K, an update! Lol. I might start doing little quotes and a play list for this story and other stories. I hope I don't run out of songs to list. Lol. These songs may or may not have anything to do with the story, I may have just listened to them while writing this.

This chapter's songs are: "You're All I Have" and "Chasing Cars", both by Snow Patrol. Go listen to them. Also, the songs from the previous chapter are: "As Tall As Cliffs" , "On A Freezing Chicago Street". "O' What A Nightmare!", "PaperKitten Nightmare", and "Quiet As A Mouse", all by Margot and The Nuclear So and So's. Listen to them too! The songs in this chapter are: "Modern Mystery" and "You Could Write A Book" by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, aka SSLYBY.

K, the quote is from an Eclipse parody I found a few days ago.

Charlie: "When did Bella turn into a slutty, slutty little whore."

Since it was our graduation present, we did get free days, as promised. Otherwise it would just be…camp. Of course, there would be activities set up everyday for us to take part in. Today, Alice had suggested that we go play volleyball. I'd agreed, even though I was terrible at sports.

The court was opened at 7am, and was available for use until 3:30pm, so Alice didn't wake us up too early: 8:30. After getting up, she changed into what she called her "sporty-chick" outfit, which consisted of short-shorts, a short-sleeved t-shirt, and knee-length socks with a pink stripe on them, and then handed Rose and I our outfits. They were identical to her's, accept Rose's socks had purple on them, and mine had blue. Damn Alice and all of her matching clothes! Yeah, it was cute, but only for babies or twins. Mostly twin babies, though. I mean, come on, I know parents love to dress their kids alike, but they've got to be on their own sometime…

Despite the matching outfits, our hairstyles were different. Alice had said that it would be the distinguishable difference between the three of us. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit that spells out: WE STILL LOOK THE SAME! Alice combed her hair out like how she usually did. Rose gave herself a side ponytail. Lastly, they had given me side-braids. Yeah, it made you seem cuter and innocent, but, really, why did they give me braids? Couldn't they have just let me wear my hair straight out like always?

By the time we'd gotten to the court, someone was already using it-Edward and his friends.

"Get off the court, bitch." Alice danced onto the court, slapping the ball casually out of her brother's hands.

"What the fuck, Al? It was game point." Edward complained, turning to Jasper for help to "stand their ground" and keep their territory, or in this case, use of the court. Jasper had an irritated look on his face. However, across the court, Emmett was howling with laughter. "Woo-Hoo! I win."

"Doesn't count, Em. It was an interruption." Jasper retaliated.

"That's an awfully fancy way of saying you're a sore loser." He smiled at the look he'd put on Jasper's face. "And besides, I thought we weren't playing the 'chick-way'."

"'Chick-way'?" Rose asked. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, we all know how you girls can be. You always have to win at everything. If you miss the ball, you always have to have a do-over. Oh, that was a foul, I get to go again!" His imitation of a girl's voice was hilarious, you had to admit it. But Rose still wasn't giving in.

"Hey, Al. How about we give them something to talk about?"

"Ha! You aren't seriously thinking you could last even one serve with us?" Emmett and his cocky ass self better watch what he says. When Alice and Rose want something, they get it, and they get it good. "You're on! We'll play to 20."

Emmett headed over to his side of the court to join his teammates, while Rose and I joined Alice on our side. I was on the left, with Emmett opposite from me. Alice was in the middle, up against her brother. And Jasper and Rose were set up as the first servers.

"Here, we'll let you girls start." He rolled the ball under the net. Just before Rose served, if you listened, you could hear Jasper whisper, under his breath, "You're gonna need all the help you can get."

I could almost hear Rose's brain snap into defense, as she sent the ball flying over to Emmett, who was shocked that it had reached him. He quickly backed up and bumped the ball so that it came back over the net in time for us not to gain a point. Alice hit it back, followed by a sharp return, courtesy of Edward.

"That's one." Edward said. "Someone keep count. No cheating."

It wasn't long before it was my turn to serve. The score was already 3-2, in favor of the boys' team. I stepped forward, getting ready to release the ball with a hit from my fist. I'd really thought it had gone somewhere. I frantically looked around when I didn't hear it hit the ground. Did it go out of the court? Did it even go anywhere, or did it land right in front of me? I looked in all four directions; no sign of the ball. Alice pointed up. Great, the ball was stuck in a tree.

The boys chuckled, before Emmett picked up a stick and threw it at the branches. A few more throws and the ball had come down, onto my head, which I think he'd done purposely. I'd forgotten that since I messed my serve up, I couldn't go again.

"Ah-hmm." Emmett cleared his throat. "It's our serve."

"Right." I rolled the ball to him. The next few serves came to me, which I believed was done purposely, again. Another serve had gone awry. I didn't try, so of course it wouldn't make it over the net. The only problem with the first serve was where I'd hit it. I had enough force, all I needed was a target to focus on so I could have something to aim for. But since when had I ever had good aim? I hit it lighter, anyway, fearing that I would hit it too far. I opened my eyes in time to see the ball drop in front of the net, our net. Okay, maybe that was a little too gentle. I'll try again next time. By the time it was my turn to serve again, I still hadn't had any idea of how I was going to do this. I held the ball out in front of me, balled my fist, and prepared to swing. I looked across the court because something had caught my eye. Edward was pretending to serve, so he could demonstrate for me how it was properly done. He moved his fist towards the imaginary ball in light, swift movements, almost touching the ball. I repeated his process. Apparently, it wasn't all about hitting it hard. All you had to do was "tap" it. And it worked; the ball landed by Jasper, which he quickly returned. Rose hit it back, followed by Emmett, then me. I actually hit it back, for once. I hit the ball! I'd hit it a little harder this time, in Edward's direction. It was close to the edge, almost to the foul-line. He moved his arm to hit it, not quite making it.

"Yay!" I cheered, clapping my hands. Oh no, I've been spending a little too much time around Alice. I looked over to the guys' side, resulting in Emmett's complaining. Edward flashed me a smile, and it was then that I knew he had missed it on purpose. It was nice, but they were far ahead of us. I don't think he'd cheat to let us win that many times, especially being un-noticed by Emmett or Jasper.

By the time the game was over, the score was 20-6. Jasper, being a good sport, had suggested that we all do that stupid line thing where you had to high-five everyone. Emmett slapped our hands extra hard, Jasper tapped it firmly, and Edward had left his hand in mine a little too long for it to be considered a high-five. Good thing we were at the ends, otherwise someone would have noticed.

"So, how about another game?" Jasper asked.

"No way, dude. It's too hot." Edward said. Even though they didn't have to try as much, with us being an easy match, they still gave it their all, resulting in all the sweat loss, which was just gross. They each took their shirts off, tossing them over and onto a bench. My breath caught in my throat. Boy, was he built! They all were, in fact. Though I'd expected it from Emmett, with all of his cockiness, he had to have something to supply his big ego.

"Yeah, I'm probably gonna head over to the lounge and play some X-Box. You in, Jazz?" Emmett asked.

Jasper nodded. "Yeah."

"Ed?" Emmett looked at him.

"Nah, I'll catch up later."

"Ok, see ya." They headed off.

"You wanna come hang back at our cabin?" Alice suggested.

He shook his head. "I'm good. Maybe later."

"Well, we're going swimming. Come on, Bella."

"You don't have to force her." He looked at me. "Do you actually want to go swimming with them?"

"N-no." I said.

"See, exactly. Maybe we should stick together, we're always being deceived into their plots." He motioned for me to join him. I walked over to where he was.

"Maybe he's right, Al. I don't like being your little puppy."

"Okay… I'll see you guys later then?"

I nodded. "Yeah." They left. "And then there were two." She was probably only happy because Edward and I could spend some "bonding-time" together. "So, what do you want to do?"

"Well, maybe I could teach you how to serve." He offered. "The right way."

"Deal." I agreed. "Just don't blame me if you get injured. I'm harmful to everyone."

"Do you think they're ok?" Rose asked.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't they be?" Alice asked.

Rose shrugged. "I don't know, just some thoughts…"

A few seconds later, Alice was happy with thought. "Wanna spy?"

Rose sighed. There was no stopping Alice when she got started. "Sure."

They got out of the lake, dried off, and headed towards the volleyball court. They stood a good deal close to the court, but didn't want to risk being seen. Edward was standing behind Bella. His hand was cupped over hers, so he was obviously teaching her how to serve. They served together a few times, before she went solo. She made it close to the net the first time, but after a few more tries, she managed to make it into the other court. Of course Alice and Rosalie knew not to just walk over there. Otherwise, Bella would know they had spied. Rose pulled out her cell phone and dialed her sister's number.

"Sorry." Bella apologized. She pulled out her phone and answered it. "Hey, Rose."

"Alice and I are done swimming, meet us back at the cabin after you're done with Edward."

"Okay. Bye, Rose."

"What was that about?" Edward asked.

"Rose and Alice wanted me to meet them back at the cabin when I'm done with you." As soon as she said it, she realized how awkward it had sounded. "I meant when we're done." Ugh, that sounded even worse.

"I think I got it." He smiled. "And besides, don't they know that you would go back to your cabin anyway? Where else are you gonna go? It's camp. …Unless you'd much rather come back to my cabin with me. If I know Alice like I think I do, she'll be torturing you with make-overs."

"Yup. That's Alice, all right." She laughed. "You have your own cabin?"

"Well, it's not exactly my cabin. I share it with Emmett and Jasper, and a few other's who decided to come back. They stuck us in an un-used counselor's cabin, so it's got more room, though."

"Oh, that's cool. Do you know anyone who came back?" She asked.

"Yeah, a few people who were in my class at Forks." He reached for his shirt that sat on the bench outside of the court. Up until now, she'd forgotten he'd had it off. Even when he was right behind her when they were serving. Maybe she'd just gotten used to it? No, she would surely never get used to that. She probably just became un-aware of the fact because she felt safe with him. "So, shall we?" He chuckled, sticking his arm out.

She locked her arm in his. "Yes, we shall." The two walked arm-in-arm all the way to his cabin. No one was in it. Everyone else (Emmett, Jasper, and his other cabin-mates : Kyle, Adam, and Seth) was probably at the lounge.

As soon as she stepped into the room, she noticed cds on a little shelf in the corner near one of the beds, which wasn't a bunk, but, hey, it was normally a counselor's cabin.

"Whoa, going a little crazy there?" She asked. "It's only two weeks?"

"I love music." Was his excuse. "I'm surprised I could bring that much, what with the tiny shelf they provide us campers with. …So, you wanna listen to something?"

"Sure." She got up and headed over to look through the albums. "Brand New? I thought no one hear would like them. Wow, you even have SSLYBY? No one I know has ever even heard of them. Except Rose when she says I "play out" their cds non-stop." She giggled.

"So…Pershing, anyone?" He took the cd out of the case, and put it into the dvd player. Wow, the counselor's cabin was much nicer than the regular cabin's. But this cabin was probably the senior counselor's. Missy and all the rest of the counselor's for this summer were junior counselors.

He selected the 'play' button, and the opening music for Modern Mystery came on. I couldn't help but hum to the rhythm, or sing a few parts.

"It's a pointless, small place on a map in outer space.

Every second, everyday you're gone.

I've got a job that I can't keep working on.


I think you are so annoying.

That's why you get so disappointing.

I swear you are so important.

Nothing you do is pointless.


There is no modern mystery.

No mystic cords of memory.

There is no modern mystery.

We're making up our history.

Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa.

Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa.

And I'm so glad I don't here you say no.

I'm so glad I don't here you say no.

You could really put me in my place.

On a map in outer space.

You've got a real cool constitution, and it's a come-on.

But it's not an illusion.


There is no modern mystery.

No mystic cords of memory.

There is no modern mystery.

We're making up our history.

There is no modern mystery (ooh).

No mystic cords of memory (ooh).

There is no modern mystery (ooh).

We're making up our history (ooh).

There is no modern mystery.

No in-between ancestry.

I didn't mean to hurt ya.

Thought I was done.

But I heard ya.

There is no modern mystery (ooh).

No mystic cords of memory (ooh).

There is no modern mystery (ooh).

We're making up our history (ooh).

Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa.

Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa, Whoa-oowhoa.


And we may fight with each other's shadows.

But I'm so glad I don't hear you say no.


I'm so glad I don't hear you say no.

I'm so glad I don't hear you say no."

"Anything else before we switch to a different cd?" He asked.

"Track 8." She said, looking at the back of the cd case.

"Aaah. Aaah. Aaah. Aaah.

How'd you get so smart?

Waxing candles, and burning cobwebs.

I guess you broke my heart.

But then sometimes I think that's all it's there for.

Oooh, Oooh.

And it's goodnight to the sunlight.

Tell the fruit trees.

I'm alright.

We need to proof-read.

Until the publisher agrees.

That you could write a novel.


When you get that look.

It let's me know that you're really thinking.

About to read your book.

But first I think I need to learn how to read you.

Oooh, Oooh.

And it's good night to the sunlight.

Tell the fruit trees.

I'm alright.

We need to proof-read.

Until the publisher agrees.

That you could write a novel.

You could write a novel.

You could write a novel.





Listening to the songs, she felt a bit odd. Considering that the songs sounded like love songs, to her. But she couldn't complain. She was hanging out with the hottest boy at camp. Wow, she sounded like a middle-school-er.

SORRY! Had to end it a little early because I couldn't think. Okay, I'm going to post a new chapter for every story I wanted to finish, which might be like 5+ stories. Then, I want to post my new stories. That way I can do summer work and leave you guys with at least something.

Ps. Bella wasn't singing that song. It was just in quotes because they were listening it and I didn't want to confuse it with anything else.