Chapter 4: The Dream…

Note: I don't own PJO or anything, I wish i did, but I don't. Also some people said they wanted the birth of Artemis, so here it is. If you have any ideas for the next chapter, please write them in the review cause I need some. THANK YOU!

As I fell asleep I started to dream, dream about my sister. It was weird, I saw her, talking to a young girl. That girl had bright silver eyes and dark auburn hair. It was my mother, Artemis. I was confused, but if I had learned anything from today it was to just shut up and listen.

"Artemis," said my mother.

"Yes, lady Artemis?" I couldn't help but think this was funny, with their names both being Artemis.

"Ahh so you've finally accepted that I am a Greek God?"

"Yes, I've pinched myself, been shot with an arrow and been turned into a dog, I'm pretty ready to accept that this isn't a dream."

"Sorry about that," said my mother looking a little ashamed. "I just needed to prove something to you."

"You could have turned yourself into a dog," said my sister under her breath.

My mother just sighed.

"So why am I here Artemis? Why did you drag me from my school and take me way out into the forest here?"

"I have a story to tell you," said my mother. She looked like she was trying to find the right words to say to my sister without emotionally tearing her apart.

"And you have to drag me all the way out to Madison forest? Can't you just tell me your story at my home! And by the way, I'm not a baby, I can tell when someone's holding something back from me, why don't you just tell me what you want to tell me?" My sister looked pretty pissed.

"Fine, I'll just come out and tell you then," said my mother, clearly trying to stall.

"I'm waiting!"

"Okay, fine, well…"

A few moments passed before my sister stood up. "That's it I'm leaving this forest. Good bye Artemis."

But Artemis was up and in front of her now. "Sit down," she said in a soft but forceful voice.

My sister sat down, right away.

"Now would you prefer to be told the story? Or would you like to see it?"

Oh god, please Artemis, say see, I don't think I could handle another memory.

"I'd rather see it, I'm not much of an auditory person." Crap.

"Okay, as you insist," said my mother. She held my sister and I saw her start to fall, but I didn't feel it. Boom! My sister hit the floor letting out a cry of pain.

"Sorry," I could hear my mothers voice echo throughout the memory.

I looked around. The room I was in was absolutely amazing. There were pictures all around of Gods and Goddesses and, what was it Apollo called me…? Demigods! That's it. There were pillars stretching to the ceiling one hundred feel above me. The walls were bright white and shining like they were brand new, but the biggest coolest thing, clearly the purpose of the room, was the chairs. There were twelve of them, stretched into a big U. There was also two slightly smaller ones at the top of the U, and a central fire, where I saw a little eight-year-old girl tending to the flames. Each chair was decorated differently. One had reefs and life rings all over it; it was made up of pure water, which surprised me greatly. I saw another made out of metal and gears and all sorts of stuff. Then I saw another, one of the smaller ones, was made completely of wood. It was the coolest place ever.

I was so distracted I didn't notice the three occupied chairs. The one made up of electricity was filled with a young man with a bright white beard, and white hair. He was wearing a tunic and sandals. Apollo filled another, one made completely of fire. And my mother filled the third, a bright silver chair with pine branches and arrows, one that seemed to cast a bright yellow light. They were clearly arguing.

"ENOUGH!" shouted the old man, who I presumed to be Zeus. His loud voice echoed throughout the throne scaring me, and putting my sisters attention on the three gods. She must have been admiring the room like I was. "Artemis, what happened?"

"Oh of course you'll start with her!" said Apollo rolling his eyes.

"Well daddy," said Artemis completely ignoring what her brother had said. "I was sitting in the camp the other days playing some game with my huntresses, I think it's called Apples to Apples, it's a human game quite fun actually…"

"Artemis…" said Zeus exasperatedly.

"Sorry, anyways, I ask Zoë, gods bless her soul, where Michelle went, she didn't know. So I went out into the forest to look for her.

"I get out there and I see my brother over here trying to seduce one of my huntresses! She of course was backing away from him, but he kept getting closer and closer, and she was about to crack.

"I yelled at him for about twenty minutes, then you called us here."

"Apollo," said Zeus, "Must you always have to hit on Artemis' huntresses?"

"I like a challenge," said Apollo grinning wildly. Even I laughed at the one.

"Oh I'll show you a challenge!" yelled my mother. She got out of her chair and started beating up Apollo, and brutally too. Zeus just looked annoyed. After about five minutes of fighting Zeus screamed.

"THAT'S IT!! I am FREAKING tired of you two. CAN'T YOU JUST GET ALONG!" and with that Zeus walked out of the room.

"Don't you dare try to touch my huntresses again, got it?"

"Yeah whatever Artemis."

The room went black, my sister and I came back into the forest.

"That's the story?" said my sister confused.

"Well yes, but that's all I can show you for now, the rest isn't a memory of mine, so I have to tell you."

"Okay, shoot."

"After that you father fell in love with a mortal, that mortal happened to be your mother, who happened to be an ex-huntress of mine."

"Why was she kicked out of the huntresses?"

"She fell in love with some man, Darien, who will show up later in the story.

"But anyways! Your mother and Apollo were at a party and she got a little drunk and, well, they had sex. She saw what she did in the morning and ran off. She thought she wasn't pregnant, so when she saw Apollo, she told him that.

"Now please forgive me for this next part but I was still mad at my brother. So I did something drastic. I made your mother pregnant, and, well, I kind of kidnapped her."

"You WHAT?" yelled my sister, looking confused and mad at the same time. A combination that even seemed to scare the goddess.

"I'm sorry, I'm the goddess of childbirth and I can do that, but back to the story. I told you mother that you would be much safer if Apollo didn't know you existed. So she hid with me, I brought her everywhere. Then one day, January 16th 1994."

"Mine and Apollo's birthday!"

"Well, yours anyways."

"Mine?" my sister asked inquisitively. Even I was confused about that comment. Hers? It's mine too, I saw it. OH! That's right, my mother doesn't know about my birth.

"Do you want to hear the rest of the story or are you going to keep bombarding me with questions?"

"Sorry ma'am," said my sister bowing her head.

"This is a part I can show you,"

The forest around us went black and I saw my sister falling. It was then I saw Artemis' memory of the day of my birth. I saw the whole story again, so this wasn't anything new to me, but when I saw my sister…Her face was lined with confusion and hurt, most likely because our parents had lied to us our whole lives. We were at the part with the cataclysmic explosion; everything went black, probably because Artemis was blacked out herself. Then the forest started to come back into view (The 1994 forest that is).

"What happened?" asked Artemis to herself. She looked around the camp, and only saw her huntresses, and no Darien.

Someone screamed in a tent a couple of hundred of yards away. Artemis ran up to go see what it was. There, in that tent, was my stepmother, and there in her hands, was my twin sister.

My stepmother looked hysteric. She was rocking back and forth as if something was about to hurt her or her baby.

"What's wrong?" asked Artemis frantically. Then she saw the crying babysitting in her lap.

"I heard the explosion, and she popped out, is she okay? I'm afraid. It hurt so much." My mother looked confused. She was crying so badly.

"It's okay, you're fine, I promise, so is the baby. Just sit back and relax." Artemis grabbed the baby from my mother and sat down. It calmed my mother down a lot, and she fell asleep. Artemis rocked my sister back and forth until she stopped crying completely. Then the memory again, turned black.

We were back in the present day forest again. My sister looked completely bewildered. There were so many emotions on her face I couldn't even begin to name them all. "Why are we twins?" was the first thing she asked.

"What?" asked Artemis.

"Apollo and I…why are we twins?"

"Oh, well, your mother and stepfather got married and they both had kids about the same age, so they just decided to say you were twins."

"That's stupid," said my sister trying to laugh, but failing miserably. "And why am I named Artemis?" my sister asked serious again.

"Your mother named you after me since I helped take car of her while she was pregnant. A very high honor, in my opinion."

"Oh," said my sister. "So now what?"

"Now, we go to camp. THALIA!" shouted Artemis. My sister looked a little stunned.

A short girl with spiky black hair carrying a class of orange juice and a box of whaet thins came out of a tent. "Yes mistress?"

"Please escort Artemis here to Camp Half-Blood."

"Right away mistress."

* * *

I woke up fast. That was the weirdest dream I had ever had. It was as if it was a real event, and the funny thing is, I think it was. Apollo came into the room and quickly I cleared my mind. I didn't want him seeing my dream.

"Hey Pol, how'd you sleep?" asked Apollo.

"Good, I guess" I lied.

"Hey Pol, I need to talk to you about something,"

"Is it about Camp Half-Blood?"

"How'd you know?" asked Apollo, looking suspicious.

"I had a weird dream about it," which wasn't completely a lie.

"Okay…?" he said giving me that look again. "Well we need to leave. Pack your stuff, We'll go in a half hour."