Yeah, call me perverted if you want but this is just an experimental story and will not connect with any of my other stories. I respect Skilene.



Come on. You know this isn't right. You know this is just a little impulse. Just ignore it. You don't like anyone like that. Especially Skipper. Remember what happened when you tired to say you loved him. He doesn't like you like that anyway. You are straight. You are straight. Come on Kowalski. Just remember what happened when you said that to him… "Skipper," You said "I like you." And he said "Well I like you too, Kowalski." And remember how your heart leapt. But then: "You're like my long lost brother." And then you pushed it. "No I mean, more than that." And you raised an eyebrow at you. "Like how?" And then you said: "Like how you like Marlene." Marlene is girlfriend. And then he looked at you, scared for a moment and then started laughing, and slapped your back. "You've been fooling around with an invention again, haven't you?" He said. "No I-…" you tried to say but he wouldn't listen. "Oh, Kowalski. You need to take some breaks, I almost thought you were gay there for a second." And he left.

And yet I can't help it. No science disproves homosexuality as an animal instinct. So what's wrong with me? Is there something wrong with my brain? Some kind of overactive hormone or something? Brain damage? You can't really like Skipper like that. You can't love him anymore than a brother or friend. But it keeps biting at me. Skipper's so braving, so strong, so… and taken by Marlene. Damn her. I want Skipper. I've never been a lady's man. Maybe that's why I want Skipper? Someone who understands me? I could never please a woman. I'm too caught up in my work. And yet there's room in my heart for Skipper. He's always said he's married to his work, and so am I… but he loves Marlene too.

I wish I was Marlene. Wow I sound like a freak. But is this proving my passion for Skipper? Or am I just some retard? God, I can't seem to face up to the facts. I want that man, but why? Sure he's attractive but why to me? He should be attractive to females like Marlene. God, I want to kill her. I see her kissing. Hugging him. My God, how can I compete? What does Skipper see in her? She's just an otter. And yet I envy her more than Albert Einstein. Why can't I shake these feelings? Why am I so confused? Maybe I could invent something to fix my mind. Yes! Eureka! I'll straighten my sexuality. I'll find some way to correct my attractions. I just have to find out what's wrong.


Anyway, that's the start. Please review.