Yep, this is an update. Two updates within a month...surprising, isn't it? Well, I've decided to completely revive this story, once and for all. A special thanks to dawn chase for being the first reviewer since the story's revival. Well, this chapter is dedicated to you.

Hope you guys enjoy. Let's get on with the story!

Chapter 4: I Meet An Old Friend

I stared at him for a while. After two centuries, he still considered me his best friend? Wow...that's huge. Well, I couldn't just tell him the truth, considering the fact that I was basically a fugitive and would be deported right back to the Underworld if I told anyone. It was only thanks to Athena's help that I'd even survived for this long. She had been giving the Olympians the incorrect trails, informing me of their plans and all. Currently, they were looking for my soul in Illinois, around The Great Lakes. Apparently, I wads gathering strength to create a body to lead a charge, maybe against the Gods (sound familiar?). So much for being their top hero. Most of the Gods laughed at the idea. Then again, this was the same council that Ares and Hera were a part of. I had to be careful.

Anyway, I must have been staring at Grover for too long, because he was staring right at me, looking thoroughly creeped out. I shook myself out of it. Need to make a good impression, after all.

" don't need me to beat him up?" I asked. He just gave me a forced smile. Guess he just wasn't in the mood. He just shook his head.

"Nah, not really," he said. "I just...miss him so much. It's been a really long time." he told me. Wow, major understatement. I just nodded and pulled him out of the building, almost forgetting that we had a bus to catch. We almost missed it, too.

"Hey, Bianca! I'll lose my arm, don't pull it that hard!" he protested. I just scoffed at him.

"I don't want to miss my bus, idiot! I'd rather not walk back home." I said. He protested for a little while longer till I punched him on his shoulder and told him to shut up. he let out an irritated bleat and didn't complain any longer. Thank the Gods, the bus driver stuck around at the bus stop for me. I pulled him on and the driver cocked an eyebrow.

"Be on time tomorrow, okay? You're a regular so I decided to stick around for a bit. I'll just leave next time around." he said. I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, it's just that my friend here," I pointedly looked at Grover, "does not have a very good sense of time." I said. He just nodded and told me to get on. I pulled Grover to an empty seat in the back, when I felt some pressure on my butt. I looked behind me to see some guy who had a sleazy grin on his face. A punch later, he had two missing teeth and a bruised ego. Man, I really feel empathy for those hunters. Maybe I could join them. idea for later, if I survived what Kronos was up to.

"So...tell me about your friend." I said. He shuffled uncomfortably at that.

"Look,'s still pretty uncomfortable for me. I'd rather not talk about it." he told me. Okay, fine. No need to alienate Grover just because I was curious. I guess I looked kinda sad, because he just sighed.

"Well, if you really want to know..." then he told me. Obviously, he avoided all references to my life as a demigod, but he told me pretty much everything else. About my mom, about my bad record in school, how I'd saved him by dragging him out of a trainwreck of a marriage, which made me think about our trek to the Sea of Monsters, which he must have been alluding to. I almost busted out laughing right there, but I restrained myself. He was just telling me about how I'd died in battle capturing fugitives for the state, when the bus screeched to a halt at my stop. I pulled him out of the bus as fast as I could and barreled into my house.

Now, 'house' really didn't describe it quite well. My home was a huge building, somewhat like a mansion. It had a garden out front and was slightly fortified, like against any monsters or other such nasties. Apparently, the Browns were as rich as the Jacksons had been poor. That is one of the reasons why I didn't really like technology like other rich snobs in my school or had a car like others. I knew who I really was. The Browns were rich, but I wasn't a Brown. I was a Jackson.

That, and technology still went haywire in front of me.

My mom, who was in the living room, saw me pulling Grover in and smiled at us. "Bringing boys home already, Bianca? I think you'd sworn off dating after your 'date' with Greg?" she asked. Ugh, moms! I looked at Grover to see him blushing. I felt my cheeks heat up as well. I smacked my forehead.

"No, mom. No boyfriend here. This is my friend, Grover. He just transferred to school today." At the name 'Grover', she stiffened slightly and took a slightly careful look at him. Perhaps she was looking through the mist. I take it she knew what was going on. Then, she gave a relaxed smile. She had a cover to maintain.

"Go wash up, Bianca. Your friend Grover looks a bit beat up, I'll fix him up a bit, hmm?" she said with a sweet smile. I heard Grover thanking her while I ran to 'wash up'. I quickly rinsed my hands and face, then ran and hid behind the living room door.

"...taking her to camp?" I heard my mom say. Grover made a slightly annoyed sound.

"You should've sent her a long time ago. She's a daughter of P...the sea god," he said the last part in an even lower voice, like he was scared that Poseidon would come in and turn him into a sea slug for using his name, "not to mention her scent! I've never smelled a demigod like her in a long time!" he said, a worried tone coming into his voice. My mom gasped at that.

"You mean..." whatever she was going to say was interrupted by a loud sound that sounded suspiciously liker an angry moo. Grover hissed.

"It's..." before he could continue, our door exploded. Right there, standing in full battle armor no less, was my old friend, beefhead.

Or the Minotaur. Whichever works.

Grover gasped, like he couldn't believe what was happening. My mom choked on what must have been a shriek. I just groaned. Well, time for me to make an entrance. I just pretended like I was running up from the restroom. "Mom, I thought I heard..." then faked a terrified shriek, which really wasn't that hard. "What..." My mother just gave me a sad look.

"Darling, run. You can't deal with this." What? I wasn't going to just leave them!

"But mom, that's..."

"Pasiphae's son." Wow. Talk about memories.

"But mom, I can't just leave you alone!" I cried indignantly. I guess the minotaur didn't like to be called 'it', because it charged me as soon as I said that. I guess it recognized who I was, because its eyes glowed in rage and it became faster.

I decided that there was no better time for it. Time for the big revelation, I thought as I brought my arms up as if to block. Immediately, water came out of the restroom in a huge tidal wave. I heard the kitchen tap burst and join the wave. Grover looked at me and mouthed no way. Then, I released the water with a yell.

Water burst through the building. The minotaur was swirling like it was a cow caught in a tornado, making fading 'moo' sounds. Soon, I put even more pressure and the house exploded.

Belongings were washed out. Our house was badly damaged. Thankfully,some of the belongings like photo frames and albums were unaffected by my powers due to a small 'dry touch' I had left on them, something that I had discovered in my past life. However, not everything was okay. A huge hole in the wall between the kitchen and the living room showed that everything from the china dishes to the dish washer were destroyed. Where the water had come out of the restroom showed that the sink was in ruins, with the showerheads in shards of metal and the commode was just a crater. The front room was the worst, though. Taps from all over the house were on the couches and chairs, or at least what was left of them. My mom's prized Louis XIV furniture was completely destroyed, the porcelain vases lay shattered. The cuckoo in a cuckoo clock looked more like a wet duck. Not to mention, the roof had a huge hole from where the water had exploded and a huge hole leading out to the garden showed my mom and Grover just sitting there, shocked looks on their faces. I thought it was surprising that I could even see that far. The kitchen, bathroom and living room were pretty far apart. Then, I looked downwards. The whole house was full of water. It was flooded.

Did insurance cover water damage?

I didn't stick around to find that. My mom ran upstairs without a second glance at me. Grover approached me, shocked and frightened. I guessed I looked the same. I mean, could only water do so much? I mean, I'd caused an eruption before, but that took all my power and I had caused an earthquake as well as a huge wave of water to create a steam buildup. Not to mention, that one scene had nearly pushed me to death. Back then, I was desperate to protect Annabeth, to make an attempt to save my life. This time, I wasn't angry, or scared, or desperate. I suddenly realized what this meant. I had practically destroyed a huge brick and cement building using a third of my powers, on a whim. Suddenly, I was scared of my own self. I could just stare at my hands in shock.

"H-how...?" he stuttered out. Seriously, I wasn't sure myself. What had I done?

Suddenly, my mom ran downstairs with a huge suitcase she had packed. She was also carrying a sheath, which presumably carried a weapon. Some sort of a short-bladed weapon, maybe a dagger. She shoved the suitcase at Grover, who took it and dropped it with a large 'oomph'. Then, she gave me the weapon. The dagger looked sort of familiar. Using daggers wasn't really my style, but I think I could manage. She looked at Grover.

"The suitcase contains all the essentials," she said, panting, "along with some of her personal items. Take it and go." It looked like Grover was about to argue about the 'personal items' part, but she just glared at him. His mouth closed with a snap. Then, she gave me a sad, forlorn look.

"Mom, I-I'm sorry about..." I was stopped there. She gave me a hug.

"Don't worry, baby. It's just a building, I'll get it fixed The important thing is that you're safe." she said, pulling out of the hug. Then, she gave the dagger a glance, like she was remembering something really old.

"That dagger...we've had it in our family for centuries. It's slain many monsters in its time." she said sadly. "It belonged to one of the most legendary heroes of its time. My grandmother gave it to me before she died." I looked at her, shocked. I couldn't take it! What about her? Maybe she understood what I was thinking, because she smiled.

"As I said, we're descended from heroes. I have a stockpile here. I don't have the other one, it was lost years ago. But I have this one. Go on, unsheathe it." she said, smiling. Immediately, I removed the blade. It was long, gleaming and Celestial Bronze. I tried to recollect where I had seen it. In class or something? Then I remembered. This is a weapon I had seen. A weapon I had held. I choked back a gasp. Grover had no reservations. He gasped and looked tearful. Then, he looked at me as if I were the best present he had received in his life.

"Yes," my mom said with pride. "this knife brought its old user glory and victory. The same weapon that killed Kronos. This belonged to my ancestor Annabeth Jackson."

I couldn't believe it. All this time I lived here, thinking I didn't belong. But my mom...was my descendant? This reminded me of an old song at camp so many centuries ago.

I was my own great-great-great-great-grandpa.

Well, how's that for a twist? Annabeth's favorite weapon is here, with our hero no less. Well, the next chapter will probably be the introduction to camp. I'll try to make it as quick as this update. Not making any promises, though. I'll try to be as quick as possible with it. Hope you liked it. Keep an eye out for the next chapter. Ciao!

Ash the Aura Guardian