Chapter 1:

"Sup Casey!" Raph, Mikey, Leo, Donnie, and Splinter crept through the window into April and Casey's apartment.

"I have yet to see your new home. It's quite nice." Splinter had not left the lair since they rescued Leo from the Stone Generals.

"Thanks, Master Splinter! I'm glad you guys could come over and help move some furniture around. Casey's been complaining about moving some of the heavier pieces around and he can't get them up stairs by himself." April remarked to Splinter.

"Yo, Case! Does all this have to go upstairs?" Mikey asked.

"Yup! Sure does! Hey Raph, help me get this up the stairs." They lifted the heavy piece with ease, but not with grace. Mikey and Donnie took the next piece.

"Whoops!" They knocked it into the wall, leaving a huge mark.

"Oh, brother! Guys, could you be a little more careful? PLEASE!!!!" April sighed and rolled her eyes. Leo grabbed table and carried it up, being careful not to knock into anything.

After the furniture was carried upstairs, and arraigned, Mikey ordered pizza.

"One floor down, one more to go!" April teased. The boys groaned in unison. April didn't help lift anything, she along with Splinter directed where each piece should go.

"April, could you decide where the furniture is going to go BEFORE we put it there?" Donnie asked.

"We've moved each fuckin' piece at least five times!" Raph complained.

"Ya, April. I know you want your house to look nice, but this is killing me!" Leo said.

"PIZZA!!!!!" Mikey's voice rang loud and clear from the other room. "Finally. You would think the delivery would be just a little quick considering were a block closer to the parlor."

"Hey yo Master Splinter, you alright?" Casey asked. He never really asked if people were alright, not that he didn't care; it was just something he figured they would deal with on their own. But Splinter was like Casey's father, and he really cared for the old rat.

"Yes, Casey, I am alright. I was just contemplating. April, I was planning on sharing something after we are finished moving around, but I feel I must share it now. If that is alright with you, of course."

"Oh, please do Splinter. I've been so excited all evening for you to tell them!!!" April could hardly contain herself. The boys looked at her curiously.

"Ya Splinter. Y'all are gonna FREAK when ya hear this!!!!" Casey butt in. The turtles looked at Splinter.

"My sons, you are now 17 years of age and now that you are all a team again, I feel that the time is right to share with you something. The Ancient One was once married, as you all know. His wife died, but not without bearing children. They had one daughter, who eloped with a Russian prince. The Ancient One's daughter, Elizaveta, bore four daughters. Their names are Analia, Sofia, Maria, and Natalia. They are around your age, 16 I believe." Splinter paused. They boys looked slightly confused.

"Master, why are you telling us this?" Leonardo finally spoke up.

"Because, my son. They are coming to New York for awhile and I offered to have them stay with us as guests. They will be staying for quite awhile. They currently do not have a permanent home, for reasons that may be discussed later." All four boys perked up at the thought of having a bunch of girls stay with them- for AWHILE.

"Why don't they stay with the Ancient One?" Donnie asked.

"Because my son, the Ancient One has been taking many students as of late. His granddaughters cannot be seen. Furthermore, Japan is a dangerous place for them to stay; the Foot Ninja headquarters are there and with hints that the Shredder is returning, it would not be safe for them."

"Wait a minute. K, just one question. Why don't they stay with their parents?" Raph asked.

"Their mother is dead and their father, well, it would be unwise for them to return to him."


"Wait. Why can't they be seen?" Mikey asked.

"They are mutants." Splinter stopped and let the information sink in.

"Whoa!!!! What kinda mutants?" Mikey got real excited, as did the rest of the boys.

"I will let you find out for yourselves." Splinter actually enjoyed making them wait; he could see their imaginations running wild.

"Well, how were they mutated?" Donnie's interest perked up even more.

Splinter's eyes flashed a look of extreme sorrow for a moment, then he said, "You will have to ask them. They will be here tomorrow evening."

"Are they Russian or Japanese?" was Donnie's next inquiry.

"Well both, my son. Their grandfather is Japanese; however, their grandmother was a Russian princess, who was half Russian, half Japanese herself. Elizaveta married a Russian prince, so they are a mix of both nationalities."

"Do they have any training from the Ancient One?" Leo asked.

"Quite a bit. They are some of the best kunoichi I have seen and heard of. Their skill is quite unmatched." Splinter chuckled.

"What's a kinochi?" Mikey asked.

"It's kunoichi, ya dumbass." said Raph.

"Well, what is it?" Mikey was still confused.

"A kunoichi is a female ninja who specializes more in stealth and speed than strength and hand to hand combat, the specialties of male ninja. However, they are still trained and very skilled with the blade too. They also learn to use posions and learn to disguise themselves in many different ways." Leonardo explained.

"Cool. So like, they can kick ass too?"

"In a way," said Donnie. All the boys sat back and thought for awhile.

"They're really hot, even for mutants." Casey interjected.

"Really?" All the boys' attention was focused on Casey. "What do they look like?"

"That would ruin the surprise." April laughed. "Come on lover boys, you can dream all you want after you've finished moving the rest of the furniture."

"April's right. Come my sons, we will finish up then prepare our home for the guests." The boys begrudgingly began to finish the task. However, April couldn't stop talking about them.

"This is gonna be so great. Finally, someone to talk about girl things, someone who will fully understand my problems, someone to go shopping with. Oh it's gonna be so fantastic when I take them shopping!!!!"

"April, if it's not too much trouble, could ya tell us where this goes!?!" Raph interrupted April's enthusiastic speech. Leo and Raph balanced a heavy table.

"Oh, sorry. Right over there." They finished as quickly as possible. The ride home was filled with excited chatter over what the girls would look like.

"Dudes!!! What if they're turtles too!!!!" The car fell into a deep silence. It didn't last for long however, because this new possibility created such a thrill they couldn't contain themselves. Leo's normally calm and patient manner seemed non-existent, though he tried to seem less excited than his brothers, however he was quite curious about thier life and training. Donnie, who was normally quiet, talked non-stop about the endless ways they could have been mutated. Mikey was just so thrilled, he wondered what they looked like, if thier hot, do they like pizza, what he considered to be the important stuff. Raph also was focused on looks and training, but wanted to know more about their personalities- were they all perfect like Leo, annoying like Mikey, genius like Donnie. Was their one who had a temper like he did? He would never say that out loud though. He generally stuck to the topic of physical characteristics when asking questions- hey it's important, right? What was buzzing inside each of thier heads though, especially Leo and Raph's was "If there turtles like us, we won't be alone anymore. We won't be the only ones."They repeatedly begged Splinter to tell them what kind of mutants they were, but the old rat's iron will could not be broken.

"I won't say anymore about them until our home is cleaned properly. Understood?"

"Yes, Sensei," was the unified reply. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.