Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or its characters. I only own any characters not from the show.

The death of my parents hit me hard. But that would hit any teenage girl hard. My parents, Ron and Maria, and I were in a car accident just a few days ago. I was lucky and just walked away with a broken arm, but had to stay in the hospital for a couple days. This didn't bother me, because then I didn't have to go back to my house. It held so many memories of my parents, that I just didn't want to think about right now. It held picture of my beautiful mother, with her gorgeous dark brown hair, and her contagious smile. The letters my dad sent me while he was overseas being a marine.

I was lucky that my parents chose a godfather for me when I was a baby. Leroy Jethro Gibbs. My father and he served together in Dessert Storm, which was just before I was born. He now works at NCIS, as a special agent. Uncle Jethro always tried to keep in touch with me. Either by phone calls, email, or coming to visit me. He very rarely got a chance to come visit me though.

Two days in the hospital, an I am finally getting out of here. Uncle Jethro is coming to pick me up and take me to his place. While I was in the hospital him and some of his friends took care of moving my stuff into his place, and putting my parents things in storage. He brought me my laptop, ipod, and some clothes to change into for when I get out.

When Uncle Jethro arrived I was sitting in my bed patiently waiting. I was wearing my faded pair of blue jeans with my blue and white tie-dyed zip up hoodie. All I needed was my zebra print chucks, which he was bringing to me.

"You look better Riley." Jethro told me

"Ya, two days pretty much just sleeping kinda helps." I replied.

He gave me one of his grins and said, " Well let's get you out of here."

Once we got to his car, I was ready for his driving. He was a good driver, but he like to drive fast. I decided to just sleep until we arrived at his house. It seemed like hours later when it was actually just a few minutes. I opened my eyes and didn't recognize where we were.

"I thought we were going to your house?" I asked

"Well, we had to make a little change in our plans. I'm not done with a case, so you get to come to work with me. I hope that's ok."

"Yeah I have no problems with that. I've always wanted to see where you worked. And besides if I get bored I bot my laptop and ipod in my bag, so I am good to go."

After going through security, and an elevator ride we reached the right floor. The doors opened and I saw three people staring at him and I strangely. If I had to guess, those were his agents. There was two males and one female.

The one guy looked like he would be very suave and was very handsome. He had this mischievous grin. The other guy next to him wasn't as suave looking as the other one. He looked to be slightly nerdy. There was a boyish charm to him. The woman with them looked to be tough acting. She looked like if she was my age she would be my friend. All three of them had to be confused. Jethro probably didn't inform them about me.

So how do you like the story so far? Next chapter will be more interaction with Riley, Gibbs, and the team.