A/N I got an idea from my bestest friend, Jamee Grisham. She is cool. Sorta. I'm gonna stop talking before I get slapped. I'm using her idea in the next chapter, though. Well, read on, peeps! Sorry! I've been busy with volleyball and school and Jamee telling me to write that I didn't have time to write. Thank Jamee, earthgirl110, for a slow chapter! Later!

Bella's POV

After we got back to Edward's house, Rilie wasn't anywhere in the open.

"Where's Rilie?" Edward asked.

"Crying upstairs." Emmett said.

"Why?" I asked, concerned.

"Alec Volterra is dating Lauren Mallory." Alice retorted.

"WHAT!?" Edward and I said at the same time.

I ran up the stairs and went straight to our room. Well, Alice's room. You get my point.

"Ri! Are you okay? I know what happened." I said.

"Well you're not going to make it any better." Touche. (A/N I couldn't help it!)

I went over to comfort her and she turned and was sobbing into my neck.

Edward came in and was hugging her from the other side to have her completely blocked in.

Ri cried until she fell asleep in Edward's and mines arms.

"Here, I'll put her in bed. Which one is her's?" Edward asked me.

"That one." I pointed to the right bed.

After he put her in bed, he pulled me onto my bed and covered us both up and that's how we fell asleep.

Edward's POV

After I put Rilie in her bed, I grabbed Bella and pulled her onto her bed, I had been in here many times when she was asleep, and covered us up and that's how we fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I looked around and it looked like I was still in the girls' room. I thought Emmett would've got me last night. Apparently not.

I closed my eyes again. I remembered I had Bella in my arms and I didn't want to wake her.

"Awwwwww!" Alice said, "They look so cute like that."

"Wh- Awwwwww!" All the other girls said.

"What's with all the 'Awwwwww'ing? We're trying to sleep." Emmett said, walking in.


"Dude's, I told you Edward would be in here with her." Jasper said.

And that's when the bed started moving.

Bella opened her eyes at the same time I opened mine and we seen Rilie, Alice, and Brandon jumping on the bed on their knees.

"WHAT THE H-" Bella started saying.

"Language, Love." I reminded her.

"Shh. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!?!" Bella yelled.

"Waking you two up, what does it look like?" Brandon asked.

"Get off my bed!" Bella was still yelling.

"Jasper, will you go make us some pancakes?" Alice purred to Jasper. Ew. Gross. I didn't really need to see my sister like that.

"Um, sure, Alice." Jasper looked sorta light headed.

He grabbed Austin and went downstairs to get breakfast ready. Emmett followed like a lost puppy.

In about 10 minutes, Alice was carrying Lily while Rosalie carried Adam and they went downstairs. After them, Rilie, Destinay, Serenity, Jesie, Jamie, Emily, Carrie, and James all went down. Now, it's just me, Bella, Brandon, and Kyle. Hmmm. Wonder why they're still here.

Bella's POV

After a while, everyone but Edward, Brandon, kyle and me were downstairs. Why Brandon and kyle were still here, I shall never know. Well, that is until they started to talk.

"Do you two know why we are still here?" Kyle asked.

"Uh........no." Edward and I said at the same time.

"Well, we don't either so let's go eat." Brandon said.

We got out of bed and walked downstairs and to our normal seats. Our table was a circle so this is kinda how it went, I'll start with Alice and go counter clockwise:

Alice, Bella, Edward (me), Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Brandon, Kyle, Austin, Adam, Jesie, Jamie, Serenity, Destinay, Carrie, Emily, James, Carlisle, Esme, 5 extra chairs, Lily, and Rilie.

Right when Brandon was about to take a bite, he put it down and asked a rather good question. "Did Emmett help make these?"

"What's wrong with my cooking?!" Emmett asked.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'm not hungry any more." Alice said.

"No one is any more." Rilie mumbled.

Everyone started laughing and Esme got up to go order breakfast from McDonald's.

"No, really, what's wrong with my cooking?" Emmett asked.

"Emmett, the last time you made something, Rilie and I got food poising." Alice said. It's true, they did.

"Whatever." Emmett retorted. "Oh, wait. Is that why you missed a month of school?"

"YES, Emmett! YOU BIG GOOF!" Alice yelled.

Emmett shrunk back into his seat. "Sorry."

Edward POV

After breakfast, we played some games and then had lunch, Emmett stayed away this time, then went back to playing and then ate dinner, with no Emmett yet again, and went to sleep. It was pretty boring. The last thing I remember before I went to sleep, was an angelic voice right next to me. "I love you, Edward. I wish I could just tell you." The only person with that voice is my beloved Bella. I remembered I had Bella with me because she fell asleep on the couch downstairs and I brought her upstairs and laid down with her. Bella loves me? I knew she liked me since we were dating, but there is no way Bella would love me. Is there?