How could this possibly be shorter than Rain? Honestly, it's crazy. Anywho, 2, 3!

1) Sorry for all of y'all that alerted Rain, it didn't seem right to add this as a second chap

2) I'm going to do a multi-chap fic of like, after this any everything. Yay?

3) For this multi-chap thingy, should it be in this really weird style (choppy sentences, repetitiveness, all that jazz?) or just like a normal story. The 2nd one would probably be longer and not confusing but whatever you guys want! It'll still be kinda short though as I'm SOOOO behind on my other stories *cough*

It was 1:02 when Logan kissed him.

Kendall didn't even have time to think before he pulled away. He was sure he looked upset or disgusted. Maybe both. He hadn't meant to.

It was 1:03 when Logan ran out of the apartment, a frighteningly empty look in his eyes. Kendall knew he should have done something. Stopped him. Apologized. Kissed him.

But he couldn't.

His feet wouldn't move and his brain could only replay the situation over and over.

It was 1:07 when Camille knocked on the door, telling Kendall how worried she was about Logan.

"He looked upset. No, he looked empty. What happened?"

It was 1:08 when Kendall realized the extent of his mistake. Logan was out there, alone, because of him. Because he couldn't think things through. Couldn't react fast enough. Because he didn't kiss back, despite how much he wanted to.

It was 1:09 when Camille convinced him not to chase down Logan. There was no way he could catch up to him when it was practically impossible to see anything through the rain.

It was 2:47 when Mrs. Knight approached her worried son, crying.

Kendall only heard, "" before he tuned her out.

No. No, no, no!

It was 2:49 when Kendall cried for the first time since his dad left.

He knew it was all his fault. This happened because of his stupidity.

It was 2:49 when Kendall broke down completely. He only hoped he could be forgiven.

Wow, weird formatting much? Sorry, it seemed to work better in my mind :D (So many things do, I don't understand....) Haha, yeah, totally just quoted Travis Pastrana...kinda :D

So, answer above question-o please!