck a hand under the hem of Merlin's tunic.

"Oh, sod it!"

Merlin yelled, dragging Arthur by the hand to his king-sized (pardon the pun) bed.

"Now Merlin, I may have been drunk, but I'm sure I don't remember ever saying that."

Grinning from ear to giant ear, the young warlock straddled his prince, nuzzling his neck.

"For all you know, you could've! Now, kiss me, manservant!"

Arthur complied and thinks that maybe, just maybe, taking orders wasn't so bad after all.