SOOOO Here's my story. I started this chapter liiiiiike a week ago. Then I got distracted by Tumblr porn and had to write a super smutty chapter of Terminal Attraction. Then... I lost the warm and fuzzies required for writing this chapter. BUT IT'S HERE NOW! Yes, I am aware that it's been a while, but, good news, I'm trying to amend my writing failure ways.

Bad news... I'm going on vacation to Disneyworld on Saturday and will be gone a week. Yes, I'll be in sunny Florida on my birthday (the 16th if you're interested). And when I say bad news, I mean for you, the reader, not me, the person. For me, it's awesome. I love Disneyworld more than I love most things.

AMAZING NEWS! Seastarr08 and I teamed up to start a new multi-authored project titled "Eric and Pam's Excellent Adventure" and started a new FF account in it's honor. We're now formally named Lubstarr. The first two chapters have posted, my chapter, which chronicles Pam's turning, and Seastarr08's, which follows baby Pam and Eric to France where they meet a certain future Queen... link is in my profile, check it out!

Chiisai-kitty... she's still putting up with me as a beta client. She's a saint. She has also declared that "Ladies and Gents, the Lubs is back and in full force." I love my girl. I might meet her while in Florida! SUPER EXCITED!

Enough of my psycho-it's-now-after-1-in-the-morning rant. Enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: None of it's mine... except my favorite sociopath

"We should name the baby Thor if it's a boy."

Eric looked up from his laptop to see the playful smile on Sookie's face from across the couch. She had the newspaper open to the classifieds, looking for a larger apartment. They had been sitting in relative quiet for a large chunk of the afternoon, enjoying each other's company while working on their own projects.

"If you want a traditional Swedish name, we could go for something like Lena or Ingrid."

"Those are girl's names. I want Thor if it's a boy."

"We could still use something more modern, like Valter or Samuel."

"Nope. It's Thor, or nothing."

"How can it be nothing? We're going to name our child 'Nothing,'?"

"No, we're going to trade him in for a girl. Duh."

Eric looked over at his girlfriend again, who was now trying to hold back the massive giggle attack by hiding behind the paper. He ripped it from her hands to tickle her, which unleashed all the laughter she was fighting so hard to contain. Clancy jumped up, prepared to attack the beast who dared hurt his owner, but when he realized it was the two of them being dumb, he went back to sleep to continue chasing cats.

The tickle attack stopped when Eric was face level with Sookie's slowly expanding stomach. Her bump was still easily concealed, just barely noticeable. He pressed a soft kiss to the spot he assumed the baby was sitting, whispering to it in Swedish.

"You should talk to Baby Danger in English. I don't understand what you're saying when you speak in Swedish."

"I still like that you refer to it as Baby Danger, not Baby Northman. You know who impregnated you, right?"

She laughed, swatting him playfully on the arm. "Yes, but who was I imagining in my head?"

That led to a second round of tickle torture, which resulted basically the same way. Eric was obsessed with speaking to the baby growing inside the love of his life.

"If I speak Swedish while it's in the womb, it will come out understanding both languages. Don't you want our baby to be bilingual?"

"Yes, but that means I only have a few more months to learn more than swear words and common phrases. How often does 'excuse me, where is the bathroom?' come up in conversation?"

"With children or pregnant women, surprisingly often."

She rolled her eyes. "I just don't want the baby to be better at your native tongue than I am. I figured we'd learn it together."

"Yes, but children pick up new languages better than adults do. Either way, Baby Danger will still be more adept than you."

"Thanks. You're being mean. You know what that means."

He sighed and flopped back to his end of the couch, waiting for his punishment. They had made a deal that whenever he was mean to her during the pregnancy, he had to rub her feet. She would pick up on the slightest snark in his tone and force one out of him. He didn't mind it terribly; anything he could do to make his girl feel better was top priority for him. She was doing the hard work by carrying their child, the occasional foot rub was the least he could do.

"So back to Thor."

"We're not naming our child Thor. I call veto power on that one."

"You need to stop watching Friends with the dog."

"But Clancy enjoys it so much. Especially the episodes with the duck and the chick. For a dog who's afraid of small animals, he really loves when the birds are on screen."

"Fine. Since you hate all of my suggestions, give me one you like."

"First, you only suggested one name. Second, I offered a ton of suggestions before I had to tickle you. Third, I already know the perfect name for a girl."

She sat up so she could mock him better. "First, I only gave one suggestion because it is the best name ever for a Viking descended baby. Second, those names were lame so I ignored them. Third, tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"I know how important your grandmother was to you, so I thought we could name her after Adele. At first, the name Addison rang through my head but Pam said it was too pretentious. So, after giving it some thought, I tried to use anagrams and build names around the letters in Adele. I came up with the perfect solution."

Sookie had tears in her eyes by the time he finished speaking. She couldn't find her words, so an enthusiastic nod was all the indication he got to continue.

"Madeline. It's the perfect name for a little girl. It's sweet, comes with a slew of nicknames and has a built in theme for the nursery. We could decorate it with images from the children's books."

She jumped into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. Sookie's already short emotional fuse was cut even shorter with the flares in pregnancy hormones ripping through her body. Her mid-sob nodding let him know she agreed with his logic. She took a few minutes to cry, then while her tears subsided, let the name roll on her tongue.

"It's perfect. Thank you for honoring my Gran with that name. I wasn't leaning towards one gender or the other before, but now I really want a girl. You're right, that's perfect."

"I know. So now that I've come up with the perfect name for a girl, will you get off Thor for a boy?"

"Nope. And, did you say you talked to Pam about names? You realize this is the first conversation we've had about choices, yet you've been talking to her? I don't know how I feel about that."

"We were discussing names for a new character in the novel. She didn't like the one I chose and somehow that got us on the topic of baby names. I just bounced a few ideas off of her; the names that had been rattling around in my head."

"Does she know about Madeline? I kinda want that to be our little secret."

"No. I came up with that yesterday. I've been keeping it to myself. I was almost surprised when you brought up the topic, no matter how ridiculous the suggestion was. We must have known on some level that we were thinking about the same exact thing."

She pointed towards her feet. "You called my name ridiculous, that's a ten minute extension mister. Get to rubbing."

After the first moan as his fingers starting working their magic again, Sookie regained her ability to think and grabbed the paper to get back to searching.

"Hey, there's an open unit in our building. It's on the fifth floor, three bedroom, one and a half bathrooms, great park view! We wouldn't have to give up our view! Oh my God, how amazing would that be? We'd only have to move our stuff down a few flights instead of across town. That would be so much much easier, especially in my condition."

"Which means I won't have to worry about you overexerting yourself. I'll call the building manager and see if we can take a peek at it."

Twenty minutes later they were standing in the middle of the living room of the empty apartment. The manager was thrilled at the idea of their apartment swap since renting the two bedroom Eric owned would be much easier than a three bedroom in the down economy. He gave them a packet of paperwork to fill out as a formality, but told them they could move down in one week's time. The quick time frame left them plenty of time to settle in before their big Thanksgiving celebration, which was sure to become an annual tradition after the amazing time they had last year. Being on the fifth floor wouldn't give them as good a view of the parade floats as the tenth floor did, but a good time was still guaranteed. It was not the view that made the party, it was the people who came together as a family at that time of the year.

As promised, one week later they were moving all of their belongings down to their new home. Tray, Amelia, Jason, Alcide, and a few other trainers from the gym came over to help their friends move. Sookie had the sneaking suspicion that Jason only agreed to get out of the house and away from now eight month pregnant Crystal, seeing as he did little in the heavy lifting department. She wouldn't call him out on it, though, since he was smart enough to bring people who worked out for a living. It made schlepping things much easier.

Six hours and a few pitchers of sweet tea later, everything was brought down to the new apartment. Everything about the space was larger; which made sense for their growing family. The master bedroom suite was slightly smaller than their previous bedroom, but it still had plenty of space. The soon to be nursery would need a paint job. The dark walls did not scream "baby's room" to either Eric or Sookie. Luckily, it was really the only room that would require any work. The entire apartment was perfect for them, as is.

Sookie set out to put their new bedroom together while Eric did the same in his study. Before he left her side though, he made her promise not to work too hard or lift anything too heavy. He had developed a strong protective side once he found out he was going to be a father. He would do anything to prevent Sookie from feeling any strain or stress.

By the time he had everything placed exactly where he wanted, he ventured out of his cave to see what Sookie was up to. She wasn't in the kitchen, despite the boxes still waiting to be unpacked, nor was she in their bedroom where he left her. He found her in the baby's room, standing dead center with her eyes closed tight. As he spoke to her, he whispered, not wanting to startle her out of her daydream.

"Sook, you okay?"

"Can you see it as clearly as I can? This is our baby's room. We're going to raise a family here. Maybe we'll get a rocking chair, that would make it perfect."

"Anything you want, Lover. I can see you sitting in it, rocking our baby to sleep, or reading a story aloud. You're going to be a great mom."

She opened her eyes to look at him, no longer fighting the tears. "You're going to be an amazing dad. See that spot right there? That's where you'll be changing diapers at two in the morning while I'm blissfully asleep."

He laughed. "Just call me Mr. Mom. I'm ready for that, I think."

The next few days were a blur of settling in and redecorating. Temporarily speaking, the nursery was being used as storage for the boxes they didn't feel like unpacking. Thanksgiving Day was upon them, but Sookie was prepared. She longed for the big gathering. Since her pregnancy, her nesting instincts were kicked into overdrive. She was cooking at least two full meals a day, far more than she and Eric were capable of eating. She ended up bringing leftovers for the trainers at Jason's gym or the waitresses down at Merlotte's. No one was complaining about the influx of food or their slowly expanding waistlines.

The usual crowd of friends started showing up as the parade was getting started, sitting out on the balcony as they had last year to watch the floats, balloons and marching bands go by. Crystal gave Sookie a weighted stare every time she had to go inside to use the bathroom; one that screamed, "This will be you in four months."

Sookie's excitement grew as the moment's ticked by, knowing Santa would be just around the corner. Eric came up behind her, wrapping her in his arms to speak next to her ear to insure she heard what he said.

"Just think, Sookie, at this time next year, you'll be holding our son or daughter in your arms, showing them Santa for the first time."

She spun around, her eyes so wide, he could see the whites all around her bright blue irises. "Baby's First Thanksgiving and Baby's First Christmas? Oh my God, next year is going to be amazing!"

Having overheard the conversation, Jason groaned. "God, Sook, I can't imagine you any more crazy about the holidays, but if anything was going to launch you into outer space it would be that."

"Shut up. You'll be just as excited about your child's first everything."

"I can tell you this right now." He stopped, making sure his wife was not within earshot. "This Christmas is going to be awful. Crystal is due the 27th. She's going to spend the entire holiday bitching about how pregnant she is, how miserable she is, blah blah fucking blah. I swear, I'm this close to blowing my own brains out to end the misery."

"You are such a big baby. Suck it up, wuss. Imagine how she feels. That woman is carrying your child, my nephew, so you need to start being nicer to her or I'm going to kick your ass. I'm not that pregnant yet, I could still do it."

"Dang, sis, calm yourself. I don't know how you do it, Eric. Enjoy five more months of that!"

"That's why I have a study. I just go in there and close the door. Sometimes, dealing with Susannah is easier than Sookie."

That earned him a death glare. "That's so a foot rub. A long one. Fuck it, a full body massage."

He pulled her back into his arms, cuddling her close to his chest. "You were going to get one of those anyway. I know you're going to knock yourself out over dinner, even though I warned you not to."

She looked Jason dead in the eye. "See, this is why Eric is a better man than you'll ever be. He takes care of me instead of complaining about my crazy. He knew about the crazy before hand and still wanted to be with me. If you did a little more for Crystal and a lot less moaning and groaning, you'd be a lot happier."

Jason opened his mouth, ready to reply, but was quickly shut down by Sookie as Santa came into view. Her annoyance at her brother melted away as her the giant red sleigh rolled down Central Park West. As he signaled the end of the parade, the party moved inward where football took over the big screen and meal preparations took over in the kitchen.

The bird came out of the oven and everyone gathered around the table. They went around the table, voicing what they were all thankful for before digging in. Sookie had prepared a feast, with every side dish imaginable. Instead of helping in the kitchen, she asked everyone to bring a dessert so she could focus on the main course. Jason had commented on how everything tasted just like Gran used to make it, which caused more than the pregnant women to tear up.

Dessert followed dinner, and by the end of the night, everyone was stuffed to the gills with Southern comfort food and the best sweet treats the city's numerous bakeries had to offer. As hard as Sookie fought against it, everyone pitched in for the cleaning, leaving Eric to cuddle her on the couch to insure she didn't get up. Their guests left slowly with plenty of hugs and kisses.

They ended up back on the couch after sending Tray and Amelia on their way with a container of leftovers. As Eric rubbed her shoulders, Sookie let out a giggle.

"And what is so funny?"

"Do you remember last Thanksgiving?"

"You falling asleep at the dinner table?"

"That's not exactly what I was thinking of. That was the very first time we were intimate."

"I remember that blow job well. I also remember coming faster than a sixteen year old."

She laughed, then turned around giving him her best bedroom eyes. "Why don't you show me how much your stamina has improved?"

She straddled his waist, grinding down against him. He was hard already, anticipating just what Sookie had planned for him. Would she suck him off, taking her sweet time, savoring the feel of him in her mouth or take him in her wet pussy, riding him until they were both covered in sweat and exhausted. Maybe a combination of both. He got his answer as she unbuttoned his shirt, licking a trailed down his chest, stopping to suck on his nipples. She ended at the top of his pants, opening them using only her teeth.

He moaned as she wrapped her lips around him, teasing him with agonizingly slow passes of her tongue over the head of his cock. His hips thrust forward of their own volition, seeking more of the warmth of her mouth. She hummed before releasing him, opting instead to take a long lick from base to tip. She lapped up the drops that pooled there, moaning at the taste that was purely his.

She gave him a wicked smile before bypassing the obvious, opting instead to plant the softest kisses she could manage on his thighs and abs. He was trembling as her lips moved slowly up the insides of his legs, nipping at the skin there. When he felt her warm breath on his balls, followed by a long lick with the flat of her tongue, he nearly lost it.

"Fuck, Sookie, are you trying to kill me?"

She giggled, her throat close enough to his body that the vibrations traveled over his skin. "Just channeling my inner Susannah. You want me to stop teasing?"

She didn't give him a chance to answer, taking his full length down her throat in one quick motion. His head fell back against the arm of the couch, his hand tangling in her hair as she worked him hard and fast. His hips thrust in time with her mouth, trying to get as much pleasure as physically possible from every movement. She slowed down when she knew he was close, letting wind down before cranking him up again. Thinking he couldn't stand another minute of torture, she worked harder to push him over the edge. Her reward was a string of profanities, a long, low moan and a mouthful of his release.

She sat up, moving back to the other end of the couch so she could take in the sight before her. His eyes were closed, his chest heaving with every breath, yet the only emotion coming off of him was sheer bliss. He cracked open an eyelid, the only movement he was capable of, and gave her a smile. He opened his arms for her, and she moved forward, sprawling out on top of him, cuddled as close as possible.

"I am so lucky to have you in my life. And not just because you give an amazing blow job, but because you're perfect in every way for me. You and all your crazy."

She didn't have a response that wouldn't make her cry, so she settled for kissing his chest directly over his heart. They lay snuggled for a while before a random thought popped into her head.

"So, we leave for Sweden in a week and a half. Is there anything special you want me to see?"

"I would think you'd enjoy walking around town, but it will be very cold there this time of year. Maybe we'll go out for short walks and then warm up with hot chocolate."

"Or each other's body heat."

"That works, too. It is the preferred way to warm up. Scientists say it's the best way, in fact."

"Well, then we'll have to! I think I just want to get you naked."

"You always want me naked. Your libido has been insatiable the past few weeks."

"Are you complaining?"

"Not at all. Just stating the obvious."

"Good. When we are clothed, I want to spend time with your family. Is it just you and your brother?"

"Yup. Lots of aunts and uncles, which means lots of cousins. We were never lonely growing up. I'm sure they'll all love you and the confusion on your face as they speak to you in rapid fire Swedish."

"Oh God, I'm not going to understand anything for the week we're there."

"Relax, most Swedes speak English. And I've already told my parents to spread the word that your Swedish is shaky, at best. You'll have an amazing time, I promise you."

"Great. I'm not nervous at all."

"You're lying. Stop getting yourself anxious before bedtime. Why don't we practice warming each other up just to be safe."

"Why, Eric, I just love the way you think."


ALSO, I kinda skipped over the fact that Sookie and the author celebrated their one year dating anniversary. I'll eventually write a smutty outtake, a la A Very Dangerous Valentine's Day, to tell you all about it.

Next chapter: Bon Voyage to Sweden.