A/N: Apologies for the ultra-long wait. I've been in Israel. Thanks to everyone who reviewed last chapter!!

Disclaimer (because I haven't done one in a while): see The Ultimate Disclaimer by ElphabaROCKS. Seriously. Go read it, but then come back here.

Quick recap: Glinda did a spell to change Boq back.

A few days had past since Glinda had cast the spell, and Boq still hadn't woken up. Glinda was starting to get worried. She decided to go and visit him in the Palace's infirmary. When she finally found him, Glinda couldn't help but gasp. The spell had in fact worked, Boq was human again. Glinda's eyes widened.

"Biq? Biq, wake up!"

With that, Glinda attempted to find a pulse. She put two fingers on his neck and waited for his pulse. It never came.

"Biq, you're not allowed to die! I'll be charged for murder and then..."

Glinda lost her train of thought when she thought she heard Boq stiring. She then realized what she had to do. After calling one of the palace servants to get her a spell book, Glinda carefully picked out a spell and began to chant.

"Ni sae tatum silna batem

matul silna ni sae tatum!"

As she finished the spell, Boq began twitching and whimpering in pain. Glinda gasped. Her spell had worked! Biq had a heart again!

After a few minutes, the most extreme parts of the spell had started to wear off and Boq was no longer in immense pain, but also wasn't fully conscious. He had drifted back into a coma.

Glinda decided to check for a pulse again, but she was pretty sure it was there. As she lay her fingers on his neck, he began tossing and turning in his sleep and began muttering.

"Don't..... What are you...... stop....my heart...... shrinking.... where am I?........ What's wrong?"

Glinda decided to attempt another healing spell. After she had finished, Boq's eyes flew open.

"What....... where am I?"

Glinda resisted the urge to hug him. "You're awake!" Boq winced. "Fangirl squeeing doesn't exactly help my current condition. And you never answered. Where am I?"

Glinda was annoyed. He didn't seem very thankful. "You're in the infirmary because I successfully changed you back and you almost died and then I saved you."

"Oh. Um.... thanks." Glinda narrowed her eyes. "You're welcome. Now come on, we have to go show Horrible Morrible that I can use magic responsibally." Boq was confused "Morrible? But.... what's she.... what's she doing here?"

Glinda was starting to reach her breaking point. "Did your mind break or something? Morrible's been here in the palace since before Elphie left." She smirked when Boq stiffened at Elphaba's name, but was worried when he fell back onto the bed. Boq swatted Glinda's hand away when she went to help him back up. "I'm..... I'm fine. I just need rest. I'm not used to..... being human again." Glinda huffed and walked away. "Fine. Go to sleep. I'm still bringing Horrible Morrible up here."

A/N: I apologize for the kind of slow chapter. I just needed Boq to wake up. Reviews make me smile!