IT-IS-OVER. Good lord, this thing is a monster. Would you believe I only intended it to be ten chapters originally? The idea formed in my head about a group of assassins pissed off at humans, and two years and 46 chapters later the story ends up at near 1000 pages.

            This is kind of an afterward to the story, in which I guess I'm gonna try to answer some of the questions I got while writing the story, and also explain myself a bit. Afterwards I've got a bunch of thanks to give out.

Why the hell was the story so bloody LONG?

            I apologize whole-heartedly to those of you who used precious moments of your life that you'll never get back reading chapter after chapter of this thing. I apologize further because my reasons for making this story so long are pretty self-serving.

            I plan to be an author of some sort, so I wanted to try all manner of different writing scenarios and styles, but there comes the problem of figuring out plots for each one. So I just used this one. Whenever I wanted to try something new, I added another chapter or two to this story. Take the Brazilian episodes for example. None of it was necessary for the major plotline, but I wanted to try my hand at a military takedown, so there it is. I also took too much time with setup, but that's Tom Clancy's fault for influencing me.

            One unhappy result was that a bunch of characters like Delates, Damia, Acrystos and their Unit 8/0 comrades, who had been minor characters for most of the story, were suddenly thrust into bigger roles at the end because I needed new pieces in place for certain events. But another reason this happened is because if I do write a sequel, some of these characters will be more in the spotlight than they were in Terrornova.

Megacity System…?

            Sue me, I'm a victim of the American Megaman Cartoon. Dr. Wily said he vonted to take ovah New York, so I believed him, not realizing that officially the Hunters are based in Tokyo. But that was corrected…albeit at the absolute last minute, but better late than never!

These names are weird.

            Totally. I usually don't put a lot of symbolism into my names. "Teytha" "Gredam", things like those are all made up, probably influenced by the realm of fantasy, my other big interest. Some names do have more to them however.

            Malevex=male vex, evil curse. Originally this guy was supposed to be a real bastard, because he was the embodiment of a character I use in some role playing games. Obviously he changed a bit from the original blueprint.

            Chartreuse=He's one big contradiction. He's a Reploid, and yet he helps humans oppress his people. He's on the side of "good" yet commits acts of atrocious evil. He serves the government, but at the same time undermines it at the head of a crime ring. Thus, his name is Chartreuse, but there's not a speck of the color on him.

            Mortar=He's what's holding the bricks together. As the usual voice of experience and reason, he keeps his friends on the safe course.

            Virdelko, Kitao=Lots of names were made up, but I have no fecking idea where these in particular came from.

Strange plot developments!

            Two reasons for this. First, given how long this sucker was I had to keep people's attention, and that meant a roller coaster of plot twists. Second…I just like plot twists. I like even more doing things I haven't seen done often in Megaman fics—nukes, nice Wily, happy Zero/Iris reunion, and most of all no easy way to decide who's on the right side. I think there's never only one solid way to view anything, so I decided to try and convey that. The Mavericks were forced into their situation and are justified in their anger, but they still used nuclear weapons—did they deserve to live? Perhaps, perhaps not. Did people like Sigma and Chartreuse deserve to die? Definitely, but Chartreuse lived. If there's a sequel he'll be in it, if not that's just how life works—sometimes the bad guy gets away.

Sequel? Not ANOTHER bajillion chapters!

            Eh…I have a premise for a sequel, but I don't know if I'll have the time to do it. One thing I hate is to start a story and then leave it unfinished. That's the fate of my first Megaman fanfic, A Phantasm's Venom. If, however, I do hammer down a solid plot for a sequel, it will NOT be this godawfully long, and will probably center within the 10-15 chapter line. I'll call it "Trinity Helix". I don't know how I'll work that name into the plot, but I will because it sounds cool. Bwa ha ha.

Trinity Helix

            Storywise, this is what I've got. Someone is farting around with deadly weapons and targeting world leaders, while at the same time picking off powerful Reploids. X quickly comes to the conclusion that Ares is making his move, and organizes a response. Meanwhile the Gold Serpent is up to no good again, and may have more to do with current events than people suspect. In Russia, a third party calling itself the Black Ankh frowns in disapproval at the familiar sight of strong Reploids vanishing, and logically gears up for a fight.

            The main focus will be suspense and character development, because that's what I need to work on. Five characters will get the main focus: X, Zero, Vulcan, Damia and Alec. The plot will be more compact but hopefully as intense, and it will definitely move faster. There will be plenty of old and new characters, but they'll be organized far better and there should be a lot less confusion about who's who and what they're supposed to be doing.

            I'd LOVE to write this fic, but I want to make sure I'll have the dedication to finish it before starting it.

If you liked Terrornova…

            This story isn't the only work of mine. If you're reading this on you probably know of AVALANCHE, the first part of my FF7 novelization (which I didn't finish…) the Supercondensed Megaman/Megaman X series and the Odessa Files. I've also got an archive on Just look for 'Revokov'.

            My "real" Odessa Files are on my website, which you can get to via my author page. I also have a Livejournal, where I sometimes put up story ideas and info.


            Thanks to EVERYONE who read this story.

Mega thanks to anyone who REVIEWED the story. Feedback is an extremely precious thing to a writer, and every word good or bad was appreciated more than you'd believe.

            I bow in reverence to SPYDABASS and DRAKETH. These two gave me comments on virtually every chapter of this story, from the very beginning, which means they deserve like a war medal or something. I know SpydaBass has stories on and they're grand. If you haven't read Vile's Redemption or Dissonant Dreamers yet…well what are you waiting for?

            Here's a toast to ERICO, the fantastically cool writer who's continued support was very reassuring. If you haven't read his work, then buddy you're really being deprived.

            AMP and MILLEN STRYKER commented on all the earlier parts of the story, and if it weren't for their feedback this thing probably would never have been finished. Both are, surprise surprise, kickass writers themselves.

            Thanks to EVLORET for helping develop Malevex, scores of fanart and for just being cool. Stop saying you can't write.

            Thanks to XU for her own fanart of Malevex and Gredam.

            RED DRACO and ICE BLUE X fought hell and high water to get a working message board up, and since their board was where this story originated I thank 'em heartily.

            …And yet another thank you to anyone who read the whole thing. You guys own.

            That list is waaaaay too short. I know I'm forgetting someone. Hell, I could just list all the people on my reviews and the people from the Nocturnal Shadow board, but I'd forget someone there too. So let me finish with a

            YOU ALL KICK ASS!

            There, that should do it.

Terrornova was a blast to write, and I hope it was as much fun for you all to read. Till next time!
