Back at the Feudal era, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo prepared to leave the river and return to the village.

"Hm, Inuyasha's not back with Kagome yet?" Miroku wondered, fixing his beads.

"It's getting late, I'm kind of worried." Sango clasped her hands together.

"Maybe they're…making up…" Miroku snickered, imagining dirty things.

Sango stared at the spaced out monk and sighed, leaning her boomerang against his skull.

"Get you're mind of the gutter won't you?"

"Sango what's Miroku talking about?" Shippo asked.

"Nothing you don't need to worry about til a couple years from now, and considering you're a demon…maybe 50." Sango smiled, and glaring at the monk.

"Well I just hope Kagome didn't SIT Inuyasha to death." Shippo chuckled.

Kagome forced Inuyasha to sleep in the bathtub while she crammed all night for an upcoming test.

"Ok…the X…no…it's the Y, it goes down here…" She mumbled to herself, trying to solve a math problem. She was stressing out over something she hasn't even learned yet and forced herself to stay up.

"Ugh..stupid- EEP!" As she turned the next page, she accidentally got a paper cut, causing her to wince a bit.

Suddenly she heard a loud crash from behind her. She didn't even want to look.

"Kagome are you ok!? I heard a--" Inuyasha paused and stuttered, Kagome slowly turned her head to face her destroyed door and the insane dog demon.


"SIT!!!!!!!!!" Kagome screamed.

"Mom was that an earthquake?" Sota asked while eating a bag of chips.

"Why no honey, that was just the sound of my house being destroyed." Sota's mom said with a twitching grin.

"AGH! D-DAMMIT KAGOME! I heard you in pain so I thought something happened." Inuyasha said upset.

"I'm fine. I just got a paper cut. See!" She stretched out her arm and pointed her injured finger at him.

"You cry over a little thing like that? I just got gaping hole in my chest and you don't see me crying!" Inuyasha praised himself.

Kagome stuck her finger in her mouth and huffed at him.

"Just go back to your bathtub and let me study!"

"Just go back to your bathtub and let me study!" Inuyasha mocked, mimicking her in a high pitched voice.


"Honey, the show isn't that sad." Grandpa said to Kagome's mom while watching a soap opera.

"No…my house…" Kagome's mom sniffled.

The next morning, Kagome woke up to find herself on the floor. She sat up, seemed confused and looked around. There he was, lying down in her precious pink bed. Damn Inuyasha.

She hovered over him and stared at his peaceful, sleeping face.

"Awww." She sighed. "SIT!!" She then shouted.

Inuyasha's face was buried into the mattress.

"STUPID KAGOME!" He muffled through the sheets.

"Inuyasha why are you on my bed? And why was I on the floor?!" Kagome questioned.

"Your grandpa had to take a bath and I didn't want to see anything that shouldn't be seen. Plus you were already on the floor so I took your bed." He answered.

Kagome sighed and looked at her alarm clock.


"8:2--WHAT!" Kagome reached her clock at stared at it. "Oh my god! I'm late! We're late!"

"We-" Inuyasha was cut off by Kagome's clothes being thrown at his head.

"Oh no! I must've stayed up all night studying!" She panicked, pulling on her socks.

"Wait, but what do you mean we-"

"WE are both going to school got it!" Kagome said and pulled him by the arm and ran out of the house.

The finally made it with Kagome on Inuyasha's back. All the students stared at the two and began to gossip.

'Who's that weirdo?'

'Is he cosplaying some anime?'

'What's with those ears?'

'Ew, his feet!'

'Oh my god I think he's trying to kidnap Kagome!'

"Inuyasha, just act normal ok. We need to get to the principal's office and get you your classes." Kagome assured.

"Ok-" Inuyasha suddenly sniffed something delicious, he stuck his nose to the ground and began crawling on all fours.

"I-Inuyasha! Agh...Sit!" She whispered harshly, sending his body against the ground.

After a convincing talk with the principal and a speech full of lies, Inuyasha was handed a uniform and a schedule.

"Aha! Great. Now go to the bathroom, change and I'll be waiting by that bench." She pointed in the hallway. Inuyasha agreed and entered the bathroom.

He looked around and was so amazed. He checked every stall and stared at every toilet. He turned to look at the urinals against the wall and stared at them oddly.

"What the hell is that?" Inuyasha touched it. Then two guys walked in and had a strange look on their faces as Inuyasha stared at them. The boys tried to ignore him and each approached a urinal and unzipped their pants. Inuyasha blushed and stopped them.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA!" Inuyasha waved his hands. "Would you put those away?!"

"Um…but we need to pee." One kid said.

"Pee? So this is some sort of peeing device?" Inuyasha asked.

The two boys stared at each other, looked back at Inuyasha, stared at him up and down and nodded their heads.

"Um…yeah, I think we're gonna use the other restroom. G-Good luck." The zipped up their pants and dashed out.

Inuyasha looked back at the urinal and sighed. He then took off his clothes and put on the uniform he was given.

Kagome sat on the bench waiting for Inuyasha to come out, then she noticed him exit the bathroom.

He walked over to Kagome carrying the shoes in one and his other clothes in the other.

"I-Inuyasha." Kagome tried not to giggle.

"Kagome these clothes feel weird! I've never worn a short sleeved shirt and my legs can't breathe! And I don't know how to wear these." He said showing her his shoes.

Kagome sighed and patted the seat beside her, signaling him to sit.

Kagome helped Inuyasha put on his shoes.

Inuyasha looked strange in his uniform. He was actually pretty skinny, yet bulky underneath all that baggy clothing. His muscles appeared through the shirt and his feet looked funny hiding through those shoes. Also his ears were clipped down with bobby pins, although it brought him pain, Kagome had to do it to avoid more gossiping.

"Hahah Come on, classes are about to begin, luckily you have it with me!" Kagome smiled.

Inuyasha tried to walk in those shoes, but his feet were being cramped into that small space he couldn't walk, but he endured it and dealt with the uneasiness for Kagome's sake.

"Now Inuyasha." She began as they walked towards their class. "You're only here so I can watch over you at school, who knows what mayhem you might cause if I leave bored at home. So please try and not kill anyone-"


Kagome heard a familiar voice call out her name and turned around. It was Hojo waving and running towards her.

"Hojo!" Kagome smiled.

"Kagome you're back! I haven't seen you in a while now, how's that cold? I brought you some special herbs for that rash too!" Hojo handed to her.

"Uh...haha.." Kagome chuckled nervously. "Th-thanks Hojo."

Inuyasha stared down at Hojo and looked back at Kagome.

"Well it was great seeing you Kagome, I'll see you around school!" Hojo waved and left.

Inuyasha faced Kagome and crossed his arms.


To be continued…