Disclaimer: Stil don't own PJO blah blah blah

She was having one of those dreams, yet again. There wasn't anything she could do but to wait it out.

This dream was similar to the last. It seemed that there were two creatures facing off against each other, but it wasn't birds. What seemed to be a Hell Hound and a jackal were going at it, teeth gleaming in the dim light.

The whole surroundings were dim and the two dog-like animals were surrounded by fire. Teeth met flesh and bright gold blood began to flow from various wounds. Snarls and whimpers filled the air as they fought.

Lillith wanted to scream, so badly did she want to scream, but she could utter a single sound, or move an inch. It seemed that rolls of cloth were holding her prisoner. She hated feeling weak and helpless.


News about the fight between Annabeth and Lillith had spread like wildfire. Percy wasn't surprised really; gossip was a hot commodity at Camp Half-Blood. When you had a group of teenagers, even Demigod teenagers, there was always going to be drama and it was always going to be spread.

The thing was, no one knew how the fight had started. Lillith hadn't been at camp long enough to develop any grudges, so why had she smashed the other girl?

Percy suspected it had something to do with him. He didn't know why Annabeth would have a problem with Lillith; after all she was the one who had made it perfectly clear that she was tired of him. The memory still stung.

It had been maybe six or seven months after the war had ended. Percy was sure that things were going fine. He was happy with Annabeth and he thought that she was happy with him too. How very wrong he was.

He had chanced upon them together one afternoon and had had his heart ripped out. Annabeth was wrapped around another boy. It had taken Percy a moment to realize that he was looking at two people, but once he had realized that he was looking at his girlfriend and someone else, he had snarled, deep in his throat.

The couple turned, their eyes wide in surprise. Now Percy got a better look at the boy. It was one of Apollo's son, Derek, he was pretty sure. He was everything Percy wasn't. He was extremely good looking with bright blue eyes and flaxen hair. He was wonderful with a bow and more adept at poetry than his father was. Well, he didn't compose ridiculous haikus about himself, at the very least.

With a snarl Percy had dived at the other boy, aiming to ruin his good looks, but stopped when Annabeth stepped in front of Derek to defend him. She knew that Percy would never hit her; at least he wouldn't hit her outside of the arena.

"Anna?" He asked quietly, a slightly worried smile on his face. He held out his hand.

"Goodbye Seaweed Brain." And with that the blond girl turned her back and pulled Derek after her.

It had taken a few months away from camp for him to become himself again, though it still hurt to think about that day.

But, surely, Annabeth wasn't jealous, was she? It didn't make any sense.

Percy sighed loudly and resisted the urge to bang his head on the stone table before him.


Lillith was, again, skipping breakfast. She had elected to wander around Camp and learn where everything was. Ok, in all truth, she was lost. She didn't have a very good sense of direction.

She had, though, managed to find her way to the lake, back to the Ares Cabin to change into her swimsuit, and back to the lake without getting lost once! She was so proud of herself for that accomplishment!

She was currently sitting on the edge of the dock, her dark green painted toes dangling into the water. Her swimsuit wasn't like some of the other girls that were frolicking in the shallows of the lake. Her suit was more than bits of string tied together. She was in a pair of black board shorts that rest on her hips, showing off another piercing in her belly button (it was a small enameled pair of black brass knuckles dangling from her belly button), and a green bikini top that matched her eyes. She didn't have a ribbon threaded through her back, and she didn't have the rings in place, either. All down her back, making an hourglass shape, were little shiny little black jewels embedded in her skin. Her long black mane had been tamed into a French braid, to keep it from drifting into her face while she was underwater.

It was such a lovely day outside, and the cool water helped calm her down. She was still shook up from her dream about the dream she had had the night before. The dreams seemed to be coming more often. Before, they only happened once or twice a year, but now she had had two, one right after the other.

It seemed that the whole camp had heard about the fight yesterday. Oh joy. Lillith didn't know why Annabeth had attacked her. She could understand the attack if she had done something to the other girl, but it was he first full day at Camp and BAM! a huge brawl was taking place.

At first Lillith was treating it like any sparing match she would have had back at the dojo, but then the bitch had pulled that stunt with that fucking hat! True, in real battle anything goes, but it was still foul play to Lillith, and if there one was things she hated it was playing dirty. She had just gotten so mad after that! It was like she was outside of her own body and she no control over herself until Annabeth had uttered, "I yield."

Now it seemed that all of the girls at camp, along with a few of the boys, were avoiding her. It wasn't like she was vicious or anything. True, she was a descendent of Ares, but his influence wasn't as strong in her as it was the children of Ares. Besides, she wasn't a sore loser (Even if she very rarely lost). All of the gossip and avoidance of her, hurt.

"Stupid gossip," she muttered, kicking the water.

"Blame the Hermes kids, their dad is the messenger of the gods. They always have the best gossip."

"Oh, hi Percy. I thought you might have been one of them," she gestured the Aphrodite boys, a look of annoyance on her face. "They seem to be making a game out of who can talk to me the longest and who gets the best reaction out of me." She snorted deeply. "Stupid boys."

"Hey, I resemble that remark," Percy said with a cheesy smile.

Lillith laughed and pushed Percy off of the pier. "Shut up Sea Monkey."

AN: Just a bit if fluff

But now you all know why Percy isn't speaking to Annabeth, and no, there will be no Annabeth bashing in this fic. Well, no more than what Lillith's already done. ;D

Reviews = love!