Disclaimer: I don't own anything.


Little hell


"Oh and by the way, I know all about your lie. I know you love me still. I figured it out a long time ago. I understand why. I would have done anything for you and I don't know about you, but I would never leave you" The trembling still had not stopped, in fact it increased. My body felt achy but I felt powerful

Edward looked back confused but started backing away as I shook angrily. I understood.

"Alice there's clothes in the trunk." I said before I busted out of my clothes.

Everything went black for a few seconds, and my body ached ten times worse than after any workout I'd ever endured. I sat looking at the ground and after about a few minutes I was able to regain control over my senses. I looked around at everything that was occurring around me. I saw a bronze haired god being held back by some shirtless men, and a small pixie like woman in front of the bronze haired god, seemingly trying to calm him down. I looked to my side and saw a massive creature to my left.

"What's going on?" I tried to ask. I heard a loud whimper instead. I tilted my head and attempted to stand and I looked down at my body and heard a bark instead of a scream when all I saw was fur. Everywhere fur! All of it was brown or deep burgundy. I tried walking and failed. I whimpered and gave up not being able to do anything. I felt something wet poke my side and I looked and found two familiar eyes. Black eyes that made me feel so safe and secure. Jacob made an effort to try and show me how to walk and after a few tries I was able to get up and start walking around. Then I tilted my head, and remembered that within the pack, they were able to speak to each other telepathically.

As I wondered this, I was suddenly bombarded with loud thoughts. The loudest were Jacob's. All he could wonder is how this was possible and the three other wolves that were phased were thinking something along the same lines.

Jacob? How do I change back? Please help me!

After giving me a lengthy speech about how to phase back, and letting me walk behind a large bush, I relaxed and felt my body tingle from head to toe. Alice quickly dropped a pair of shorts, underwear, a tank top, and flip flops. I just hoped Edward didn't make me mad again – EDWARD! Where was that son of a bitch? I wasn't finished speaking to him!

Strangely , I knew exactly where he was without being told. He was facing away from me, speaking quietly and quickly to Alice, who looked past him and at me. My anger and my trembling slowly faded, just as his face came into view.

This is where I stopped breathing, and my face turned red. Edward stood there, and I could have sworn he was glowing. Our eyes connected and I felt as if my whole world paused for a moment, and started spinning again, and he was my world. My heart was beating frantically and I could no longer hold it in. I ran towards him as fast as I could and my heart sank as he stepped away. My body immediately felt the rejection and continued running.

I heard Alice screaming at Edward that I was just going to hug him. I kept running until I found a small lake and sat at the edge, sobbing into my knees. I knew that Edward was behind me and I quickly turned to face him.

"What now you want me, after you left me then rejected me?"

"Are you going to let me talk?" I giggled slightly at his light tone, and nodded. He came closer to me and asked-with his eyes- if he could sit. After giving him a nod of permission, he took a seat, and seemed to look at the water,

"Bella, I love you. Before I say anything else, I need you to know that I always have and always will love you. No matter what I do or say, I have never stopped loving you. Secondly, I have no idea what in the world happened back there. I am extremely flabbergasted. It was amazing and you are beautiful you have no idea how beautiful you are. I apologize for making you feel rejected, and I'll never in my existence find a way to forgive myself for leaving you. I am not requesting that you take me back. All I ask is that you tell me one thing. Am I too late, or have you already moved on?"

I stared at him without saying anything for a few seconds just thinking, and started to speak, but he stood to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" I shouted as he stood. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. He seemed to shine as a beautiful toothy grin spread across his face; he pulled my hand and lifted me up, hugging me from my waist and kissing me fiercely with an animalistic passion I didn't recognize. Humming electricity ran through every fiber of my being.

"Edward I love you so much. Just one thing though." He nodded for me to continue. "I imprinted on you and I don't think I would survive if you ever left me again."

"I adore you Bella, I'll never leave you unless you order me away."

He let me down, and motioned for me to walk with him back to my car. We walked through the forest hand in hand in relative silence. Every once in a while he would pull me close, and kiss the crown of my head. We finally got to my car and I heard him hum in approval as he looked at my baby.

"How did you afford this?"

"I have my ways." I smiled and grabbed the keys Alice had placed under the car. I slid in to the driver's seat after Edward insisted he open the door for me. We finally arrived at my house and I could see a fuming Alice standing in front of my window

"Oh-no! What does she want?" Edward shrugged his shoulders.

I walked into my house in fear. I ran up the stairs two at a time wanting to get it over with.

Alice stood at my bedroom door and simply said:


A/N I'm so sorry it's been so long! I've been going through some rough times, and I can't promise when will be the next time I update any of my stories.

I chose the song Northern wind by City and Colour because i can imagine Edward singing this to Bella as an apology.

(You are all four seasons
Rolled into one
Like the cold December snow
In the warm July sun

I'm the jet black sky
That's just before the rain
Like the mighty current
Pulling you under the waves

Oh my love
Oh my love
Oh my love
You don't know what you do to me
To me
I'm the darkest hour
Just before the dawn
And I'm slowly sinking
Into the slough of despond)

If I get enough reviews I'll update sooner!