Ok, I started this story on my laptop a while ago, but when I broke my laptop, it went bye-bye! :'( So, I had to re-write it!)

Alice and Edward are brother and sister, of course. Emmett and Jasper are, of course, Edward's best friends. Bella and Rose are fraternal twins. Ok:

"Come on guys." I groaned. "This isn't going to work."

"Of course it will." Alice said, while Rose was putting the finishing touches on Charlie's signature. "It's not really that hard."

You see, there is this big camping trip that Alice and Rose are going on. Our school decided to organize this for us as our graduation present. But as everyone should know, I am clumsy. So I refused to go, but Alice and Rose were forcing me. They'd even gone as far as to forge Charlie's signature. I hadn't asked him, and they weren't mean enough to ask for me. Well, maybe they were…

"But what if I don't want to go?" I asked. It was worth a shot.

"But you do want to go." Alice said.

"Come again?" I asked.

"My brother's going to be there. …And he's totally hot!" She said.

"W-what?" I choked. "You think that your own brother is hot?!"

"Eww. No, that's disgusting!" She screamed. "I just meant that he's totally hot for you. That's all. …It's not like I have a crush on him or something."

"Do you?" Rose asked.

"When I was five, ok? …If you saw him, you'd think so too! But that's behind us, because I have Jazzy now."

"So…to interrupt, what's his name?" I asked.

"Edward." She said.

"Sexy. I could take that." I joked. Well, maybe it wasn't a joke. "How come I've never met him before." Alice and I had only been friends for about a year, but it's just like we'd known each other our whole lives.

"Oh, he's been away at college." She said.

"C-college? How old is he?" Wow, college. "What is he getting his degree in?"

"He's 20. Um, he's there to become a doctor. …I bet you'll go to him when you're sick, huh?"


"Yeah, go for it. Or else Rose will take him from you." She smiled. Rose, my older sister, was known for stealing all of the guys.

"Don't worry, I'll grab him before she does." I vowed.

"I have an idea!" She rejoiced. "You guys have to hook up at camp!"

"But what if we don't?" I asked.

"He's coming back to stay with us for a while."

"Oh, well that's good." I said.

"Maybe we should get some sleep." Rose suggested.

"That's a great idea, Rose!" Alice said. "We can't have bags under our eyes when we hook up with hotties!"

"Hotties?" Rose questioned.

"Yeah, Bella has Edward, and I have his friend Jasper. You can have his friend Emmett! It's perfect!"

"Oh, ok then! Goodnight!" Rose said.

"Goodnight!" Alice and I said as one.

Ok, what do you think? REVIEW!!!!!