Percy Jackson and the Olympians-The Prophecy

By Nick Gunn

It was the perfect night. All the campers were sitting by the fire listening to Chiron's old War stories. I was content enough having Annabeth snuggled up against me in the blanket my mother had made me.

"Percy?" Annabeth's voice had caught me by surprise. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

I was hesitant to answer. "Well…um."I thought about what I was going to say for a couple seconds, and then I decide that here...Around everyone wasn't the right place.

"Annabeth can you follow me? Just for a couple minutes? I need to talk to you about something."I took her hand and helped her up without grabbing any of the camper's attention. I saw Grover look over at us but he quickly averted his gaze when I shook my head briefly.

I walked Annabeth all the way to my cabin, it was a cold night and she still had the sea blue blanket around her arms. I don't know why but she looked more beautiful than ever tonight. After a short walk past the cabin's I brought her next to the dock near the lake and sat her down. She looked at me wearily "Percy? What's this all about? Its freezing can't we just get back to the fire?"

"No Annabeth" I smiled. "I brought you down here for a reason."

"Oh" she smiled. "And what would that be."

"Annabeth…" I looked into her I eyes and felt at home. "Just hear me out."

Annabeth got a confused look on her face. "ok well I'm listening sea we---." I kissed her quickly before she could finish the remark.

"Annabeth…I." why couldn't I say it? The words sounded so simple in my head. Why couldn't I tell her?

"What? Do you love me Percy Jackson?" she said, giggling behind her breath. She formed a gigantic smile. It took me a few long seconds to realize she was messing with me.

"Um...Annabeth." She looked slightly dumb founded."

Yes, I do love you." I stared at her for a half second and kissed her. She pushed me away abruptly.

"Uh Percy. Really?" She started getting Teary-Eyed fast. Automatically I had a bad feeling in my gut.

"I'm really sorry Ann."

She looked up at me with a smiley on her face. "Don't be! Percy." She grabbed my hand and pressed it against her face. My fingers tingled with her touch. "I've been stuck her at this camp for so long…my dad and I aren't close, and I've had to tough it out for as long as I can remember. I love you to."

Surprised I sighed with relief. "Oh my gods Annabeth! You really scared me for a second!" We both started laughing and I hugged her. It was nice to feel her warmth in the freezing weather.

"Percy?" she muttered under her breath. "Are things going to be this good much longer?"

"What do you mean?" I answered.

"I mean, that it's been Quite a while sense Rachael's prophecy." She put her head on my chest on took a deep breath. "I'm tired of fighting Percy…can the gods just take things into their own hands?"

"Annabeth you know they can't interfere with our problems, we have to do these things on our own. I know exactly what you're saying to. We lost so many campers last year…"

"Well, Percy I guess we should head back to the fire pit before Chiron notices were gone."

"Agreed." I stated, know that our talk would have to wait till we could have each other's undivided attention.

Once we arrived at the sight everyone was gone…or so we thought. There sat Chiron with Grover.

"Were exactly have the two of you been Mr. Jackson?" Chiron said in a deep voice.

Annabeth quickly butted in before I could say anything. "We thought we had seen someone around the cabins and we went to go check it out."

I could tell Chiron didn't believe her but he was proud of her quick thinking. "I recommend that you all get back to your cabins its well past curfew."

We all agreed with Chiron, Annabeth and I started giggling under our breathes when Chiron was out of ears shot.

"So G-man." I said. "Why didn't you have our backs there?"

"I figured the two of you could handle it yourselves" he stated with a smug look on his face.

"Well I always have a plan Grover" Annabeth smiled. "You should know that pretty well by now."

We all laughed. We could see our cabins a few yards away now. I headed towards Annabeth's cabin first to say goodnight. "Annabeth, I had fun tonight" I said in a quite happy tone.

"Same here Percy" she smiled back at me. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds, which turned into a few minutes.

"I love you Annabeth. I'll see you in the morning." I could feel myself blushing; fortunately all the lights were out in her cabin, so it wasn't noticeable.

"I love you to Percy; get a good night's sleep we can talk in the morning." She kissed me on the cheek and playfully shoved me away. Unfortunately I didn't playfully trip over the rock in front of me. Annabeth giggled and walked into her cabin.

I caught back up with Grover and we walked silently for a couple of minutes until he broke the silence. "So did you tell her man?"

I kind of felt my brain skip a pace or two and then catch back on track. "Tell her what?" I asked really trying to avoid conversation.

"Ah Percy! Don't be like that you can tell me anything.

I hesitated for a couple of seconds and then realized that telling him the truth couldn't cause any problems. "Yes, I told her." I blushed the second time that night. Why was I so nervous? Or was the word embarrassed?

"I'm happy for you Percy; I'll see you tomorrow; we're at your cabin." Grover said.

I walked in and waved good bye to Grover, closing the door behind me. I flopped down in my bed and listened to the water flow, my thoughts quickly started to drift as I realized I was in much need of sleep. I felt my eyes flutter shut as I drifted into nothingness.