Friday took forever to come, but when it did I was like a wave of relief hit me. I picked up Megan after school so we could head over to NCIS, because once the team was done at the office we were heading over to the house. Plus, she's never been to NCIS before. As we drive towards our destination, we talked about school, and about this guy I really like. His name was Cole and he was a Junior, so only a year difference. In our school he was the most sweetest guy and everyone liked him and were friends with him. Just last week he started talking to me at school and texting me. With all my heart I hoped he liked me the same way I liked him. Of course I was incredibly, overly, infatuated with him, but there is no way I could ever get a guy like him. I mean I am plain Jane, no, I'm even plainer than that. Of course the friend that Megan was she was try to telling I had no idea how great I truly was.

Once we reached the building we made our way up to the bullpen. There was something wrong with what was in front of us when we stepped off the elevator, Gibbs and the team was not there.

"Where is everyone?" Megan asked me.

"Hopefully finishing up a case. I'm not suppose to go wondering around the building, but I could always say that you got separated and I went looking for you. So, you wanna go see Abby?"

"As long as we don't get into trouble, I'm game!"

We started to make our way to the elevator, when I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and found Jenny looking at me questioningly.

"What are you doing, cause I'm pretty sure Gibbs told you you're not suppose to be wondering around by yourself here?" Jenny asked, even though I knew she had an idea that we were about to leave the bullpen. I know what your thinking, I'm sixteen and I'm not allowed to go off by myself. I thought the same thing, but it's because any visitors are suppose to have an escort, and the building has possible suspects in it all the time.

"We were just going to the bathroom. That's all." I tried to make my lie believable, but I knew she could tell.

"Really, because you know that the bathroom is that way." She pointed in the other direction.

"Right. So, I'm guessing you know I'm lying then? Please don't tell Gibbs. We just wanted to go see Abby."

"Well if you go back to Gibbs' desk I promise I won't tell him. Oh, and Abby's finishing up some things for your Uncle so we can all go celebrate your birthday tonight."

"Thanks Jenny! Oh, where's my uncle at anyways?"

"Well, last I saw him he was in interrogation. He should be finishing up there in a bit." She said, she looked over at Megan. I forgot that they hadn't met before.

"Megan this is Jenny. She's Gibbs' boss."

"Hi Megan. It's nice to meet you."

" I didn't know Gibbs had a boss. But wait, how come everyone calls him boss?" She asked while shaking Jenny's hand.

Jenny gave me a look, "That's because he's in charge of his team and stuff." I informed her.

"I better get back to my office. Remember, stay at your uncles desk and I won't tell him. Got it?' Jenny grinned at me.

We made our way back to the desk and sat there bored for a few minutes. I have to admit, it gets really boring here when the team isn't here. I have enough troubles trying to keep myself entertained while I wait for them.

"So Jenny is your uncles boss, and they once were a thing together?" Megan asked out of nowhere.

"Yep, at least that's what Abby told me. I guess they were partners once and fell in love. Unfortunately it didn't work out. I really wish they were still together. I mean she's pretty awesome and everything. And, she's one of the few people who actually stands up to him." We began to laugh at this. I've never witnessed this but, I heard that its happened a couple of times.

As our laughing continued, I overheard the ding of the elevator. I looked over and saw Gibbs and the whole team getting off the elevator.

"What's so funny over there thing one and thing two?" Tony asked us wearing his signature smirk.

"Nothing just the usual." I answered.

"Well you two go ahead to the house. I'll pick up the pizzas on the way over. We just gotta finish a few things and will be right there." Gibbs informed me.

"So how long we talkin here. Five minutes, an hour, two hours, or tomorrow morning?" I know how 'will be right there' can sometimes turn into, we got another case, I'll make it up to you. This never really bothered me though, because I understood his jobs was a big deal. I'd rather have him catch the bad guy then waste time with me.

"After you leave an we and we can finish without interruptions, I'd say about half an hour depending on if they don't mess around." He said gesturing to the Tony, Ziva, and McGee.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him I'd see him later, and to get my favorite pizza. Extra cheese, banana peppers, onions, pepperoni, and thick crust was how I liked my pizza.

When Megan and I reached the house we were greeted by no one other than Sherman. He sat there patiently while I put my school stuff down. All three of us sat on the couch and started watching a scary movie that was on. When it started to get really scary, we both grabbed hold of Sherman's black silky fur. I was happy that I had such a gigantic dog that watched over me.

"I really wish I could spend the night, because I don't think I will be able to sleep alone tonight." Megan said, as she placed a pillow in front of her face.

"Me too! Luckily I've got Sherman to guard me from psycho killers."

Just as the killer jumped out of the tree to attack his next victim the door opened, causing us to scream. Sherman jumped into action and ran to the door. Of course there was no killer, just Tony, Ziva, McGee, and Abby.

"I know McGiggle isn't that great to look at, but there's no reason to scream." Tony joked.

"Hahaha, Tony." Tim said as he smacked his arm.

"Sorry, we were just watching a movie and you scared us. Where's Gibbs at?" I asked as I noticed as he was one of the few people that were missing, along with Jenny.

"He and Jenny went to get the pizzas. They should be here any minute. Why don't you go ahead and open my gift already, because I don't think it will make that long." Abby said. This had me worried, what kind of present doesn't last that long. Maybe it was an animal.

"Abby, please tell me you didn't get me a dog, because I don't think Sherman will like that."

"No! Just open it already!" She handed me a medium sized rectangle box. It was covered in black wrapping paper and had a giant purple bow on top. Slowly I tore away the paper to reveal a clear container with a purple lid that was ventilated. Inside is half a coconut shell, a small shallow dish, and two small seashells. I looked at her confused. Why did she not think anything in this container would not survive till Gibbs got here.

"Well do you like it?"

"Uh, yeah Abby. One question, what is it?"

"Hermit crabs. I know how you like animals, and I thought you would like to have more."

"Oh my gosh, thanks Abby. I thought you just got me shells in a container."

"Abby you got her crabs. Does Gibbs know you brought her these little creepy creatures?" McGee had a disgusted look on his face as he asked her this question that I was wondering myself. She didn't get a chance to answer because Gibbs walked right in with Jenny and the food.

"Did I know about what McGee?"

"Abby got me Hermit crabs Gibbs!"

He had a confused look on his face as he looked into the container.

"Abby, why did you get her crabs?"

"I thought she would like to have them. I mean they are really cute and pretty awesome. Did you know that they like to climb things?"

Gibbs just shook his head and just sighed. I think he knew I was already attached to them, and he didn't want to hurt Abby's feeling by giving her gift back.

I tried to change the subject, "So let's eat, because I am starving."

It was getting late and Megan had to leave, but since I drove her here Tony and Ziva took her home. As everyone else left as well it was just Gibbs, Jenny, and I in the house. I carried my gift up to my room, so Gibbs and Jenny could have some time by themselves. Who knows maybe they might realize how much they should be together again.

In my room I placed Archie and Edith, the crabs, on my desk. Tony had gotten me some Marilynn Monroe movies, seeing as she is my idol. McGee went another way, he got me a autobiography about her. I placed these gifts on my desk as well. Ziva had gotten me a gift certificate to get a pedicure and manicure. She said that she would take me to go whenever I wanted. I've never had either done, and I was thrilled to get me nails done.

While I was up in my room I changed into a pair of black sweatpants, a plain white t-shirt, with a grey Cincinnati Reds zip up hoodie. Before I made my way downstairs I looked in the mirror. I looked at the gold necklace Jenny had gotten me. It was an oval locket. The front of it looked antique, with a cursive R in the middle of the design that was around the edges.

I made my way downstairs and I didn't see either Jenny or Gibbs anywhere. There was only one place left that they could possibly be. Quietly and carefully I made my way down the first couple of steps to the basement. I stopped when I could see them. Spying is something I know I shouldn't do but I wanted to see how they acted when they were alone. They were had just stopped talking when I stopped on the steps. At first they were staring at each other, but then they leaned in and kissed. I quickly and silently made my way back up to my room. I cannot believe what I had just witnessed.