BOO-YAHH~ Okay, first fanfic. It may be cheesy but at least I tried! Last names=not required.

Okay, so this will be about Big Time Rush3 I got into –dramatic music- OBSESSiON!

So enjoy…MUA HA HA HA H- -chokes- Our narrator is choking. So read it by yourselves. –CPR-

P.S.-Doesn't the first lyrics look like a star wand?

P.P.S. - I do not own All Over Again by Jackie Boyz, Why Do I Love You by Westlife and of course Big Time Rush!

Jasmine: Wants to be famous. She and her OBSESSiON. She may look like any normal girl, but she can knock a truck driver out with water bottle. But don't worry; she's sweet to the ones she cares. She also loves singing and drawing. Age is 16 years old.

Bonnie: This sensitive one has drama in her veins. She may look sweet, but she's a devil inside. You won't know what's going to pop up. She loves to sing. Age is 16 years old. Music and drama? Maybe.

Carmen: Her obsession is pocky. Her life is like POCKY. Anyway, she and her own obsessions too. She also has drama in her veins. She lives in a non-social life. She apparently learned how to jump-rope…She is also 16 years old. She can sing…Music obsession.

Josephine: She may not be able to sing, but she is the best comedian you'll ever find. Seriously. So, she maybe the hard one to teach, but she's the golden one. Also 16 years old. Not so good but good at singing. Likes sports.

The rest in the story are minors. Too lazy to write about them. (.)"

And you know Kendall, Logan, James, and Carlos.


Walking was everyday life. Walking to school, to the mall, to the store. If only I can ride in a limousine. It would be awesome. But right now, my life officially stinks.

"Hey Jasmine!" Hollered Lily. "Mornin' nub."

"Pshh. So mean." Whined Lily. "You know me." The usual excuse for Jasmine.

"Sheesh like I can't joke around?"

"Whatever." Sighed Jasmine.

Lily, identify her as the neat freak. Also the angry waitress like person. She's the one you don't want to mess with when she's angry.

At school…

"Hey!" Yelled Carmen as she came over to pat Jasmine on the shoulder.

"Morning!" Bonnie said politely. "Hey." Another usual phrase.

"How's life?" Asked Bonnie. Bonnie knew she's going to get the same response as always.

"Boring everyday normal life…" Just as she thought, she was correct.

"You need to learn how to appreciate life…" Advised Carmen.

Meantime in Hollywood…

Recording session is on. SHHH! Don't speak loudly…

"Okay dogs we're done with our session." Using the word "Dog" it's obviously Gustavo.

"It's about time." Complained Kendall.

"Hey guys, wanna go to the Palmwoods to hit on some girls?" Suggested Carlos.

Unison "Sure." Of course. Four notorious boys who became famous...

Gustavo's cell rings…

"Hello?" Answers the confuzzled fat guy.

"Gustavo, My daughter wants a girl band. Now you'll have two. Have fun looking for some girls." Griffin replied.

Hangs up. "I HATE HIM!" Hollers Gustavo. –Yells…–

"You know he has more power than you. You have to do what he says if you want to be on the top again." Said Kelly. Ahh Kelly. She and her terrible acting…

"Freight Train. Get. The. Dogs. NOOWWW!" Said by the Screaming Gustavo.

"Sure boss." Said the unsure bodyguard. –Picks ear–

"Looks like we're on a road trip." Sat Gustavo. Kelly let out a sigh. Ahh sighs. The sign of desperation.

"I got em' boss." Said Freight Train holding the boys.

"Hey, hey, hey! We were busy?!" complained Kendall "I almost had the girls practically drooling all over me!" whined Carlos "Yeah right. I bet she was too busy staring at me~" said James. Logan for the usual was silent in these situations.

"Dogs, we're going to have a road trip." "Why?" said the boys in unison.


"Griffin…he wants a girl band…" Growled Gustavo.

"Err…okay…uhmm…we'll be packing. And we know the best place to find the girls." Stammered Kendall

"This is AWESOME! We get to meet girls~" said by the enthusiastic James.

"Ohh yeahh…" as they said in unison.

Girls side…

"You know, I wonder about life. What stinks more? School or my JOB?!" complained Jasmine. "We didn't force you. You worked cuhs you wanted to." Said Carmen. "Yush. And we needed money. You joined in cuhs you got nothing better to do." Added Bonnie.

"Whatever. Anyways, luckily tomorrow is Saturday. I would be gladly to work on weekends."

"Yeah right." Said Josephine as she put one hand on her hip.

"Yeah yeah." Said by the annoyed Jasmine.

Few hours later…

"Finally! Shifts over~ Good Night Minnesota!" Hollered Jasmine with her hands waving in the air like a lunatic. "Pshh." Said Bonnie. "Wanna come over to my house guys?" Suggested Jasmine. "Sure" the three said in unison.

Walking towards the sunset. What a nice sunset.

Dog's side of the story…

Even if the dogs are rich, you don't expect their lives to be easier with Gustavo around. Ahh morning, not the best time to be in Minnesota.

"Out of all places. YOU CHOSE HERE?!" Hollered Gustavo while his round head turned to a bright shade of red.

"You managed to find us here." Said, Kendall.

"And somehow, you guys aren't doing me good AT ALL!" Hollered Gustavo as he waved his hands in the air like he was a monkey.

"Sheesh just look for some girls…and…audition…for…a group?" Suggested Logan as he bit his upper lip.

"I did that to you guys, and I'm not doing it again. C'mon lets grab a bite." Gustavo said as his stomach grumbled loudly.

The guys went roaming around town and came across a quaint restaurant. The stepped in smelling the greasy aroma.

"UGGHHH…I HATE THIS UNIFORM." Complained Jasmine, as she tried to pull the uniform off.

"Get over it." Said Josephine as she sighed.

"Pshh, I bet you don't like your uniform." Said Jasmine.

"Order for table seven! 2 hamburgers, 1 wing, 1 burrito, 1 hotdog, and 1 quarter pounder." Said Bonnie as she grabbed the spatula.

"Oka- Hey, isn't table seven…uhh…uhmm…err…okay…n-never mind." Said Carmen as she stuttered.

Carmen was going to say they had big appetites. She thought the person who or whoever ordered was a fat lazy pig. But it was some 'hot' guys. But she kind of disagreed as for one person that looked like a fat lazy pig. (Of course GUSTAVO!)

"Jasmine, order up for table seven." Hollered Carmen

"WHOA! Who's gonna eat these? Pigs?" shocked as Jasmine was, she would eat these all if she could...

"Nope some 'hot' guys~" replied Carmen.

"Pshh. Just give it to them." Sighed Josephine.

"Here you go. If you want anything else boys let me know." Said Jasmine.

"I-I...uhh…want some iced-tea? Please?" stutter Carlos.

""I'll uhh h-have sprite." as Logan also stuttered.

"I'll have c-coke…" as Kendall also followed.

"I-I'd like s-some P-Pepsi…" as James came along.

Amazing. Just amazing. Someone that pretty has to make James stutter like that. He has NEVER stuttered to a girl before.

"Woah!" exclaimed Carlos.

"Wow…" followed Logan.

"I'll say…" said Kendall.

"…" replied James.

"She's mine!" hollered Kendall.

"No! She's MINE!" followed Logan.

"Oh no, she's not!" Gritted Carlos.

"MINE!" exclaimed James.

"Give us a chance James! You always had the girl!" complained Carlos.

"GUYS! Calm down!" said Kelly.

"If want a chance to talk to her, here she comes again" said Gustavo.

She was walking out. James studied her long legs. She sure was tall. Logan studied on her smile. She sure has cute dimples. She also has long ebony hair~ He thought. Kendall studied her body. Woah, she has…whoa…a nice structure. Kendall thought trying to think of anything perverted. Carlos on the other hand wondered…I wonder if she likes pie and hockey…

"Here you go guys. You wanted a coke." She looked towards Kendall with a light smile.

"As well as you are a Sprite." She exclaimed to Logan also with a smile.

"You wanted Pepsi?" She pointed to James.

"And you wanted an Iced-tea." She handed Carlos the drink.

"And If you need anything else call me over." She exclaimed as she smiled.

"Uh…uh…you know we're in a boy band." Exclaimed Carlos.

Gustavo looked to see if the boys were not paying attention. He snuck one of Carlos wings in his mouth. Then two wings, then three wings, then all of the wings...until they were all gone one by one.

"Uhh y-yeah we are in a b-band…" Stuttered James.

"Ohh really? Well, that's nice to hear." Smiled Jasmine.

You readers would think it's impossible for Jasmine to be that nice after she threw a tantrum in the kitchen. Well, her manager told her to act polite or she'll be fired. Jasmine really didn't care at all. But since these guys looked cute, she'll be nice…for once this has happened like five or four times. One guy ordered steak once. He was throwing a tantrum of the steak not being rare enough. And how old was that guy? Like 48? She took a knife out of the kitchen, ran over to his table, stuck the knife in his steak so hard, the plate cracked and hollered, "HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR STEAK RARE NOW?!" The guy was so scared he ran out of the door faster than a motorcycle. Yup, that's right you don't want to mess with Jasmine at all. And guys at her school actually are scared of her. Yeppers, worse thing you can do is mess with her.

"So what songs have you sang?" Asked Jasmine using her polite voice.

"Uhh…uhh…you tell her Logan." As Carlos pushed Logan forward.

"Duh duhr uhh, Big Time Rush, uhh and Famous and ex cetera…"

"Okay, never heard of it, but maybe you guys can sing it for me sometime" Jasmine joked.

"The chicken isn't cooked to PERFECTION!" Complained the whiny Gustavo.

"HEY! What happened to all my chicken?!" Whined Carlos.

"Well, have you ever heard, NOTHINGS PERFECT?!" Hollered Jasmine.

"THAT'S IT! THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! THERE IT IS! But, can you sing?" Said Gustavo.

"What are you talking about? And yes I can sing." Said Jasmine.

Oh yeah
Oh still got that same look that sets me off
Guess there's just something about you
I got these feelings to let you show
Cause I wouldn't let you go
I shouldn't have let you go
You asked me closure before
And girl I told you it's over
It's over
It's not over
So here we go again it's like I'm falling in love all over again
For the first time and I know that it feels right
I think I'm falling in love all over again
Love at first sight
Do you know how I feel
To the left, left, left
On the right, right, right
In the back, back, back
On the side, side, side
To the left, left, left
On the right, right, right
In the back, back, back
On the side, side, side
Tonight I know I try not to face the truth
But no one can touch me like you do
Your love is ecstatic, it pulls me in
Like a song when it first begins
I just don't wanna let this end
You take me over
And you I'm not controller
I told you
I told you
I told you
I'm ready to go again it's like I'm falling in love all over again
For the first time and I know that it feels right
Find more lyrics at .net
I think I'm falling in love all over again
Love at first sight
Do you know how I feel
To the left, left, left
On the right, right, right
In the back, back, back
On the side, side, side
To the left, left, left
On the right, right, right
In the back, back, back
On the side, side, side
Tonight baby it's something that you did
That hold me on
Baby it's something that
Just keeps me from moving on
The moment I see you
I know it's gonna be you
I gotta get figured out
Oh it's like I'm falling in love all over again
For the first time and I know that it feels right
I think I'm falling in love all over again
Love at first sight
Do you know how I feel
To the left, left, left
On the right, right, right
In the back, back, back
On the side, side, side
To the left, left, left
On the right, right, right
In the back, back, back
On the side, side, side

Eh eh eh
All over again
All over again
Eh eh eh
All over again
All over again
Oh yeah
Over again
Over again
Over again
Oh yeah
Over again

Before she realized, everyone was clapping. They stood up and applauded.

"Boo…yah." She said her face was an inch close to Gustavo's.

Obviously she was way taller than Gustavo. The guys were in awe. They were surprised. Carlos was thinking he was staring at an angel. James thought she was perfect. Logan thought she was smart (She did go to the number one school in Brooklyn when she was younger!). Kendall also thought she had stolen his heart and had the fire.

"Girls! Come out!" Hollered Jasmine from across the room.

The girls came out. They heard her sing. That means they were going to sing all together in a song. (Was it called the Quartet? I forgot. Yep the stupid author is always forgetful!) Anyway, when the girls came out, the guys stared at them with their mouths dropping down to their chest. It was love at first sight. Of course they are hypnotized by their beauty. The girls didn't even notice.

Suddenly she's
Suddenly the
Promise of love has gone
Breathing seems so hard to do

Carefully you
Planned it
I got to know just
A minute to late, oh girl
now I understand it
All the times we
Made love together
Baby you were thinking of him

Why do I love you
Don't even want to
Why do I love you like I do
Like I always do
You should've told me
Why did you have to be untrue (love you like I do)
Why do I love you like I do

Ain't gonna show no
I'm gonna smile
And tell the whole world I'm fine
I'm gonna keep my senses
But deep down
When no one can hear me
Baby I'll be crying for you

Why do I love you
Don't even want to
Why do I love you like I do
Like I always do
You should've told me
Why did you have to be untrue (love you like I do)
Why do I love you like I do

Can't go back
Can't erase
Baby your smiling face oh no
I can think of nothing else but you

Why do I love you
Don't even want to
Why do I love you like I do
Like I always do
You should've told me
Why did you have to be untrue (love you like I do)

Why do I love you
Don't even want to
Why do I love you like I do
Like I always do
You should've told me
Why did you have to be untrue (love you like I do)
Why do I love you like I do

Why do I love you like I do~

(Love you like I do repeatedly)

"How do you like that?" Asked Jasmine.

"Guys." Smirked Gustavo.

"We found our fire." Said Gustavo.

"What?" Said the girls as they were clueless, which they are.

"You're going to Holly wood with us" reworded Kelly.

Kelly placed the money on the table.

"Quit your jobs. We're leaving the day after tomorrow. Go home and pack."

This was a start of a new life…

So this was my first chapter. I'm not that good. Please review. Please constructive criticism! If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all! Please let me know who you want to pair people with so I can begin the next chapter. Like who fall in love with whom~ Acknowledgement to…

~Midniite-Subscribe to her hilarious stories!

~TehPockii-Romance? I'm just suggesting.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy! Next chapter will come out as fast as I can! Thanks. And yeah I like Big Time Rush. Remember to tell me who I should pair people with Or I'll ask the real people themselves or I'll just do it myself. Also tell me which celebrity should be like a guest star. No one too old…and no Jonas Brothers (No offence but I don't like them). This is one long author's note…BYE3

~Peace out Home Dawgs3 xoxo JASMiN3 N9~