A/N: I don't own Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys, Callie or Ned or any others…This is my first fanfic, so please review.

Light streaked through the open window as Nancy opened her eyes. It took a while for her eyes to get adjusted to the blinding sunlight. She looked at the time, almost 7o'clock. Getting up slowly she changed her clothes, a sky blue top with pink trousers. Brushing her strawberry-blonde hair and tying it in a ponytail, she grabbed her purse and went downstairs to the living room.

As she entered the living room, she caught the smell of pancakes and cookies coming from the kitchen.

Umm…..looks like Hannah's in a good mood today.

She went inside the kitchen to greet Hannah. "Good morning Hannah". Hannah turned around and gave Nancy her wonderful morning smile. "Good morning to you too, dear", said Hannah. She quickly put Nancy's breakfast in front of her and began cleaning the kitchen.

"Where's dad, Hannah?" asked Nancy. "Oh, he said he had some work to finish and won't be back before night" said Hannah with a sigh. "Really, that man is going through a lot of work these days. If he doesn't stop himself, he's going to explode soon."

"Don't worry Hannah. You've seen Dad 'go through a lot' earlier" said Nancy. "Nancy, are you going somewhere?" asked Hannah noticing her purse. "Yeah, I'm meeting Bess, George and Ned today at the mall. We're gonna plan where we'd be going for the holidays."

Finishing her breakfast, Nancy took her car keys from the table and rode all the way to the mall. On reaching there she found Bess and George waiting for her at the entrance. "Morning guys. Where's Ned?" asked Nancy.

"Morning Nan. Ned's saving us a table inside at Donald's. What took you so long?" asked Bess. "Yeah. We were wondering where you went. You're always on time" said George.

"Oh, nothing. Hannah was just making me a quick breakfast. I definitely can't say no to her wonderful pancakes, can I?" said Nancy.

Nancy, Bess and George made their way through the crowd of shoppers and reached Donald's. They found Ned waiting for them at one of the corner tables of the restaurant.

"Morning Ned" said Nancy as she sat down on the chair next to him, George and Bess sitting opposite them. "Morning Nan. What took you so long? You're usually the morning riser" asked Ned. "Hannah's pancakes" said Nancy simply.

"So have you guys planned where we're gonna spend the vacation?" asked Nancy. "Actually Nancy, we're not sure where to go. We thought maybe you would know where to go. We're totally out of ideas" said George.

"But I thought you guys had …." continued Nancy. Ring… ring…ring…

"Excuse me guys" said Nancy as she got up from the table and went to a less crowded and noisy place.

"Hello, Nancy Drew speaking"

"Hello Nancy?" the voice said.

"FRANK!!??" cried Nancy in shock as she recognized who that deep voice belonged to.

"Um...yeah Nancy. Why did you shout?" asked Frank from the other end.

"Oh …um… nothing. Actually I was… um…a… bit surprised. Wh....Why did you suddenly call me?" asked Nancy a bit embarrassed. She hated stammering but could not control herself.

Why in the name of heavens was Frank suddenly calling her, she thought. She had no problems with Frank calling her but she had agreed to herself that she would keep a distance from him after the fight she had had with Ned last week about Frank. Well shouting out his name certainly didn't help, she thought as she found Ned, Bess and George staring at her.

"Actually Nan, there's a case in which Joe and I have been working on. Well it ended up in a dead end and it also ended Joe in the hospital with a few broken ribs and a concussion ..."

"Oh my god!! Is Joe all right?" asked Nancy worriedly.

Even though Joe was a total jerk sometimes, he was more like a little brother to her and she cared for him a lot.

"Yeah. Joe's fine. He's got Vanessa to keep him company. But the two reasons behind which I'm calling you is that… Number one… the case involves you and one of the criminals whom we caught during one of our cases. It seems that the criminal is targeting you and he wants you dead. Number two… we, meaning Joe and I really do need your help on this case. We're at total dead end."

Nancy was silent. What was she going to do? She had promised Ned that she would keep mystery solving out of her mind for some time. But this was different, this included her life. Her life was in danger and she definitely couldn't ignore this case. She had to take this…..no matter what Ned said.

"Hello…Nan? Are you there?" asked Frank.

"Yeah Frank. I'm here. I'm coming to Bayport as soon as I can. Ok?" said Nancy.

"Thanks Nancy. I…I mean Joe and I appreciate your help. So see you soon then Nancy?"

"Wait Frank!?"


"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Yeah sure."

"Can Bess, George and Ned tag along too? Actually we were planning to spend the vacations together. And they can also help me on the case. They really do help me a lot and I won't feel the same without them. Is that OK with you?" asked Nancy.

Frank considered this for a moment. Sure bringing them to Bayport and involving them in the case would be dangerous but something in Nancy's voice was not asking but requesting him. After thinking for a moment, he said "Sure Nan. You can bring them along too."

Frank turned around and found his brother grinning goofily at him. "What?" he asked.

"Is she coming?" asked Joe observing his brother's face carefully.

"Of course she is. But may I know what is there to laugh about?" asked Frank.

"Oh nothing. I think you might know the third reason of inviting HER to Bayport"

"Look Joe. I've told you a hundred times that I'm not in love with Nancy Drew. I have Callie. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say."

Nancy returned to her table only to find all her three friend's faces gazing at her.

"Who was that, Nancy?" asked Ned.

Bess and George could both see the tension which had started to form between Nancy and Ned. Even Nancy was feeling a little uncomfortable. Suddenly Bess whispered to George, "Hey George? I think maybe we should leave them alone for some time?" "Bess, that's the best idea you have ever had this day" whispered back George. So the both left a very uncomfortable Nancy and Ned at the table and went to the washroom where they had a clear view of Nancy and Ned.

"Um…Ned…that was Fr…Frank. He…um…he"

"What did he want Nancy?" asked Ned.

"Um… Ned give me a minute to explain. That was Frank on the line. He and Joe are working on a case which happens to involve me. I am in danger. And…um…both of them have also come to a dead end in the case. So he…I mean they asked me for help" finished Nancy.

"What did you tell them Nan?"

"I told them that I would arrive at Bayport soon…with you guys" she added in a whisper.

"So you told him that Bess, George and I would also be coming to help you on the case, huh?"

"Well you guys have never been to Bayport before and I've been there quite a few times…so I thought that I could show you around and maybe solve the case as well?"

"What did you promise me about solving cases, Nancy?" asked Ned.

"I know Ned but this case is personal. This case includes a criminal who wants to kill me. I'm sure you can see why I want to solve this case, can't you?

"If your life is in danger Nancy, then I'm coming with you" said Ned.

"Do you think that the tension is over, George?" asked Bess as she spied on Nancy and Ned.

"I think so…Don't you think?" asked George.

"Yeah. They look a lot calmer than a second ago. Maybe we should head back" said Bess.

As soon as they reached their table and Nancy lost no time in telling them about her conversation with Frank. They were scared to think that a criminal would be after Nancy's life…but this was totally expected of Nancy Drew. There may be a hundred thousand criminals out there who would love to kill Nancy but still it took a while for them to digest this information.

After hearing her, Bess spoke up, "So we're really going to Bayport? I totally can't believe it. We're going there on a vacation and to solve a case…ausumn. I heard that there are totally HOT guys in Bayport? Is it true?" she asked them.

Nancy, George and Ned could only laugh.

"Trust Bess to jump to boys at the first chance. Gosh she'd never change, can she?" asked George.

"No there's no chance of her changing."

"Definitely not a chance."

Bess just put up a face. "Hey you guys … stop blaming me. Everyone has their own habit."

Really… trust Bess to lighten up the mood, thought Nancy. Anyway a little part inside her wanted to see Frank again after two months. No. Don't think that Nancy. You're with Ned and he's with Callie. There's no way she was going to let Frank take over Ned. No way!!

"Hel-lo…Earth calling Nancy. Are you here?" asked Bess.

"Oh…um…sorry Bess. I didn't catch you. What were you saying?" asked Nancy coming back to Earth.

"I was asking you when are we leaving for Bayport."

"Tomorrow morning. We catch the first flight. OK?" decided Nancy.

"Fine by me" piped Bess.

"Me too" said George.

Nancy turned to Ned. "You're coming, right?" asked Nancy.

Ned stared into Nancy's eyes. "Of course."

"OK then everybody. I'll pick you guys up on the way for the 6 o'clock flight. Be ready by 5." said Nancy.

Nancy was wide awake by 4 o'clock in the morning the next day. She got up quickly and had a quick bath and began packing her bags. She went downstairs only to find Hannah making breakfast for her Dad. "Morning Dad" cried out Nancy as she went to give her Dad a hug. "When did you arrive last night?" asked Nancy.

"A little after midnight. I heard that you, Bess, George and Ned are going to New York today. Why suddenly Bayport?" asked Carson Drew.

"Oh…um…Actually Frank had called yesterday and invited us to Bayport for the vacation" said Nancy after thinking. She had not told Hannah that the real reason for her going there was the case. She didn't want Hannah and her dad to worry. "I'm gonna give you guys a ride to the airport. That's why I got up so early" said Carson.

"Ah Dad…you shouldn't have. You should get some sleep. Anyway you came back so late after a hard day's work, you must be tired" said Nancy sitting down at the table as Hannah placed her breakfast in front of her.

"I'm never tired to give my daughter and her friends a ride to the airport" said Carson.

After finishing their breakfast, Nancy bid goodbye to Hannah and went to pick Ned up, then Bess and George. They reached the airport at 5:30 a.m. After boarding their plane, Nancy turned to Ned who was sitting quietly beside her. "Are you still angry at me?" she asked him.

"Why should I be?" asked Ned.

"You know, for taking up the case which also involves Frank Hardy. And also involves a fiasco minded criminal who's after my life" said Nancy.

"Nancy, I believe in you. You do love me. Don't you?" asked Ned.

"Of course I do, Ned" said Nancy.

"Then I have nothing to worry about" said Ned and began to read his book.

After a few hours……

"Nancy, when are we gonna reach there?" asked Bess.

"Be patient Bess. It's only been one hour. We'll reach there after two more hours." said George.

"TWO MORE HOURS!!??...What am I gonna do for that long?" asked Bess.

"Hey Nan… Is Frank picking us up from the airport?" asked George.

"He is. Joe would have come as well but he's still under the strict doctor's condition that if he even moved a muscle, then he would keep him in the hospital for a whole month" said Nancy smiling.

"Sounds like Joe would be in a very bad mood then, huh?" said Bess

A/N: Please review…Next chapter will be up after a while.