"Well, that was unexpected." His frown turns into a grin. "Oh well, I guess that's fine, since they didn't order spaghetti anyway." He scratches the back of his head. The hitman offers a nod in response, focusing on the two teens taking a seat by the window.

"How did you like the food, Boss?" Gokudera's eyes shine with eagerness as he leans forward to hear the other teen's answer.

"It was fine, Gokudera-kun. Thank you for treating me…again." She sweat-drops at her avowal. She really feels as if she's taking advantage of Gokudera-kun. But he insisted – way, way too much, by the way – so what's she supposed to do?

"Really?" His eyes sparkle with excitement, a hand patting his inner mind-self. Good job, Hayato. Good job. The Boss is pleased.

"Shall we go, Boss?"

"Eh? Ah, yeah, let's go."

And off they went, to the land promised by God himself. The haven where worries are no more; the paradise where the scent of love fills the air, urging the buds to open and reveal the secrets of the heart. Or maybe somebody just cut one. Who knows?

Gokudera and Tsuna exit the mall and, after a day's work of protecting the Boss from pedophile kidnappers – who still, by the way, haven't shown up – they decide to head home.

Stillness encases the atmosphere as they attempt to create distance between themselves without putting too much to hurt the other's feelings. Small talk is non-existent during this period, and the three plot-hatchers are getting tired of it.

'Hayato, say something! This is the perfect time to confront her about her feelings. Why aren't you saying something?' The third figure said. This is it. Round three, the final battle, the end of the match. And darn straight this is match is hers. A light bulb flashes above her head.

Oh, yes. This match is as good as hers.

"Those idiots. Why won't they say something? Look at them; they can't even walk near each other. They're so stupid, I almost feel sorry for them." Reborn shakes his head. The green chameleon perched atop his fedora purrs, though no one hears it. He strokes its head whilst muttering about how he swears he'll double her training regimen once this is over.

"Haha, well, nothing we can do about that," Yamamoto says. "So, what do we do?"

"What I always do." Reborn smirks. They're not losing.

And with that, they fade into the darkness. (0.0 ZOMG!)

With her gaze locked to her moving feet, Tsuna continues dragging herself across the streets. She has half a mind to speed up and make a mad dash towards her house, and half a mind to slow down so they won't get there so fast. Confused, she settles for packing up all thoughts and throwing them into the darkest recesses of her mind. All except one.

Gokudera Hayato.

Oh, this has happened before. She would pay so much attention to the bomber while hoping that he won't notice her paying so much attention to the bomber. Then she would notice something she didn't notice about him before, or re-notice things she's already noticed before but forgot about due to the other things she's noticed about him.

It would start with one thought.

One thought would grow into to thoughts, then three and four and five, until her whole mind is filled with thoughts about the boy walking beside her, and she can never get rid of them. Especially now that he knows she likes him, and she knows he likes her.

She peers through her bangs, trying to catch a glimpse of the other teen's expression.

Gokudera Hayato is not one to get flustered. Yet, now that the Boss knows that he likes her and vice versa, what is a teenaged hitman supposed to do?

He sighs, making it as inaudible as possible. He doesn't want to worry the Vongola Tenth, after all.

Gokudera Hayato is not one to be confused. As a genius, he can solve mathematical problems with ease. Chemistry, geography, history, anything. Academics are his forte. Yet, why can't he ever figure out how to act around his crush? Why can't he ever do anything right and just stop causing her trouble? Why does his heart leap to his throat every time she's near, only to be caught and not go back down?

He sneaks a glance in her direction, struggling to see her features which contorted into a pout. 'How adorable,' he thinks. Of course she is. She's the Boss, after all.

'This will definitely work.' Purple hair cascades down her back as the figure fixes her veil. Her attire consists of pouf-y pants, a tight-fitting top that ends just below her breasts, pointed shoes and the veil that covers her nose and mouth, all in violet.

'I shall do this in the name of love.' And so she sits in front of the Arabian-themed background, the sunset casting a dim light over her crystal ball.

"Alright." Reborn says. Leon transforms into a gun. He locks in on his target.

"Get ready, Tsuna." And he pulls the trigger.




"Must kiss Gokudera-kun with my dying will!"


Lips meet and Gokudera find himself kissing his boss. This is not his 'Top Ten Things To Do To The Boss' list. Or is it?

All he knows now is that he's kissing his boss.

He is kissing his boss.

He is kissing his boss.

Oh, dear God.

After five minutes, the flame dies down, allowing Gokudera and Tsuna to breathe. Tsuna shakes her head, feeling overwhelmed. She tries to recall what she just happened. When she remembers, her face reddens like a cherry on top of a tuna flavored sundae (ew).

"Gokudera-kun! I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that. I'm so sorry!" she bows her head and clasps her hands together, holding them in front of her chest and shut up all of you she does have breasts okay she is a very proud 32B OKAY?

So, there she is, hanging her head in shame, hoping the like of her life (She's not ready for the 'L' word yet. The other one, I mean) won't be disgusted with her for life. But Gokudera isn't thinking about that. Oh no, he is too busy looking at her half-naked form.

Adorable uke + pink lacy underwear + soft feminine curves = Playboy magazine's next cover girl

Cue nosebleed.

"Gokudera-kun?" She opens one eye and peeks upward to see what's taking her crush so long to respond. "Gokudera-kun!" she panics as blood gushes out of her right-hand man's nose.

"Boss, I'm alright!" he fishes his handkerchief out of his pocket and brings it to his nose. He tilts his head upward and pinches the bridge. "I'm fine, really." He reassures her, and she calms down just a little. Why the sudden flow of red blood cells out of his nasal cavity, she will never know, but why is there a genie in the middle of the park?

"Here, Boss. You must be freezing." With one hand, Gokudera takes of his jacket and hands it to Tsuna who covers herself up.

"Thanks," she mumbles. She gathers the courage to raise her voice higher. "And not just for the jacket. I mean, for everything: the movie, the meal and the company. I really enjoyed hanging out with you today. And I hope, maybe…maybe we can do it again sometime." She says, and gives him a heart-warming smile.

"Boss…" His eyes water, the sincerity in her voice ringing in his ears. He is so touched! The boss is such a wonderful person. So humble, so grateful. He is not worthy of her kindness! "Don't worry about it, Boss. It was my pleasure. And I also hope we can do it again sometime, too." He smiles at her – well, as much of a smile you can make when you're holding a handkerchief to your bleeding nose.

"Um, Gokudera-kun," she starts.

"Yes, Boss?"

"I was wondering. Well, would you mind doing something with me one more time?"

"Not at all, Boss! Your wish is my command!" she sweat-drops at his enthusiasm before pointing towards the weird-looking stall that says 'Discover Your Future For Free!'

What? Why would the Boss want to go there? He opens his mouth to ask her before realizing that that would be questioning the Boss' orders, and he would never do that, so he does the only reasonable thing any self-respecting right-hand man would do; he grabs his boss by the arm and drags her to the psychic woman-genie-person.

"Oi, lady, predict the Boss' future." He says, tucking his handkerchief in to his pocket, relieved that he stopped bleeding.

"But of course, young man." The psychic says in a voice somewhat too deep for a lady. The figure pretends to look into the crystal ball before saying, "The spirits have spoken to me, and your destiny has been revealed." Gokudera quirks his eyebrow, while Tsuna shudders at how creepy that sounds. She continues.

"You must reveal your innermost feeling to the one you love, or it will be too late. Go forth, and spread love in this world! Everything revolves around love!" By now, she has her hand clasped together in front of her, a dreamy look dancing in her eyes. Gokudera arches his brow again. This person seems familiar.

"Really?" Tsuna blushes. Didn't they do that already? And, okay, it wasn't really a confession a la shoujo manga, but still. It got the point across, didn't it?

"Go!" she wails, startling them both. "You must do it now, or forever wish you had." She starts flailing her arms around, urging them to confess.

So they did.

"If that's the case, then, Gokudera-kun, I, well…" she squeezes her eyes shut, bracing herself for what she's about to say.

Deep breath in, deep breath out.

"Gokudera-kun, I like you!"

Gokudera's eyes widen, and he just stares at the brunette before him. He already knows that. He read her diary, remember? But hearing it from the Boss' mouth makes it sound so real. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish, trying to say something. Before a sound escapes his lips, he turns his head to see the genie-person staring at them while shoving popcorn in her mouth.

"I…I l-like the Boss, too." Tsuna's eyes snap open and she lets out the breath she didn't know she was holding. The atmosphere is awkward, so much so that the psychic can't hold her anticipation in and starts shoveling the popcorn by the handfuls.





Silence follows suit, until Gokudera shatters the tension with his next words.

"Then, Boss, will you go out with me?" he asks, trying to seem resolved despite the blush on his cheeks.

Tsuna turns a dozen shades of red, one for each kind of embarrassment she feels before she stutters out a barely audible "Yes".

Gokudera's heart decides to practice somersaults just now, it seems, and he shouts, "YES!"

Now, you would probably expect that after such a cliché confession, the overjoyed boy would sweep the blushing girl off her feet and whisk her away into a horse-drawn carriage and they'll all live happily ever after. But what you wouldn't expect is the genie godmother jumping for joy, spilling popcorn everywhere, and two figures emerging from a bush, one scratching his head, saying "Yo!", the other on the man's shoulder smirking like a devil.

"Well done, Bianchi. You win this one."

"Of course. After all, I am much more experienced in the ways of love." The genie takes of her veil to reveal a certain lady hitman.

"Big sis!" Gokudera faints and starts foaming in the mouth. It's not a pretty sight, I'll tell you that. But when you're as big an idiot as Sawada Tsunayoshi, you'll learn that it doesn't matter what your crazy bomb expert looks like, as long as it's for the sake of love.

And you might not expect a cliché love confession to end by having the mafia boss carry the right-hand man back to her house for some ramen and takoyaki, either. But you can't really expect anything in the mafia, can you? If you do, you'll most likely end up with a Dying Will bullet through your head.

Author's Notes:

Last chapter up! I feel sort of sad that Diary Misshapes is over, but at least I get to write another story! Yay, stories~!

Thank you to everyone who has ever read, is reading or will ever read Diary Misshapes. This fic has earned me a place in this fandom (other than being Gokkun's future wife XD I wish), and I love it to death!

That aside, I would like to ask everyoneto please please please vote in my poll. I will most likely do my next fan fic on the pairing with the most votes (and yes, it will be smexy yaoi...for those of you who don't know what that is, forget it), but the poll will only be open until March 26. Due to differing timezones, that's March 25 in America, and I have no idea when in Europe. Just don't forget to vote please!

And now, by the power vested in me, I do proclaim this story OVER!

Cue sobbing Bianca. XD