Death note one-shot 2

"L is dead." roger said to the two could-be successors that stood in front of him. One boy was completely dumbfounded; the other was still on the floor completely it seemed...

"Roger who did he choose?" the blond boy said already knowing the answer.

"He hadn't made the decision yet..." roger said still looking down."Couldn't you and near work together mello?" he looked up at the completely peeved boy.

"Roger you know I can't stand that little brat!" the blonde yelled letting his anger get the best of him. Near turned and ran out of the door not showing his face to either of his elders. Mello knew he hadn't meant that statement one bit...he actually kind of...liked...the younger boy...

"mello I think you should put your differences aside and go apologize and comfort him as its partially your fault he--" roger could've kept talking but he felt no need to as there was nothing in front of his desk but a puzzle with exactly three pieces in place left un-finished by its owner.

mello reached the albino's room and thought about knocking but then realized there was no point as he was going to enter no matter what...mello reached towards the doorknob and froze realizing one thing "what the hell am going to say?! He hates me! I'll just end up upsetting him even more!!" mello thought just deciding to go with his gut.

Feeling like there was a medicine ball pressed to his stomach and chest, the blonde slowly turned the knob and winced at the creaking door as he peered in to see a sobbing white-haired boy in the corner. Cursing at himself mentally as he realized he was to fault for this image, mello stepped in the darkened room and nervously stepped closer to the albino...

"m-mello?" the boy said with reddened eyes from crying tears still streaming down his face as he looked away from the taller blonde." what are you doing here?"

"I...I came to tell you something..."mello said nervous as ever as he kneeled down next to near and put his hand on near's shoulder.

"What mello?" the albino said with a little acid in his throat. "This is unlike him...he'd usually just take a picture for blackmail and leave..." near thought, now turned to the blonde crossing his arms giving mello his full attention.

"Near...I...I..." mello stuttered grabbing his soft blonde hair in frustration and turned away from near as if to regain his strength

"Mello," near said probing the blonde to go on slightly annoyed though he still had tears streaming down his face.

"Near! Will you work with me here! I'm trying to tell you I love you and it's hard enough that you're crying so guess what I'm sorry for that ok!? just help me out here!!" mello shouted without thinking thus, putting near in a state of shock." I'll leave." mello whispered even he was in shock of how automatically the words have come to him. Mello turned to leave and stopped at the door to look back at the boy and say;

"I love you, Nate rivers." and turned again. Near grabbed mello's arm and hugged it, begging him to stay.

"mello." near half-whispered now full-on hugging the blonde, still crying for a different reason now. Mello turned so he could hug the albino back. Mello started twirling near's hair as he'd seen the smaller boy doing many times before.

This feels strange...but I think I like it... mello thought hugging near tighter as he noticed the smaller boy had stopped crying and was now smiling contentedly, enjoying the blonde's closeness.

"I love you too mehael keehl" near whispered snuggling closer to mello, the love of the rest of either of their lives.

Which won't be that long....