Hey Guys! I'm at the moment rewriting this. Chapter 1-4 are new, the rest is still in work. Before I'm finished there'll be no updates, but it won't be long anymore. Hold on. :-) To everyone who already knows the story: There'll be only minor details changed. Like my horrible language... Uuh.

All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players
That have their exits and their entrances..
[William Shakespeare]

Earth, Germany, winter 2010

I hate winter time.I mean, no, I don't. I like the winter. I like the snow crushing under my feet, I like when it's white and clean everywhere for the first few hours after the snow fell. I love to have long walks because it's all quiet and peaceful. No one is out except for furry dogs and laughing kids. The atmosphere is wonderful.

There is just one think I like more than snow- warmth.

And, depressing as it is, it's a fact that when there is snow, the sun went on vacation. Means it is not warm. And this, to come to the final conclusion, is why I sit in my room in front of a computer and freeze to death. Which would be a tragedy, a loss for mother earth, and.. You get the message.

With a sigh I close my laptop, causing it to shut down. A walk would be nice. Winter clothes… Thick boots… It doesn't make a difference to my situation at hand. Call me crazy, but it actually seems to be warmer out there than it is inside this big house all alone. Honestly, I am wrapped tight into two blankets and the thought of watering my shoes with snow seems like summer vacation for me. I bet my heating's broken. I'll have to call a mechanic or something. Another sigh escapes my lips- this is just great.

I have holidays now- well, I have a private teacher, but anyway. My mum and dad went off for work and left me alone, and they don't want anyone to sneak in and maybe steal something. My mum's pretty paranoid. So no one's here except for a cleaning lady and the cook who stops by twice a day to feed me.

Help me! I'm bored!

- Okay, the second I start talking to imaginary audience is definitely the time I need to get out.

Earth, USA, summer ? (is this even the same Universe?)

"-with this new modifications. In fact, we'd be able to literally dematerialize and rematerialize at another place and maybe even time… We could watch out founding fathers sign the declaration of independence! Maybe we can discover a cure for cancer… Or sneak into Einstein's lab…"

Hamato Michelangelo moves uneasily from one side to another while he listens to his brother. He hates to admit it, but he only understands about half of what he is told. This doesn't disturb Hamato Donatello at all, though. The mutated teenage turtle genius just goes on rambling, underlined with dramatic gestures and a swinging wrench, while he adjusts more screws on this biggest machine ever. That's Mikey's name for it. He came up with the idea right after the first glance, and he's pretty proud of himself.

"Uh, Leo", he whispers towards his oldest brother. Hamato Leonardo sits next to him on the old blue couch, reading a book. He doesn't even look up now, but a slight nod indicates that he's listening. So Mikey goes on. "What", he whispers, "is he talking about?"

"Time travels, I think", Leo murmurs absent mindedly only to add euphorically, "but did you know that in 1437 the great Japanese samurai-"

Mikey has to decide quickly between a) listening to Donatello babbling about atoms or b) listening to Leonardo about some ancient warriors. There's not much of a decision. Choosing c), looking after Hamato Raphael, he frantically jumps up and dashes away from the sofa. "Uh. Right, Raphie-boy, be right there with yo- ouch!"

The last sound is caused by him walking straight into his older brother's plastron and landing on his butt.

"Ya want somet'ing", the normally red-masked turtle smirks as he offers his youngest family member a hand. Blushing deeply, Mikey takes it and lets Raph pull him up. "Yeah, did you not say you wanted- pizza", he asks somewhat lame. Raphael already doesn't pay him attention anymore. Adjusting the red mask hanging around his neck over his amber eyes, he approaches the sofa. "What dis", he asks disgusted at the sight of the big machine. Don appears from behind it, his hands covered with oil. A huge grin is plastered across his face. "Nice question! You see, with this baby", he pats the metallic monster, "we can hopefully de- and rematerialize using atom molecule defasering… "

"'S ugly", Raph snorts, disinterested in this conversation as well. Turning around, he makes a step towards the kitchen. "Ya said s'met'in 'bout pizza", he asks Mikey walking past him. The orange-banded turtle sighs in relief. "Thanks- I mean, yeah. Let's-"

"Watch out, Donnie, something's loosening over there", they hear Leo say behind their shells and then - a shocked yelp coming from their genius brother. They turn in time to see something huge and metallic crashing down on the spot Don's been just a second ago- before the leader pushed him aside.

"Whoa!" Mikey shouts and quickly runs over, followed by Raphael. "You OK, Donster?"

Donnie seems less injured and more angry. Pushing himself off the floor, he curses something under his breath and kicks the machine in a sudden flash of anger,

And the next second
Everything is