Owen stood on the top of the main tower of the castle watching the sun set. He loved the fiery colours that spread across the sky. It reminded him of a nymph that he had chased all over Italy once. As the sun finally dipped below the horizon the fierce gargoyle in front of him started to crack. The enormous creature stood up, shaking bits of stone off of its limbs and wings and roaring loudly. Sensing someone standing behind him, the huge creature turned around, caping his wings.

"Good evening, Goliath," Owen said cordially.

"Good evening, Owen," Goliath responded in his deep, velvet voice.

"I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Xanatos and Fox have flown up to Vermont for a few days. Alex is still here with me. Actually, he is napping right now."

"Thank you, Owen. Do you need a break from Alex? I'm sure that Lexington would be happy to watch him for a while."

Before Owen could respond, his phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and flipped it open.

"Hello…. Yes, thank you." He closed the phone again and slipped it back into his pocket. "Detective Maza is on her way up."

Goliath brightened up.

"Shall we go meet her then?"

"Of course."

Goliath hurried inside and made his way to the elevator doors. He got there just as the doors slid open and Elisa stepped out. She looked visibly shaken and rushed into Goliath's arms. He held her close to him and wrapped his wings around her. Behind him he heard Owen's phone ring again. Owen ducked into a side room to answer it so that Elisa and Goliath could have a moment alone.

"What's wrong, beloved?" Goliath asked softly. Elisa didn't answer right away, but tilted her head up for a kiss. Goliath leaned down to her and they began kissing in earnest. After a few moments they heard Owen clear his throat behind them. They looked back at him together.

"I have just been informed that Detective Bluestone is on his way up."

"Oh! Goliath!" Elisa exclaimed. "Matt and I were attacked by Quarrymen in my apartment!"

"What was Matt doing in your apartment?"

"He was helping me bring up a new table."

"How did they find your new apartment? We were always extremely careful when we glided over to visit you."

"I know, but they found me anyway!"

The elevator door opened and Matt Bluestone stepped out. He looked as dishevelled as Elisa and he was bleeding in several places. Owen stepped forward.

"Why don't we go sit down. I'll patch up your wounds and then you can tell us what happened."

Goliath touched the tiny communicator he always carried.

"Anyone who is still in the castle, Elisa and Matt are here. We're going to talk in the clan's common room. Join us if you wish."

As they started walking, it became painfully obvious that Elisa was limping and in pain. Without a word, Goliath scooped her up and carried her. Normally Elisa would have protested being treated like a 'fragile doll,' but now she just nestled into his arms and let him carry her. He set her gently on the couch in the Gargoyles' common room. Owen retrieved the first aid kit from a drawer as Matt relaxed into an overstuffed chair.

"Let me look at you first, Elisa," Owen said, kneeling in front of her.

"I twisted my ankle," she replied. Owen checked it out carefully and wrapped it in a bandage. He decided that it should be looked at by a doctor, and even called one for her. Matt had several cuts and bruises, but nothing more serious.

"Elisa," Owen inquired, "am I incorrect in remembering that tonight is your night off?"

"It is my night off," she answered. "Why do you ask?"

"I think that the wisest course of action would be for you to stay here tonight. Matt, do you have to work?"

"Yes, I do."

"Perhaps you should call in sick and stay here tonight as well," Goliath said. Matt ran his fingers through his red hair as he thought about it.

"That's not a bad idea," Matt agreed. "Owen, is there a phone that I can use?"

"Of course, sir," Owen replied. "Follow me." They left the room, leaving Elisa and Goliath alone sitting on the sofa. She leaned back against his chest and closed her eyes. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Goliath, what am I going to do now?" Elisa asked. "This is my fourth apartment in the past two years. If there had never been any Quarrymen, I'd still be in the apartment I had when I first met you."

"I'm sorry, Elisa. I never meant to cause you so much trouble. Perhaps it would have been better if you had never met us."

"And what would you have done if I hadn't? Stayed here and worked for Xanatos?"

"I don't honestly know. I can't imagine my life without you."

"You had a whole life before you met me that had nothing to do with me or New York."

"But never was I as happy as I have been here with you."

Elisa turned to look at him.

"Do you really mean that, Goliath?"

"Yes, my love, I really mean it. You have made me happier than I ever imagined being."

"You have made me happy too, Goliath! You are my best friend and the only one that I could ever imagine being in love with from now until forever."

Goliath didn't answer her, but pulled her close and kissed her. She slid her arms around his neck and twisted her fingers into his hair as their kiss deepened. Suddenly Goliath's communicator began to squawk.

"Goliath," said Lexington's voice from the tiny communicator, "I hate to bother you, but Broadway isn't responding to his communicator."

"Try Angela." A few moments later Lex's voice returned.

"No answer from her either."

"Then give up. They were not on patrol yet and are probably still in the castle somewhere."

"Are you sure?"

"Lexington, if they don't show up for patrol change, then let me know. For now, stop worrying."

"Alright, Goliath, I will."

Goliath sighed and shook his head. Elisa smiled at him wryly.

"They had better make an announcement soon," Goliath grumbled. "This is getting ridiculous."

"They'll make it when they're ready, big guy. So, you don't have to patrol tonight, right?"

"Right. Do you think you can keep me occupied?"

"Hmm… I'm sure that I can think of a few things."

"Care to share?"

"I'd love to."

"Then right after the doctor checks out your ankle, you'll have to show me!"

"It's a date!"

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Goliath called. The door opened and Owen stepped into the room, closely followed by a middle-aged man carrying a black bag.

"Dr. Cassedy has arrived," Owen stated simply.

"Good evening Elisa," the doctor said warmly. He shook Goliath's hand with a smile. "How is everything, Goliath?"

"Fairly well, doctor," Goliath answered kindly.

"Good!" he exclaimed, genuinely pleased. "Now, Elisa, Owen tells me that you twisted your ankle. Let's have a look."

He kneeled on the ground in front of her and propped her foot on his knee as he removed the wrapping. He began to gently move his fingers along her ankle. She cringed when he touched certain places. He then began to gently move her foot, and she drew in a quick breath. She squeezed her eyes closed and a tear began to roll down her cheek. She dug her fingernails into the hand Goliath had given her to hold.

"Elisa," he said gently, "we are going to have to go to the hospital. You may have a break and I need to run an x-ray."

Elisa nodded.

"You can take one of the limousines," Owen said as he opened his phone. "It will get there faster than your car, doctor." The doctor nodded and Owen called down to have it brought around.

"Goliath," Dr. Cassedy said, "let me wrap something around your hand and you can carry her downstairs."

Elisa looked at Goliath's hand and saw that her fingernails had drawn blood. The doctor cleaned and bandaged his hand quickly. Since Goliath couldn't go into the hospital with her, it was decided that Matt would go along with a communicator and would let him know what was going on. Goliath decided to glide over and wait on the hospital roof.

Goliath carried Elisa down to the car and carefully set her inside. The hospital was nearby, so the drive was short. Matt carried Elisa inside and they all sat down to wait.