Chapter 1

Nico's POV

I can't believe Chiron was making me do this. I slowly stepped into the vehicle that would lead me to my long painful death. I know that death wouldn't be that bad for me, but I don't think I could stand spending that much quality time with my dad.

"Will you get in the bus already, your going to make everyone else late to the first day of school!" said a nerdy girl in the first seat.

"Shut up pimple face!!!" I shouted at her. Wow, it hasn't even been 30 seconds and I already hate this. It made me wish that Kronos was still attacking and they needed year round campers. Oh how I miss camp… CURSE YOU CHIRON!!!

I looked around for a seat, but I quickly realized that the only seats available were next to pimple face, a bunch of gossiping giggling girls, or to a really big fatty who smelled worse than my gym socks after 3 months of not being washed. I decided to take the seat next to the gossiping giggling girls. I grimly headed to the back of the bus and took my seat. A few minutes later I realized that they were talking about me. I quickly put on my headphones and turn my iPod's volume all the way to high to drown out their idiotic conversation.

Finally the bus arrived. Right when I realized what was happening, I quickly wished I was back in the bus listening to the gossip girls and their incredibly lame "girl issues".

In front of me was pimple face nagging me to be polite and blah blah blah. Just then 2 teachers came up and got every ones attention. Then they started talking, but something about them made me not so eager to listen.

"Good morning everyone, and welcome to Rainbell High, home of the mighty UNICORNS!!!" Great looks like I'll be sitting through a long boring orientation.

People cheered as loud as they could as the schools football team came running out in full gear. If you are wondering what they were wearing they had a horn taped to their helmet, they were wearing my little pony jerseys, and had pink tutus with ruffles at the bottom. They were pathetic. They were running all around the room, and tripping and falling over on each other the whole time. I looked down to see what they were tripping over. You have got to be kidding me. No, no one was kidding me, they were dead serious. They were wearing hot pink 5 inch heals! If I know one thing for a fact, it's that I am never playing football here.

"Ok, I know they are one of a kind, I am sure that they will take home championships this year." Said a man whom I assumed was the football coach. He was tall, bald, fat and ugly… I hate ugly people, therefore I already hated him. His name was really hard to remember, I think he said it was Bob, so I will just call him Fatso ugly pants. Yeah, that works.

"Thank you, Bobby" said the woman teacher… I am not explaining her, because she is just… yah. "Next I would like to introduce you to your student body President and Vice President, Rebecca and Samantha.

I was board to death by now, so I decided to close my eyes. I quickly fell asleep and started to dream…

I was talking to two girls. They looked about a year or 2 younger than me. We were at- what looked to me like- a coffee shop. We were sitting at a table, and we all were laughing… wait a second I was laughing, wow this really is a dream… suddenly I heard a low growl. I quickly sat up straight and began to concentrate on the sound, and then I heard it again only a little louder this time.

"What's wrong?" the burnet girl asked me.

"I heard a growl." I said in as low a tone as possible.

"Well it is possible that, that growl came from my stomach, I haven't eaten lunch yet." Said the blonde girl while rubbing her tummy.

"No it wasn't…" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before I saw it. Right in front of me was a huge hellhound. The weird thing was, it wasn't looking at me… it was looking at a burnet and blonde girls. Another thing I noticed was that its eyes were glowing… then I realized that it was being controlled, not by my dad.

Before I could think of anything to say I shouted at the girls staring at it in amazement. "Watch OUT!!" Right when I yelled then hellhound pounced and…

Just then woke up to see a girl standing over me. For a moment I felt paralyzed because of what I had just seen, and somehow I knew that what I saw was not just a dream. I felt sweat trickling down my face, and I felt myself inhale and exhale fast unsteady breaths.

Once I gained my control back I looked up at the girl. Once I saw her, I was speechless. She was the burnet girl from the dream! This was not good, not good at all. I had to find a way to contact Chiron and tell him what was going on, but before I could the girl started to talk… OI!

"Are you ok?" she said in an unexpectedly soothing yet worried tone.

"Yah I'm-I'm fine. Just 'accidentally' fell asleep." I said in a totally convincing tone.

"Assemblies/ Orientations bore you too?" the girl asked me.

"Yah," I said as innocently as possible.

"Don't worry about it, no one noticed you were asleep except for me." She said.

"You sound like you've fallen asleep before." I said poorly attempting to add some humor.

"Well, no, not quite, but almost. Let's just say, when your up on stage you have to smile, or else Mr. Hullafin the principal will yell at you, while you're on stage in front of everyone. Don't forget the part where I have to listen to their speeches and keep a straight face." I liked this girl, she knew how to make fun of people, make a joke out of it, and enjoy it. She is the complete opposite of Annabeth!

"What does Mr. Clownfish say?" I replied.

"Mr. Clownfish?" She asked.

"Well, I renamed Mr. Hullafin, Mr. Clownfish because obviously he is a fish due to the fin, and a fish that hulas… that's just wow, only a clown would do something so obnoxiously stupid and idiotic." I stated to her.

She smiled and I did too because for once I meet someone who appreciated good humor. "You are so cruel, uh, what's your name?"

"Nico, uh what's yours?"

"Rebecca. I'm the STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT here. " she said making fun of here own title. She is way better then Percy. He would have just gone on bragging about how he was somebody awesome and cool and I wasn't.

I was about to say something, but then I heard something. "Hold on." I said putting a finger over my lips to signal her to be silent. I crept towards the door to see a teacher. Something wasn't right, I sensed it. I looked at the teacher closer and noticed she wasn't a teacher at all, that was a FURY!

I heard a scream and I whipped around to see another FURY holding her hands around Rebecca's neck, dangling her in the air. "Get away from her!" I shouted at the Fury. Right when she saw me she dropped Rebecca and she tried to run away, but the fury made her run into a steel cage that she had brought. Great now I had to rescue the damsel in distress.

"Ah, if it isn't the little son of Hades. You can do nothing to us, we do not work for your father anymore. We are Kronos's most loyal servants." I started at her in disbelief and looked up at her eyes. They were glowing green just like the hellhounds in my dream. Kronos was controlling them! If I made it out of here alive I was going to have to let Chiron know everything as fast as I can.

"Nico, don't worry about me run!" Rebecca screamed at me. Does she even know who she is messing with.

"Yes why don't you run son of Hades, after all there is nothing you can do to save her." I knew she was probably right, but I had to try.

"Hey! Over here!" Rebecca shouted at the Fury. She is insane. Yet somehow she escaped from the cage. She's going to get herself killed before I can even get over to her.

"Shut it girl, or I kill you slower and more painfully." The fury threatened.

"Ha! Like you could even kill me." Rebecca shouted back. Ok forget everything I said about her being cool and everything, she is plain stupid.

"Why you little brat, try to challenge me!!! YOU SHALL DIE!!" The fury stormed angrily.

"Uh, no I think I'm good, how about you?"

"You just made a death wish!" and with that the Fury charged at Rebecca.

"REBECCA! WATCH OUT!!" I yelled at her. I watched as she easily avoided the furies strike. I watched her as she avoided a few more strikes, but I couldn't help but wonder who her godly parent was, well she had to be a half blood other wise she would not be able to see the Fury.

While I was off in my own little world wondering oh who oh who is her parent, I suddenly realized that Rebecca was cornered by all 3 furies. This was not good not good at all. I started running towards her. Suddenly I stopped moving, but I was still in a running stance. Darn it, Furies joining Kronos, duh power to control time. I'm one stupid kid.

I frantically struggled to move, but I couldn't and Rebecca would die because of me and because I wasn't fast enough to save her. I looked up to see the furies attempting to grab her. For some reason they couldn't touch her.

"Hey ladies over here!" she said… but wait how did she get over there so fast, that's impossible she was just over there. "I said I'm over here" she yelled again, but now she was standing on the stage which was on the opposite end of the room and it has only been a second. I tried to move again, but I was still frozen. "I got an idea!" she said as the furies charged at her. "Let's play tag!!" She took a running start at the podium did a few cart wheels, and handsprings jump and used the podium as a vault, soured through the air over the furies, did a couple more flips and landed on her feet facing them. "And I'm it!" she said charging at them.

CHARGING AT THEM!! "Rebecca don't your being crazy!!" I shouted at her suddenly realizing that I still had the ability to speak.

"NO!! You can't be!" The furies all shouted at once.

I watched as Rebecca froze with a puzzled look on her face. "Can't be who?" she asked cautiously.

"You-You- You are one of them!" They yelled again. Wow, this must have been really awkward for Rebecca.

"Am the one for what, who am I!!" she yelled at them now pissed.

"Let's kill her before she really knows who she is!" One Fury said.

"I agree, because once she knows it will be difficult to stop her, and if she meets the others, then it would be almost impossible." Another said.

"I agree." Said the other.

"Agree with what?" the one who spoke first said.

"I don't know I just agree… I hate these private discussions that everyone can here that we pretend the don't."

"Good point." The other two said.

"Now lets get her," it really doesn't matter which Fury said that.

"You know you guys are really smart, tell a group of people ok lets get that person when that person is listening and standing right there the whole time, genius don't you think." Rebecca said in a very me like sarcastic tone. "You know what I am getting really hungry, can we finish already."

"Fine," they agreed.

I closed my eyes as they charged, but then Rebecca spoke.

"Don't forget I'm it!" she said. I looked up at her and she grabbed in her bag for something. "And I never lose!" she said now holding a bow and arrow. "Ok I'll count to ten, ready go! 1, 2, 3" and after 3 she started charging.

"You said ten seconds!" they all shouted.

"Yah, well what can I say, I suck at math" she said shooting a arrow at the Fury and watching her dissolve. "Who's next?" she asked. "Oh no volunteers, I guess we'll have to tag you both at once." With that she put two arrows in her bow and with perfect aim hit them both at once and they both dissolved. She ran over to me and poked me "You are now unfrozen!" she said, and suddenly I was UN paralyzed.

"How-How-How did you do that?" I asked her astonished.

"Do what?" What did she mean 'Do what?' she just took on all three furies!

"Fight like that, and the arrow!!!" I had to know. This was just too weird.

"I don't know? It just happened." She said panting now.

"Are you ok!" I asked her because now she was on her knees and breathing really heavy.

"I don't know? That took a lot of energy out of me?" Rebecca panted out, but before I could say anything to her she passed out.