Hmmm, why did I decide to write a little bit of drabble about Lieutenant Kotler and the Hopeless Case? All I can say is that man is gonna get what's coming for him.

Warning: He may get pushed and slapped a few times (gasp) but there will be a little bit of kissy, kissy face-ness-ish. Oh, and I don't own the book thing and what not.


Beautiful, Gretel sighed, as she absentmindedly pushed the helping of lamb around on her plate with a preoccupied look set on her face.

Why they were having a family dinner with Lieutenant Kotler, she couldn't even bring herself to wrap her mind around it. Especially not in the dreamy state she was in now.

"What's the matter with you?" Father directed at Pavel from across the table as he uncorked a new bottle. "This is the fourth time I've had to ask for more wine."

Gretel averted her gaze to the servant whose hand began tremble under added weight of Father's glare as he unkemptly tried to aim the wine into Kotler's glass.

Her eyes began to widen and she dropped her fork to her plate as the man's hand carelessly slipped, skewing the bottle sideways. Like a waterfall of deep red the contents of the bottle poured into Lieutenant Kotler's lap within moments.

Everyone was silent with wide eyes when Kotler sprang up to Pavel's level, his eyes burning with hatred.

"Why you stupid, worthless-!" Kotler yelled. He raised his hand at the waiter but halted his movements when his palm was only inches away from Pavel's pale face.

His whole body shook as he then turned to Father.

"Herr Commandant…"

"You may take your leave Lieutenant. But, return so I may have a word with you." Father said calmly not taking note in neither the shaking, paled waiter or the tears running down Gretel's ignorant brother's face.

Gretel sat there shocked by how the atmosphere had changed from frigid to tense within a fraction of a second after the incident. Her eyes followed as Kotler stalked from his seat and out the door with heavy feet. If it had been her illiterate bother of a brother or anyone else for that matter she may have just laughed. But with Kotler it was almost…frightening?

Her face turned back to her parents and she took her lip into her mouth. Was no one except for her and Bruno affected?

"Father, Mother may I please return to my room now?" she asked politely. Her mother turned to her daughter confused and only slightly fazed from the happenings that had taken place only seconds before.

When her Father gave her permission she walked slowly before she was out of sight. Then, she ran up the stairs. Closing the door to her room closed and quietly locking it she resumed her now very much familiar place by her large window.

Not sparing a thought for what happened to the servant or even foresee that night's events, she sighed with content.

She gazed out the window as the still fuming blonde man stalked past her sight to get a change of clothes.



"Stop it, Kurt." Said Gretel, drying her eyes. "He doesn't understand you. He's only nine."

She turned to see Bruno storm away in the distance, obviously fed up with the love birds. I wish.

As Gretel stayed turned and watching her brother disappear she didn't see the new solider that had taken a spot next to the lieutenant. She didn't notice as he handed him am item, nor did she hear the man when he walked away.

But, as she turned to Kotler a smile slipped onto her face.

There upon his trimmed, blonde head was a new hat just as grand as his uniform.

"Oh Kurt! That hat is just magnificent on you." Gretel exclaimed then smiled innocently. "May I see it?"

Kurt raised an eyebrow at her. It can't hurt, he thought. The lieutenant reached out and handed the girl his new hat.

Gretel's eyes widen as the hat is placed in her hands. It was a magnificent hat indeed. It may have had prickly fabric but it was a hat that showed great importance.

Gretel looked up from the hat to Kotler looking at her in a peculiar way with a small smile set upon his handsome features.

"Here's your hat, Lieutenant." She smiled sweetly. She set the hat crookedly upon his head before he could even have a chance to reach out. Giggling at the sight crooked on his head, she skipped away, leaving the young man with a smile in place and a hat out of place.


An exaggerated sigh left Gretel's lips as she glanced out her window to only have her view obscured by the rain that poured effortlessly from outside. Rainy days are horrible, she decided sullenly. It meant she couldn't see Lieutenant Kotler.

Her face brightened, however, when the Lieutenant came into view by the garden just below her window.

How peculiar, she thought as she watched him stride out of view towing a small boy in stripedpajamas behind him.

She stood for a moment before making up her mind.

Rushing out of her room she ran to Bruno's to try her luck at his window.

The first time Bruno had mentioned children on the other side she was confused and brushed it off. That is, until she saw them. All she knew was that the fence was there to keep them in. But, she still didn't understand why none of the less.

Thankfully Bruno was nowhere to be seen inside the small, eerie room when she entered.

When Gretel reached the window of Bruno's room, she peered out with interest at the sight just out of the window.

Lieutenant stood there in the rain gripping the small boy's shoulder. They were both by the fence, if not almost leaning against it.

Then, Gretel gasped. Her jaw fell open as she watched Kotler throw the small boy to the ground and begin to yell at him. What on earth was going on outside?

Not knowing what she was doing or if she should do it she ran down the stairs and out the door. Rain fell in giant droplets. Her eyelashes gathered drops and her white dress began to harbor pockets of wetness.

She was nearing the fence just in time to see the boy stand up. And as she was only feet away from standing behind Lieutenant Kotler she saw him raise his hand to the boy.

"Kurt, stop!" Gretel screeched. She jumped up slightly to grab the man's forearm before he had time to strike.

Fear washed over her just as rain did when the man turned. He turned so quickly, and pulled his arm out of her grip in such a speed she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Tears rolled down her face and mixed with the rain as mud seeped into her white dress. He had pushed her!

She was too focused on the mud to notice the small boy retreat to the other side of the fence. But, she did turn her attention when the Lieutenant before her tuned around to glare at her. His face was darkened and pupils were dialated. He was the one who had attacked her and he was seething with anger.

He continued to glare at her heatedly for a moment more before his eyes opened wide.

"Oh shit, Gretel!" he quickly stepped forward and reached out to grab her hand.

She slapped his hand away keeping the image of her ruined white dress at mind. "You pushed that boy then you pushed me!" she vociferated at the man she had thought she was so smitten with as she pushed herself off from the ground.

Kurt's face darkened once yet again, Gretel noted with scrutiny.

"That is no boy, Gretel." He barked.

Gretel let out a snort as she looked to her side to see the boy's figure disappearing briskly into the horizon.

"Well I'm quite sure he was no girl, lieutenant." She said stiffly. She blinked. For the first time she noticed that she was barefoot. Great, now I'm for sure going to get sick, she thought bitterly.

When she looked back up to the lieutenant she noticed a pleading look in his eyes that followed with some words.

"Don't tell Herr commandant, I'll do anything."

"Anything…?" Gretel asked before her mouth dropped open.

"You're not really sorry. You're just saying that so I won't tell Father!" Gretel yelled at the man still thinking of how he had ruined her new dress.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously to slits as she stepped forward. Her hand shot out and grazed the side of his face with a satisfying 'SMACK!'

Her hand fell back to her side and a wide grin stretched on her face.

She watched satisfyingly as Kotler's mouth dropped open and his hand gingerly touched where she had slapped him. Much to her satisfaction a five-fingered welt rose upon his face.

"There. A slap for a push." And with that she turned on her heel and stomped back to the eerie home. Never before had she been so happy to trade Kotler up for a cup of hot coco and a nice book in her room.

Stupid Lieutenant Kotler.


Hey lookie here, chapter one is finished! Yay! Ugh…yeah I know it was 'eh' but oh well.

Whether it's helpful, not so much, or just plain mean all reviews are wanted. Though constructive is preferred over destructive forms of reviews.

Oh! And if you want you can give me some ideas to add into the next chapter (hint hint).