Hey guys! Thanks so much for sticking with this story, it means the world, and sorry for not updating in awhile, I'll try and end the story soon/now.

I ignored the pain I felt in my jaw after that dick Trent punched me. I ran toward the escape and pushed away rocks that had already built up. After a little bit I could see a clearing and I could hear Courtney yelling at Trent. That's Courtney for you, sweet and scary. As I pushed away more rocks and got higher up the hole I saw something I hadn't seen in so long that I forgot how...unique it is.

Through a small clearing a ray of sunlight burst through, I stopped all that I was doing and stared at the small ray of light. I could see tiny specks of dust falling around in the light. I held out my hand and let the light hit the back of my hand. It was warm and I never understood how much I could miss something everyone else takes for granted, something that people see everyday.

The heat sent adrenaline pumping through me and it made me realize; not only am I going through this crap to get Courtney, but I want my freedom more than anything in world. To feel the sunlight on my skin, to feel the rain drench me, to feel the grass between my toes. I would give my life to feel outside even if for just a moment. I looked up and felt a huge rumble in the tunnel which reminded me that currently Trent was trying to bury me back in the prison. But he didn't know that once you get Duncan going, there's no stopping me.

I shoved all of the rocks and boulders aside and as I climbed higher up I saw more and more sunlight breaking through. My eyes were watering because of how intense the light was on my dark-accustomed eyes, but it was so worth it. Slowly I could hear Courtneys voice getting closer...or she was just yelling louder, knowing her it could be either or. I heaved as I pushed up on one hell of a rock and as it went tumbling to the side, a great ray of sun burst through and I had to shield my eyes from the unbearably bright sight. I climbed up blindly, unaware if any more rocks or boulders were coming my way.

After a few paces I stopped and simply listened. I could no longer hear rocks tumbling down or anything for that matter so I just continued on. After 20 paces I blindly felt around with my other arm and felt a wet coarse substance. I opened my eyes slightly but quickly shut them tight because, truly, the sunlight in it's entirety was too much for my eyes to handle.

So I continued feeling the substance until I finally realized, it was grass. I sprinted up the remainder of the tunnel and smiled as the dewy grass hit my scabbed feet. I stopped shielding my eyes and ran around the area until I fell to my knees and started to tear up. Who knew something as simple as sunlight and grass could bring me to tears. I really am a wuss.

I twirled my fingers around in the grass and loosened the tight lock my eyelids were in. No, I still could not bear to open my eyes, but I was getting close. I leaned over and fell on my back and just laid in the field. I thought when I finally came to freedom, I would be happier than ever, but for some reason I felt as if I was missing something. I felt as if I should be sharing this moment with something or better yet, someone. I felt the area next to me and realized I was missing something. Courtney.

I remember I searched months for Courtney. I looked all around town, asked as many people as I could, called several hot lines just to find her, I even called the cops numerous times and they have always been my sworn enemy, let alone they could've sent me back to jail if they found out I escaped. But I guess I'll never know what happened to Trent and Courtney that day.

Maybe they ran off together, maybe Trent's holding her captive, maybe she's holding him captive, the possibilities are endless. I'll never forget that day though, because it was the day that I realized, freedom didn't make me as happy as I thought it would. When I was finally free I was lonely for months. I had no fucking idea where my family was, I was broke, I smelled like shit, and I had nowhere to go.

I missed the way she complained and nagged and eventually said something useful. With her CIT spirit we would've been living in a penthouse in a week. But instead I live in my pathetic studio apartment paid for by my stupid entry level job and with no one to talk to.

Sometimes I feel like I didn't try hard enough to find her, but then I'm reminded I almost got killed, on several instances, because I asked scummy people about her whereabouts. I put in my all to find her, but someone can only go on for so long before they have to...move on.

I do still miss her though, I still feel a tinge in my chest when I think about not finding her, I still lay awake thinking of what happened to her that day. There isn't a day that goes by where her name doesn't pop up at least once.


Great now, I'm hearing things.

"Duncan!" I looked up my newspaper and saw my boss scowling at me.

I breathed in heavily, "What do you want, Leshwana?"

"Get your white ass out of that chair and get back to being a cashier!" She yelled as she threw a dirty dish rag at me.

I reluctantly stood up and walked over to the counter. I picked up my work apron and headed over to the cash register. I got out a pad of paper as I flatly said, "Wlecome to Java Joes, how can I help you?"


I scribbled it on the pad and handed the order over to my idiot co-worker Harold. "Thank you, next!"

"How can I help you?" I said disinterestedly.

"I would like to know when freedom rings."

"Huh?" I looked up from the pad and saw a girl in a long trench coat and huge sunglasses. Her hair was tied back firmly and she looked at me with a smirk.

For a brief moment I thought it was Courtney, but she quickly added,"Just kidding! I want a mocha cappuccino." She snorted and took off her sunglasses to reveal dull teal eyes.

I looked at her agitatedly and quickly said, "Whatever freak, next!" I looked back down at the pad and repeated the annoying phrase I hated so much, "How can I help you?"

I repeated this for several hours until around closing time, one final customer came in. I wiped the counters and reached over for my note pad, I sighed heavily, "How can I help you?" I said without looking up.

"I'd like to know your story."

There was another long pause, " So what's your name?" She said quieter. …At least she was done yelling.


"Courtney, so Duncan tell me your story."

I didn't have to look up to know, I remember that first day she joined the prison. How loud she was, how annoying she was, how she was the only one who ever cared to ask me what my story was. Only she would ever ask me that question.

I slowly looked up, afraid of being disappointed again, but there she was, that crazy CIT. She looked as if she was living large because her hair was shining, her skin was glowing and I could see the pricey branding on her silk shirt. I didn't know this was possible but she looked more stunning than I remembered. I've asked myself this question many times but this time I meant it, what did happen that day?


"Shh, shh!" She placed a finger over my mouth. "Some things are meant to be secrets."

"But Court, you don't know-"

"But I do know."

"Know what?"

"Everything that ever happened after that day."

"But how do you-"

She put her finger up to my mouth again, "Like I said some things are meant to be secrets."

I leaned in closer and whispered, "Just tell my one thing, what happened after Trent took you?"

She looked up playfully and pursed her lips as if she was thinking really hard about the question. God how she tortures me. "Same as you, we made a jail break."

I don't know if "jail breaking" (besides jail-breaking an IPod) is an actual term but seriously, I honestly have NO idea how I concluded to ending it like this, through out the whole series I imagined ending it so much differently and to those of you who suggested ideas about the story, I'm completely sorry I didn't get around to them, I planned on using those ideas for a long time and the ideas were greatly appreciated since I had writers block on this story very often, who knows maybe I'll incorporate them into a next chapter or something.

I kind of like cliffhanger-y endings though so I'm not sure if I should do another chapter or not. But then again I also hate having really huge left over questions like what TDWT did, TDWT had the stupidest ending EVER! Who's with me?

Anyway again, everyone who's read this story, thank you so much! Please review and thanks again!