Ok, so hello. This is my first Supernatural fiction so please bear with me on this one.

I'm aware that this type of story already exists. I've borrowed the concept of the crossroad and the demon from Queentakesjack and her/his story Never Believe Anything You See On TV (The story is awesome by the way. You should try this one too.) But other than the demon and crossroad I'm completely using my imagination. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it. Read and review please.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.


Chapter One: Hello Demon. Are you there? It's me Allison Walker.

My name is Alison. Hi. Uh, this isn't going to be all that easy for me. At some point in my life I actually decided to narrate my – I was going to say my whole life, but that wouldn't be right – what I want to narrate is a special part of my life.

Well, so I guess it begins here. Again my name is Allison. I'm not tall, my hair is light brown and there is really nothing special about the way I look. I am a huge, huge fan of the series Supernatural. The first time I came in contact with it was when my friend was bugging me with it until I finally gave up and let her show me the first episode in the first season. I fell for it at that moment. Well, anyways I've never really seen Supernatural on a television channel… I uh... downloaded it illegally. But… but let's not dwell on that.

I'm not the ultimate Supernatural freak fan. I think I've never been… well… maybe I'm contradicting myself on this one. You'll have to decide when I'm done with my little anecdote.

12th of February 2010, I saw My Bloody Valentine of Supernatural Season Five. I can still remember my amazement when Castiel took the burger Dean didn't feel like eating. Not to mention the cupid with it's hugging issues. Hilarious.

The point though doesn't come until after the episode. The next episode wouldn't come out until 25th of March. (I looked it up). So I kind of couldn't wait until then. It was more than a month!

So, me and my sister Jessie briefly spoke about going to a crossroad and try and see if a demon really would appear. We weren't really serious, of course. We both laughed at our stupid little discussion and waved it away as it if had been a really bad joke. But somehow inside of us, at least inside me I wanted to do it just because I was curious. Just to try it, you know. Just incase it works.

So, that's exactly what I did. Don't laugh. Kay? I know. It's stupid.

I took the bus out to this old part of the city. From the bus stop I took myself by foot to the more deserted part of the old part of the city, (and partridge in the pear tree).

There were fields, long cornfields. At some places I could see abandoned wooden cabins. By this old motel and a couple of old cabins I found the crossroad me and my sister had been talking about. Nice and discreet. Perfect.

The wind was blowing softly in my face. The sound of almost nothing except some squeaking boards from the cabins reached my ears. It was as if this was a scene cut right out of Supernatural.

"C'mon" I mumbled. "Let's get this over with." Part of me was a little ashamed that I was actually going to do this as if some demon would really pop out of thin air. But I needed to know.

With decided steps I came to the center of the crossroad and I stood on my knees while digging carefully with my hands. The atmosphere was actually a little creepy. When I finally had buried the little box I had with me I patted the soil carefully and took a deep breath. Then I stood up. "Showtime…"

I turned a few turns while brushing of the dirt in my hands on my thighs. Then I stopped and looked to my side completely silent. I'm not even sure if I was breathing or holding my breath. I was very excited though.

Silence. Nothing was moving. Nothing had changed.

I looked over the fields again, surveying the big area just one more time, just in case. Finally I threw my hands up and let them fall at my sides with a sigh. Great Allison, I though. Can we go home now? Ok, so I was wrong. No biggie, right?

I shook my head at my own foolishness. Better dig up that box before someone finds it and sees my picture. I sat on my knees again and started to take away the soil.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, honey. What you doin that for?" came a dark voice from behind me.

I stiffened for a second, but then I turned around swiftly and faced the one who spoke to me.

The man's arms where crossed over a broad chest. It was hard to not notice his length and his broad shoulders under the expensive tuxedo. The man's hair was cut short and the lines of his jaw where strong. He looked very serious. He had jewelry everywhere, earrings, rings, an expensive pocket watch hanging out of his coat. Very rich, but also very displaced.

I tilted my head to the side. "Your not the real thing, are you?"

"Excuse me?"

I closed my eyes and put my hand over my forehead. Who the heck asks that kind of a question? "I'm sorry." I laughed nervously. "I was just… uh… going to leave."

"What do you want from me?" he said calmly with a New York- ish accent without moving.

"I don't want anything- I'm just uh –"

"So your telling me you summoned me out here for nothing?" He burst out rather angrily. "Oh, honey."

He started to crack his fingers. "I feel sorry for you. I kind of liked your pretty little face."

For some reason I hadn't picked up what he said last. "What so you're telling me you're real?"

Deep crackles rumbled from his chest. "Your another one of those kids, huh?" He shook his head at me and stepped closer. "Curiosity killed the cat, you know."

I took a step back when his eyes flashed red for a couple of seconds. "Holy smokes" I whispered astonished and surprised.

"Wrong word, kid." He said and let his arms fall to his sides. "Now do you want a deal or not?"

"Sorry, pal" I burst out taking a step back again. "I'm not ready to go to hell."

My mood suddenly dropped when he gave me a confident smile along with his red eyes. "I was hoping you would say that. Now I'm going to enjoy killing you."

My eyes widened and I brought my hands up as a reflex to guard myself from him. Not that it was going to help me at all. Great Allison. Real smart, you know.

"Ahaahaha… " I laughed nervously as if it wasn't a serious situation. "That's not… honorable…" My voice turned inappropriately friendly. "I mean… I'm just a little girl."

His eyes closed and he nodded humming a little and then he waved with his arm.

All of a sudden I was floating in the air, feeling as if my whole body was being stretched out. Every muscle was screaming in agony for it to stop. I grimaced and mumbled to myself. "Ok… he's doing something."

"Being a little girl didn't stop you from summoning me did it?"

"Ok, ok." I said louder. "What's you name, mister demon?"

He tilted his head to the side with his nose wrinkled as if he smelled something really bad. "Tell me, why should I tell a filthy little low life human girl like yourself?"

"Because I asked nicely?"

He shook his head and looked down at the ground. I could hear small sounds coming from him. He was laughing. At me, evidently.

Then he looked up again. His face had changed this time; he didn't look all that threatening anymore. "It's Caleb. Yours?"

Wow, that went pretty well. "It's Allison. Hi…" I put my hands together like a Buddhist monk. "So, I'm really sorry that I like summoned you. But I wouldn't know of demons if it wasn't for the series Supernatural. And I was pretty curious so I wanted to try the crossroads thingy… and I'm sorry. I truly am… very… sorry."


He looked up at me smiling as if he thought I didn't know what the heck I was doing and then he surprisingly let me down. Well, he didn't lower me. He more like just… let go and I fell on the hard ground.

He started to circle me pointing a finger to me. "Your one little funny human."

I glared up at him while I was rubbing my sore ass.

"So you did this because of some… TV-program?"

When I gave him a discreet nod he bent his head backwards and laughed hard.

"Ok, very funny Mister Caleb. " I said after a few seconds and crossed my hands over my chest, still sitting on the ground by the way. "Can I go home now?"

Suddenly he stopped and looked at me. Silently he bent down a little with his hands behind his back. He studied me for a couple of seconds and then retreated. "No."

"Why not?" I asked irritated.

"Look, hun." He said standing looking out the cornfield. "Either I kill you now… or you strike a deal."

"But I…It's unfair!"

He turned to me again. "Look, I'll give you suggestion. You seem to be a fan of that… uh… Supernatural. I've heard of it. They're the only ones who's gotten the closest to the demon reality. You get to spend… let's say a whole six months in there. Fair deal?"

My ears sharpened and I lit up. "You mean with the Winchester boys? I'm actually going to be a part of it?"

"Well, we don't want it to be too easy now do we? You're not going to be part of it as in being a character they already know. You're going to have to convince them."

My smile disappeared. "But I will loose my soul anyway… and after all in Supernatural a demon deal is about ten years."

Caleb raised his eyebrows. "That's TV, Allie. And anyway, eventually your going to have to loose your soul anyway… now take this. It's a good deal."

I looked down at the ground. A bad feeling filled my chest. Something inside me was telling me to take it. Because it seemed like a great deal. But was it really worth loosing my soul over? Did hell even exist?

I looked up at Caleb. Well, demons exist. That's good enough for me.

"Hey" Caleb said with a very soft voice. He held out his hand offering himself to help me up and I took his hand as a reflex.

"Ok, Allie" Caleb said with a smile. "Just because I like you so much I'm gonna offer you a chance."

I brushed dirt of my ass and smiled while rolling my eyes. "Ya right…"

"Kill three angels and your soul remains intact."

I suddenly fell silent and looked at him with piercing eyes. "What? But I, but I can't…." I shook my head licking my lips. "I mean… I guess I don't have any other choice."

"So it's a deal?" Caleb said crossing his arms again.

I could suddenly hear my heartbeat, and the wind seemed to blow slower than before. Birds were chirping, and some crickets I hadn't heard before were playing. My whole life was going to be set on one little decision I was going to make.

"It's a deal," I said with a sigh and a small nod.

"Great, I guess you know how the deal is officially sealed."

"Oh yeah. Of course… I've seen-" The my eyes widened and I backed away from him screaming frantically. "Wait! Wait!"

Caleb's face turned down and his eyes glowed red again, but this time with irritation and anger. "Eager to die young?"

"No, no. It's not that…" I said waving with my arms. "This is really important so listen…" I swallowed. "I've never been kissed before…"

I squinted as I watched his reaction. At first he was silent, looking at me with raised eyebrows. Then he burst out laughing.

"Yes, very funny!" I said firmly with my eyes closed and my hands curled in fists at my sides. "Listen, you gotta make it a quick one. I'm not really ready to share my first kiss... especially not with a demon. So if you make it quick then maybe it won't really count as a kiss but enough to seal the deal."

"Sure, sure whatever" he said still chuckling.

I took one nervous step forward and swallowed again. All of a sudden he was standing very close to me as if he suddenly just had appeared right there. "Ready?" his dark voice sounded so dangerously close. Gentle fingers placed themselves on my cheeks and turned my face upwards and before I could say something my lips were covered by his for about five seconds but what felt like five minutes.

Then I pushed him away… or rather pushed myself away. He wasn't going to budge from where he stood.

"Holy smokes, Caleb!" I burst out covering my face with my hands. "That was soo inappropriate! Gross!"

Then I heard a wosh of air passing me, and then a delightful tune of a guitar playing a piece reached my ears. I took my hands away from my face and looked around myself. Caleb was gone and I was no longer standing at the crossroad by the cornfields. I was somewhere completely different.

I lowered my arms, they where shaking. "Oh… fudge."