iAm Your Colleague

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly

A/N: I'm back for this final chapter of my story. It's been almost four months since I've updated. I ended up reading the reviews of this story yesterday and I remembered how much you guys liked this story. I felt it wasn't fair of me to keep you guys waiting any longer so I decided that I was going to make time to write this today. Oh but I do have an important piece of announcement that I will share with you in the end authors note. Enjoy


Sam is being relocated. Freddie tried to convince her to stay but she felt that her job was just as important. Freddie asked her to quit her job to stay in the states with her friends. Both of them have feelings for each other and Sam said she would think about it.


Freddie's POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear. I sleepily moved my hand and hit the snooze button, stopping the annoying beeping. I had a terrible sleep last night. My mind kept thinking about Sam and hoping she would consider my suggestion of leaving her job so she could stay. I closed my eyes letting my brain relax for a while. I tried not to think about anything although that was really hard to do when Sam keeps popping up.

My alarm started sounding a second time and I turned off the alarm. With a grunt I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, not surprised at the eye bags on my face. I sighed and got ready for work. I took a shower, shaved, and put on one of my suits.

I then proceeded down to the kitchen. I glanced at the clock and realized that there was still time so I decided to make myself a cup of coffee. I needed any amount caffeine I could get to help keep me awake through the day. Once again I found myself thinking. I just sat at the kitchen, cup of coffee in my hand, staring off into space. My body looked dead, but my mind was racing.

"What if Sam still wanted to leave?" I thought to myself. I never really thought about that. I just kept hoping that Sam wouldn't leave, clinging on to that last bit of hope I had. I don't know what I would do if Sam left.

Finally I snapped out of my daze and looked at my watch. I had to leave so I put the empty mug into the sink and headed out the door. I walked over to my car and glanced over at Sam's house. Her car was gone. I started to panic a little. "She left already!" I thought. I then realized that she would still be going to work and wouldn't be leaving till the day after tomorrow. I calmed myself down. For a moment I thought that Sam would leave without saying goodbye. Of course I still hoped that the word goodbye didn't have to come up in any conversation we have in the near future.

I got into my car and put my hands on the steering wheel. Today was the day that I find out what Sam has decided. I stared out the front on my car and at my house. I took a deep breath and started the car engine. I prepared myself for the answer she would give when I talked to her later. With that I made my way out my driveway, onto the road and to the office.

I must have been thinking a lot along the drive because before I knew it I was already at the office. I stepped out of the elevator not even remembering parking and getting into the elevator in the first place. I took another deep breath and entered the office. Most of the workers were already in, sitting at their desks. I walked over to mine and put down my briefcase. I looked over at Sam's office and saw her packing her stuff into boxes.

"No." I thought. I hurriedly rushed over to her office and entered without knocking. I pushed the door open and before she could even register my presence, I started to speak.

"So you made up your mind?" I asked, a little anger in my voice. She looked up at me with her blue eyes. I could tell she was sad although she tried to hide it.

"I'm sorry Freddie." She said, looking back at here stuff and carrying to put them into boxes. I walked up to her, stood beside her and she didn't respond.

"Sam, please don't do this. Everyone would be devastated if you're leaving. Think about Carly. She just got reunited with you. She wouldn't want you to leave. She'll miss you." I paused. She stopped working and just stared at her hands. "I'll miss you." I finished.

She looked up at me, her eyes filling with tears. I could feel the other workers in the office looking at us but I didn't care. I had left the door open so some of them could probably hear what we said. My attention never left Sam though. A tear overflowed from her eyes and down her cheek. I raised my hand to wipe it away but she grabbed my hand before I could. She held my hand as she looked at them, and then back to my eyes.

"I'm sorry Freddie. I can't. It's just…easier this way." She said, dropping my hand and turning away from me.

"What if I don't want things to be easier Sam?" I asked. She just shook her head and packed the last things few things into the box and closed the lid. She didn't look at me and started for the door.

"I'm sorry Freddie. I just can't." She said as she walked past me. I grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Please Sam, for me." I said.

"I'm sorry. Goodbye Freddie." She said as she shook her hand out my grip and walked out.

"Clara, please make sure those boxes are sent to my house. Thanks." She said, not even stopping to talk to her assistant.

"Yes Miss Puckett." Clara said. I stared as she trudged to the lobby and disappeared into the elevator. I stood there for a while, just thinking about everything that just happened. I turned to face her table, now empty except for the box she left on it. I kicked the table. I had to let my frustration out somehow.

"Mr Benson…are you okay?" I heard Clara's voice behind me.

"I'm fine" I lied as I rested my hands on the table.

"Okay…Um Mr Benson?" Clara asked again. I wasn't really in the mood to be talking to anyone and I just felt my frustration rise.

"What is it Clara?" I said, a hint of malice in my voice.

"I was just thinking that you may want to send the boxes to her house…seeing as you two are neighbors." She said. She must have caught my tone cause her voice sounded scared and apprehensive.

I thought about it. At first I didn't want to, but as I thought about it, it could be my last chance to talk Sam out of this. I nodded, not knowing if Clara saw that. My question was answered when I heard Clara speak. "All right. Sorry for bothering you Mr Benson." She said. I heard her leave and close the door. I just stood there facing the table. I let out a sigh.

Sam's POV

I got into the elevator. I finally let my tears flow, not holding back. I just cried. I didn't know what to do. I hated seeing Freddie like that. I knew I broke his heart, I could tell by his face. I couldn't even look at him when I left. I would have surely broken down if I did.

The elevator door opened and there were other employee about to enter, going to work obviously. I pushed past them, wiping my eyes as I did. They looked at me for a moment, probably wondering why I was crying.

I ignored them and just ran to my car and got in. I closed the door and sat there for a moment. I thought about the things Freddie said and how I hated myself. I felt more tears flow down my cheek. I truly hated myself. How selfish could I be? I chose my job over my friends. I closed my eyes and started the engine, taking a deep breath to stop my tears. I just drove home. I couldn't think anymore. My mind was just blank.

When I got home, all I remember doing was crawling onto the couch and sitting there, knees to my chest as I cried, the tears again returning. I knew what I was doing but I couldn't help myself. I just kept thinking that this would be easier. I repeated that line in my head. I fell asleep at some point. The emotional strain drained my body of energy.

I woke up when I heard the doorbell. I slowly opened my eyes. The bell rang again and I got up from the couch, noticing that I was already getting dark out. The bell rang a third time and I figured it must be the person who was sending me my stuff. I shuffled my feet to the door, and looked out the peephole. My heart sank when I saw Freddie there.

"Sam open up!" He shouted. I turned and put my back against the door. Not realizing the distance, I hit my back against the door with sufficient force that made it shudder. "Sam? Is that you?" I heard Freddie said. I mentally cursed myself. "Sam, please open up. I need to talk to you." Freddie said.

I slid down to the floor, my back still against the door and buried my face in my hands. "Sam, we need to talk." Freddie said. I couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"Just go away Freddie." I said.

"Sam, please." He begged.

"I have nothing to talk to you about. Just go. Leave my things and go." I said.

"Sam I won't leave until you talk me." He said.

"I am talking to you idiot, and I'm telling you that I don't want to talk to you." I said, choking back my tears. There was silence for a moment. I knew he hadn't left but standing behind me, separated by only a wood door. "Just go Freddie." I said.

"So this is it?" He said. I kept quiet. "This is how you are going to act. I thought I knew you better than this Sam. I thought you were better than this." He said. Those words cut through me like a knife. I balled, more tears flowing that before. It wasn't so much the word that hurt, but the fact that I knew everything he said was true that hurt. I didn't like the way I was acting either but this was just easier. Once again I found myself repeating those words in my head.

I heard Freddie leave and looked out the window to see him walking up to his house. I just kept thinking those three words. This is easier. This is easier.

"If this is easier then why does it feel like the most difficult thing I've ever done?" I just said to myself. I opened the door and moved my things in. I knew I had to pack my stuff but I didn't feel like it. I just crawled back to my room and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I still felt empty. But I knew that this was for the best. I spent the day packing the things that I was going to bring. I felt I have cried myself out the previous day that I couldn't anymore. I was dry. Even if I wanted to I couldn't cry. Freddie tried calling once but I ignored it. I was surprised I didn't have a hundred missed calls from him. Just one. I figured he finally accepted what I was going to do. Just like I had. I went to sleep early. Not wanting to think of anything.

The next day, I was ready. I knew what had to be done. My flight was at twelve. It was Saturday and I hoped that Freddie wouldn't try and stop me. I left home early, around nine in the morning. I got out my door and looked to my right. I saw Freddie's car parked in his driveway. I wanted to get up early so he would still be asleep when I left. I called a cab. I took the chance while waiting for the cab to take a final look at my house. I wasn't going to sell it. I was going to try and come home often so I still wanted a home to come home to. I looked to the piece of junk I called my car in the driveway. I smiled at it. People always asked me why I kept that car seeing that I could definitely afford something better. But I always told them it has sentimental value. I wasn't lying. This was the first car I bought with my own hard earned money and I loved it…when it wasn't being crazy. I heard a vehicle drive up to the house and I knew it was the cab. I took one last look at my home and turned towards the cab. This wasn't goodbye forever, but it still felt sad.

I put my luggage in the trunk and got into the cab. "Where to mam?" The taxi driver asked.

"LAX please." I said. I looked at my house for the last time as we drove away. When the house was out of view I turned my attention to the cab driver. I wished that that had been Freddie, driving me to the airport. I wanted to see him one last time…well until I got back but I knew it would be a long time. I sighed.

We arrived at the airport and I went to the check in counter. I was about to check in my luggage when I realized I couldn't find my passport. I search through my bag but couldn't find it. I thought about where I put it. I distinctly remembered holding it the night before. Then it hit me. I pulled my luggage to a corner and opened it. I rummaged through the pocket and found it. I laughed at myself for being stupid enough to put my passport in the luggage. I took it out, closed my suitcase and proceeded back to the check in counter.

I looked up and my heart stopped.

Freddie's POV

I looked out the window when I heard a car, a rather loud one drive by. Out of curiosity, I looked out my bedroom window. It was then that my mouth hung open. It was Sam, climbing into the taxi.

"Sam?" I said. I knew her flight was at 12 but I didn't expect her to leave this early. I thought about her motives and I knew that she was just trying to avoid me. I quickly grabbed my bag and dialed a cab. I hurried out of my house and waited impatiently for the cab to finally arrive.

It felt like forever but it was only a few minutes. In my rush I didn't have time to make myself look presentable so I did look somewhat crazy with my messy hair and anxious expression. "Um…where..." The driver asked but I cut him off.

"LAX and step on it." I said.

I guess the guy could guess from the tone of my voice that I was rushing for something. He drove fast, and by fast I mean like a maniac. If I thought that Sam was driving fast on our road trip, this guy made her driving seem like a stroll. However, I couldn't concentrate on fearing for my life because all I could think was reaching and finding Sam on time.

I grew tense as we neared the airport and when we arrived I handed the driver the money and ran out, grabbing my bag and into the airport. I didn't even bother to get my change back. That wasn't important now.

I ran up to the list of flight and search for the one Sam would be on. I looked at the check in counter number and ran to it. At the counter I looked at the people in line, searching and hoping that Sam was one of them. I couldn't find her. My mind was moving so fast I felt disoriented. I felt a little hopeless to say the least.

I turned in spot, scanning the area for those blonde curls. I stopped, partly from dizziness but also because I found her. I kept my eyes focused on her. She was putting something into her bag and looked up. Our eyes met and a look of pure shock washed over her face. I just stared at her.

I walked over to her but she stood where she was, no sign of even trying to run. "Sam" I said when I stopped in front of her. Only now did I realized I was panting really heavily and beads of sweat were forming on my face. I couldn't help myself and just hugged her.

"Freddie…what? What are you doing here?" She asked, pushing me back with one hand. I was still panting heavily and couldn't speak. "Why are you panting so much?" She asked.

"I rushed down here when I saw you get into the taxi." I said in between pants.

"Whose bag is that?" She asked, pointing to the luggage bag I was pulling behind me.

"It's mine." I said, my breathing slowly returning to normal.

"Yours? Why did you bring your bag?" She asked. She was really confused and I could understand why.

"I figure if you weren't going to stay, then I'm going with you." I said.

"What?" She exclaimed, making some people turn to look at us.

"I am going with you." I repeated.

"Freddie." She stopped and sighed. Her expression softened. "You can't do that."

"Why not?" I asked. I wasn't getting frustrated; I was still feeling so happy that I found Sam. She on the other hand didn't seem so happy.

"Why not? Freddie, I don't have a choice. You do. Don't be stupid and throw away everything in your life, just for me." She said.

"Sam," I said, putting my hands on her shoulder. "My life is nothing, if you're not in it." I said. She didn't say anything. "Sam I can't live without you. If you are not by my side, I feel like a part of me is missing. I promise to give you everything Sam, everything and anything. I just need you by my side, whether here or some other part of the world." I said. She still remained silent, just looking into my eyes. I waited for her to say something. Anything. She broke her gaze and finally spoke.

"Freddie, I'm not staying." She paused.

"Then I'm going with you." I said.

"And you a NOT coming with me." She said. I broke. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She didn't like me? That was the only reason I could think off for not wanting me to follow her.

"Sam please, just give me a chance, I…" I said, wrapping her in my arms. I pulled her tight against my chest, not wanting to let go. But she cut me off.

"You didn't let me finish." She said. I kept my head rested on her shoulder, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. "I was going to say, I'm not staying and you are not coming, if I don't hear those three words I want to hear." She said.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes. She had a smile and her face and her eyes burned into mine. I hugged her again. "I love you Sam." I whispered into her ear.

"That was what I wanted to hear." She said and I felt her put her arms around me. It was then that I started to tear. But these were happy tears. I pulled back and moved my lips to hers. I kissed her. I put everything into that kiss. I wanted to show her that everything I said was true. That everything would be all right.

We pulled apart and I placed my forehead on hers. "I believe you." She said and I couldn't help but smile. "I love you too Freddie." She said. I just stood there in that position, my head on hers, staring into her eyes. I was elated, ecstatic and just plain happy.

"Um Freddie?" Sam said. "There are people staring." She said. I looked around and saw people looking at us. I pulled apart but still held her hand.

"So…are we still going to Singapore?" I asked. She shook her head. "So why don't we go home." I said.

"Which one?" She said, chuckling.

"Mine." I said. She raised her eyebrows.

"Why yours and not mine?" She asked.

"Because I was just going to ask you to move in with me." I said. Her face lit up and she hugged me tight. "So I take that as a yes?" I said.

She nodded. I kissed her again and I knew that everything would be just great. Everything seemed perfect in my life. Well everything that matters anyway. Looking back, I realized just how lucky I am. I had a best friend/enemy in school and a best friend/colleague at work. Now I guess, Sam is no longer my colleague. But I plan to replace that with a four-letter word soon. W-I-F-E. My best friend/wife, I like the sound of that.


Okay so I hope you enjoyed this story. I really put everything I had into this chapter and I hope you like it. I mentioned that I had an important announcement in the first A/N. I just want to tell you guys that…I'm getting married…nah I'm just kidding. The title of this chapter is goodbye and it holds more meaning than just this story. It's my goodbye to you. Yes, it's my time to leave . I know some of you are thinking if this is another April fool's joke, I am notorious for that, but I'm sorry to say it's not.

I have had a wonderful time on this site and you readers are the ones who kept me going. I feel truly honored that you guys read and enjoyed my story. Some of you are like siblings to me. I still read some stories on here but I have come to the end of my writing career on this site. I may occasionally(I really mean occasionally, like once in a blue moon thing) post oneshots but no more multichaps like this. I always said that if I were to stop writing here, I would finish my stories before doing so. I have done that and now I guess it's goodbye. So for the last time…please review and again thank you.