Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this story do not belong to me. They are property of Russel T Davies and co. I am merely borrowing them for recreational purposes, and I am not making any money from this work.

"Ah." Ianto stepped back slightly and leaned forwards, hands curling around the edge of the bench and head bowed. Five white mugs, full to the brim with steaming hot coffee, lined the counter top. Routine. Habit.

He was busy muttering reprimands under his breath when Jack entered the room. Without a word, he sidled up to Ianto and touched a hand to his forearm. Stomach pressed against Ianto's back, each soft breath playing through the tiny hairs on Ianto's neck, Jack enveloped him.

"Hey," he greeted, barely more than a whisper. He glanced at the row of mugs. "... Five?"

Ianto pushed himself off the counter, feeling Jack's arms snake around his waist. "Yeah," he replied. He found Jack's hand and clasped it gently. "I forgot. I'm just so used to... It still doesn't seem real."

Jack nodded against Ianto's shoulder. "I know."

They were both silent for a while then, just holding on to each other. Ianto watched the licks of steam curl off the coffee in the mugs in front of them, his own breathing gradually becoming the loudest thing in the room.

Eventually, Jack spoke again. "We shouldn't let them go to waste."

"You want to drink two extra cups of coffee?"

Jack smiled, careful and true. Ianto could feel it tickle his neck. "You made it. Of course I do." He slipped one arm from around Ianto's middle to reach out and take up one of the mugs. "White with one?"

"White with one," Ianto confirmed. Jack raised the mug to his mouth. "To Tosh, then."

Following suit, Ianto wormed his way out of Jack's hold and took up a second coffee. "Black with two. To Owen."

They sipped each coffee down to the dregs, ignoring the heat, ignoring their own preferences. Finished, Jack placed his mug, Tosh's mug, back on the counter. Ianto gripped his, Owen's, tightly in both hands.

"We'll get through this," Jack said at length. He placed a hand on Ianto's shoulder, drawing him close.

The faintest trace of a smile quirked at Ianto's lips. "You and me, hey?"

Jack cupped Ianto's cheek in his hand and kissed him, reassurance and so much feeling. Drawing back just a fraction, a real roll of laughter left his lips. A chuckle, not loud, but genuine. "Yeah," Jack whispered, "me and you."

The words caught in Ianto's hair and chased each other into hearing on the wings of a contented sigh. The three remaining cups of coffee lingered on into a flat chill, all but forgotten.