Hello! Okay! So this is my first fanfiction, so don't be too harsh!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from "Iron Man" or any of its characters! This is STRICTLY fan made! Just for the record, this first chapter is from Tony's point of view.

Tony's P.O.V.:

"I am Iron Man." The truth came out. I stared, aimlessly, at the information hungry press in front of me. All of them, jumping; throwing themselves out of their seats, shrieking their pointless questions all at once; the noise only an incoherent babble. Each one, by their reactions, I could see that they were just a group of information hungry, rabid dogs. Camera's flashes surrounded me more than usual…one continuous lightning strike.

I still didn't know why I did it. But hey, most of the bull crap that I do I have no concept of the ever important "why". I was going to stick to the cards, I swear. Yet, something about being in front of the press changed my mind. Was it partially due to the genetic "Stark" ego? Yes, some of it was, but that wasn't everything. However, part of me felt like, or wanted to believe that some sort of rightful thinking or epiphany came to me. Its amazing how one small decision; one wrong phrase slipped, can change one's entire existence.
I continued to observe the malarkey that was occurring in front of me. It would have been hilarious to watch had I not just destroyed my only remaining personal secret….stupidly.

"Tony." Someone purposely jolted me from my trance. "Get out of here." I knew that angry, bossy, wrongfully parental tone. It was Rhodey. Looking behind my shoulder into Rhodey's now highly disappointed and threatening eyes, he signaled with a nod of his head towards the exit. I followed his order gladly.

As I turned around and half-sprinted towards the exit to the outside, I noticed that the story-hungry press started to storm after me. Luckily, for me security was standing by. I made it safely outside due to their valiant efforts.

The usual black business car was part right on the curb along with Hogan who swiftly opened the back door for me, as to save me from any escaping press. I almost literally jumped into the car so we could get the hell out of there.

"Tony…" I hadn't noticed that Ms. Potts was already in the car. "Why the hell did you say that?" She, like Rhodey, stared with disappointed eyes; however hers were more sympathetic. I hated being treated like some sort of immature kid.

"Pepper, you know what? I don't know!" I was beyond annoyed. Not at her…mostly at myself. Buckling the seat belt, I looked out the side window, seeing the press starting to storm out. If they raided the car, they would get to see a whole new side of Tony Stark. Luckily, the always dependable Hogan noticed this scene and stepped on the gas like it was his job…well okay, so it was his job.

"How do you not-" Pepper stopped mid-sentence. She knew her limits and she certainly knew mine. "Anyways, Mr. Stark, there's some business that I would like you to attend to right now. I'd think you would find it important."

This took me off guard.

"Pepp- wait. What? You're choosing this moment?" I was even more annoyed then before and confused all at once. I thought Pepper had more common sense than that. "I'm kinda busy with something else here now!"

"Don't get mad at me for something that's your own fault!" Pepper responded in a stern tone, her usual gentile, ocean filled blue eyes became ice. But suddenly, that ice melted. Pepper couldn't stay mad at anyone. She sighed. "Tony…this is for your own good. To take your mind off things. I feel like this is the right time to give this to you."

Pepper reached into one of the pockets of her purse and pulled out an envelope. She handed it to me. I looked at her questioningly.

"It's from your dad." She nodded. I felt a surge of emotion take hold, which usually is not the case from me.


"It's already opened in the back." Pepper gave me a sad smile. Out of everyone I knew, Pepper was really the only person who understood how my father's death had affected me, she was the only person who knew the real me. I always appreciated that. "I'm sorry Tony. When you were missing for three months, we were given many of the items that your dad left for you, because they thought you were…" Pepper paused. I saw her shutter.

"Dead?" I finished her sentence.

"…Yes." Pepper nodded. "I was supposed to give it to you on your 34th birthday, but I think now would be a good time. A week early won't hurt. I honestly didn't want to even wait that long, but it was on your father's wishes." She smiled. "This is amazing Tony." She shook her head, still smiling.

I was a little confused, but I smiled back. I took out the folded paper from within the envelope and started reading.


If you are reading this, it probably means that I had an early passing. Yet, I doubt that will ever happen, but still, just for precautions. I just want you to know, no matter what, I'm very proud of you son.

What I'm about to inform you on Anthony, may startle you, but please don't get angry. It was for your mom and I's sake, yours,….and hers. This letter should only be given to you on your 34th birthday. A random time, I know, but we wanted to make sure you would be old enough to handle this on your own, with maturity. We know you too well Tony.

You remember when your mother went on a business trip to Europe for a year right? When you were eighteen? I think you do, you were quite suspicious of us. Your mom and I were so scared that you knew.

Tony, in reality, your mom went there to hide the fact that she was pregnant. We weren't expecting this situation to happen and we definitely didn't want you to find out. She went to Europe, to England, to give birth to the baby. In reality, she was only there until then, and then returned with the baby, to give her up for adoption in Malibu.

We saw the attention you were getting from around the world and also thought about the dirt that would be written on the Stark family if this got around to the press immediately. We wanted our new child to have a normal life, not one regretting that they were born because the Stark family was receiving blows due to their birth. We also thought about you, being eighteen, we didn't expect you to be thrilled over the idea of an accidental pregnancy.

You have a younger sister, Tony. Because it is your 34th birthday today, I believe that you can now handle this situation and be able to take your sister under your own care. It's a good time for her to reunite and be raised by her real family. Please, I know you son, don't you dare not look for her or refuse to welcome her into your home, she is a Stark and she's your little sister. At least, take her back for my sake.

You are now 34 and it's been 16 years since her birth, she's now 16 years old. Her name is Nicolette Stanley (in reality, Nicolette Emily Stark). I've tracked her secretly ever since she was adopted. The Stanley's have not moved in all that time, so I doubt they would now.

You can find her easily, hopefully. The Stanley's live on 456 Oakstreet, yes, I know a horrible area. I fear for her. If she is not there however, promise me you will search until the end of the earth to find her.

I'm proud of both of you. Don't forget that. And if I am dead Tony, tell Nicolette my story. Please raise her well, Tony. Both of you need each other.

With love,


"I…can't believe this." I had a sister. It was amazing. I still had family. I felt that empty void in my heart, at the very thought, close and become whole. I knew now what Yinsen had meant. I looked at Pepper. "We have to find her!"

"She's still where your father said she is. I checked." Pepper nodded.

"Hogan, 456 Oakstreet! Step on it!" Hogan turned the car around, and drove in the opposite direction. The direction towards her.