AN: Thanks y'all for reviewing my fic! Yah, okay, some of the characters are gonna be a little OOC, in this story, cause that's what I think goes best with this plot, so just warning you in advance.

Sorry, It usually doesn't take this long to update for me! Anyways, on with the chapter!:)

Cammie's P.O.V

Bex, Liz, Macey and I quickly took our seats at the table that held the rest of the girls from our year.

All around me Gallagher girls were conversing in French, mostly talking about the latest mission that we had with the Blackthorne Boys.

Bex started telling Liz about a new fighting move she learned in P.E (which she used to kick some serious arse), while Macey and I looked through one of her copies of Teen Vogue.

The murmuring coming from behind me suddenly died down a little and I quickly glanced up from the magazine.

I watched as my mum walked up to the podium and heard the whole room get quiet.

"As you all know, some of the Blackthorne alumni joined our school last year for a semester. Now, due to the fact that their school is no longer safe, Blackthorne will joining our school." My mum said as the door to the hall flew open and in came in all the Blackthorne boys.

Forks dropped and mouths stood agape as every girl (besides Bex, Liz, Macey, and I) went into a state of shock.

Me and my friends took one glance up at the boys before resuming our previous activities.

I could feel the confused stares of the Blackthorne boys on the back of my head.

They probably expected us to go into shock or be jumping out of our seats in excitement. I Sighed. Idiots.

But, I was trained better and I did the complete opposite of what they thought. (That and I already knew they were coming, even before Zach told me).

Macey was now filing her nails. (Seriously, where does she get all these nail files from?)

Bex and Liz had resumed their conversation, and I had my nose stuck back in my magazine, rolling my eyes about the girls who still in shock or jumping with excitement.

Out if my peripheral vision I saw Grant, Zach, Jonas, and some other guy I didn't know, (but was assuming was that Drew kid), walk towards us.

Girls literally swooned as they walked by them and I rolled my eyes again, resuming my attention to back to an article in Teen Vogue about edgy, chic jewels, bags and shoes.

Even though I was so engrossed in the article, I did notice Grant trying to sneak up on me. like he could do that without me noticing (note sarcasm).

I quickly flashed my arm backwards grabbing his wrist and flipping him into the air, my eyes still glued to the magazine. He landed on the floor with a thud, and I saw most of the Gallagher girls look over, smirking at who I just flipped.

I could also feel them all gawking at me, so I glanced up.


Bex, Macey, and Liz came out of shock first and said,

"Wow Cammie, you just kicked Grant ass without even sparing him a glance! You go, girl!"

Bex then averted her gaze to Grant who was now withering on the floor in pain and said,

"Well at least he learned never to do that again, I mean that's what happens to everyone when they try to sneak up on you."

"Yah cause I'm just like good like that." I said, smirking down at Grant.

Macey rolled her eyes and said to the rest of the Gallagher girls and Blackthorne boys,


I quickly looked around and saw that everyone was still staring at me with shock and even fear written clearly across their faces.

"Girls," Macey continued,

" You are used to it, so get over it, boys, I can understand that your shocked cause Cam's just like smoke and fire that way."

I covered up a laugh as the most of the kids started hastily turning away back to their tables with weird expressions on their faces.

I then realized that Zach, Jonas, and that other kid where still staring at me.

"Zach, Jonas, Drew," I addressed them. "I do believe that we mentioned to, I don't know, STOP STARING!"

They quickly regained their composure and suddenly Drew's face flashed with confusion.

I looked back at my Teen Vogue issue.

"Hey," Drew said, "How did you know my name, I never told you."

"I know a lot about you, Drew Mandel." I said coldly, not looking at him.

"But how-"

"Believe me." Liz started to sing. I knew what was happening now.

After three beats Bex sang, "Ca-Ca-Ca-Cammie has her ways."

"So hide all of your se-crets, cause she just might find out." Macey sang.

Other girls looked over at us immediately realized what they were doing and joined in.

"And watch your back." They clapped four times. "Cause you never know- what the Chameleon will do next." Bex, Liz, Macey, Anna, Eva, Tina, Mick, and some other girls all chorused.

I now noticed that Grant had finally gotten off the floor.

"Wow, do you guys, like, practice saying that simultaneously, or-"Grant said before he was cut off by Liz.

"Every Gallagher girl knows that chant. Whenever someone messes with Cammie, we all chant that as a warning to them as to not do it again."


"That must happen a lot then, Gallagher girl." Zach said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, yes it does." I narrowed my eyes at them.

"So you better watch out and don't mess with me, cause payback from me, well let's just say, payback's a bitch, baby."

And with that I turned and strutted out of the room

AN: Hope you like this chapter! Review! Press the button below! (Idk what to call it cause its not green anymore….)