This actual came to me while I was working on my Bleach fic, Laughing Fox. Don't know how it came to me at that time. I mean I was working on a bath scene and all. But then again I kept looking outside where it hasn't stopped snowing for two weeks. Then I though how cute it would be for Deidara to be young and out there. I know random, am I not? So that is basically how this came to be....

The winter of crimson snow

Snow... so cold yet beautiful. It falls from the sky in a white silhouette, the color of purity. Each snowflake different though the same to our eyes. The land covered in the purity showing nothing but white. It was there that the boy found himself stranded, shivering, starving, bleeding, afraid, alone, and oh so terribly cold. Freezing was more like it. Deidara, a boy of fifteen abandoned since the age of ten, tried his best to walk across the frozen land. His legs were so weak and tired. 'Why did happen to me? Why does anything happen to me?' Sobs escaped his chapped lips that were turning a dangerous shade of blue. He had just been searching dumpsters for food when a stranger attacked him out of nowhere..... he didn't know what to expect, but when the man started to undress him, he knew.... since he was five he had been takened by strangers because his father had let them, had been paid for allowing them to do it.... Another sob followed by another burst of sorrowful tears. It hurt so bad all over.

No matter how he screamed and how much he cried, the man kept hurting him, raping him. He had pulled his long dirty golden hair and hit him when he tried to fight back. The memory was too much. Deidara fell to his knees and laid in a ball as he cried til he was chocking. 'Why do I have to suffer? What had I done wrong?' Once the man left him in that alley, he had ran. Ran and ran into a forest. Back when he was younger he was told he had to be punished and that was when the pain came, the same pain that had just happened. Then he had been told that he had done something wrong. But he hadn't done anything wrong this time. Blood seeped through open wounds and poured down a place where it shouldn't have. "I-I-I was go-good! I hadn.... hadn't done anything wrong!" He shouted in despair. But then he remember that he had ran away from home a few weeks ago. So even now he would be punished. The tears continued to fall as he writhed in agony and sadness. ' I deserved this. I was bad. I had to be punished.' Those were the thoughts that plagued his confused mind.

Soon his little deprived body began to feel warm, too warm. It didn't make sense. He had been cold just a few minutes ago. His eyes refused to remain open any longer. His heart slowed, his breathing gentle. He sniffed every now and then with soundless sobs while the snow covered his body more and more. The world was turning dark. He was falling.... falling.... falling ever so easiler into the false warmth that edged him to come closer. By this point he hadn't heard the crunch of snow heading towards him. The footsteps that were heading directly to him, nor did he see the figure standing right infront of him. But he did feel the soft touch that awakened him and brought him away from the false security. It held true warmth. He looked up to see a man with blazing red hair dressed in a long black trench coat and a light blue scarf kneeling infront of him, hand resting on his shoulder. The man gazed deep into his eyes as if to seek his soul from within them. But what really made the boy stare was the calmness in his eyes. They were like none that he'd ever seen. There wasn't a vile luster to them or any form of malice. They were melancholic and gentle.

"What has happened to you?" Even his voice was soft and kind. Deidara couldn't move, even when the hand on his shoulder went to his cheek, the back of it slightly sliding against his filty face. The man was appalled at the sight of this small boy's condition. Dirt caked every inch of his bruised unclothed body as with cuts and deep scrapes, blood stained his skin and still flowed, and he felt like ice. By the look of it, it was clear that this boy had been.... 'No, he's so small. How could someone do this to a child?' "Please, come with me." The man said, reaching for Deidara's hand. Deidara then snapped out of his daze and crawled back away from him. "What's wrong? I can help just let me. I will save you."

"No,no! I-I-I don't ne-need help! I deserved this! I-I deserved this! I de-" The boy broke down into histaric weeping.

"What are you talking about? No one deserves this!"

"I.... de... 'his.... I des..." The boy kept repeating the same line over and over again as if his life depended on it. It was then that the man finally understood what was going on. This wasn't the first time he had been raped. He was confused by what whoever had been abusing him said and told him. He didn't know right from wrong. He was lost and hurt.

"No, you don't deserve this." He said firmly. The boy stared at him with empty eyes, silently begging him for salvation. "You don't understand me, but you don't deserve this. Please come with me and I'll be able to help you."

"B-But I'm not worth..."

"Believe me, you are worth saving."

Such kind words, such a kind person. In all his life, Deidara had not once known that such words existed, such a person existed. Without knowing what he was doing or what was instored for him, he took ahold of the hand that was willing to take his. The man smile. Another thing he had never seen before. "What is your name?" He asked, taking off his coat and wrapping it around the boy's exsposed body.

"Deidara." He whispered as he was lifted into the other's arms.

"I'm Sasori, Deidara. Now lets get you somewhere safe."


"Yes, no one is going to harm you there, Deidara. Not again. Not while I'm around."

Wow, that was unbeliveablly hard. At least in the end. Now I'm so inspired to draw out little Deidara being saved by Sasori. Next chapter might either consist of Sasori's home and Deidara's struggle to overcome his mental, physical, and emotional problems or I'll have a short songfic because I have the perfect one for this, well almost perfect. Oh, and I will have an explaination for why this is called the winter of crimson snow.