So this is a story that I started to write a while ago, but lost interest and deleted the thing. Recently I have been thinking about it all the time and have been revising it in my head. Sooo, I decided to give this another shot.

This story takes place somewhere around the end of the third episode, though it's still pretty unclear to me where I want to start this story in the timeline. It will become apparent as the story progresses, I guess.

I do not own the Ouran Host Club, but I do own my own characters.



Chapter 1

Tukiyo Hayashi

The air felt barren and bitter when Tukiyo awoke. She itched at the dry blood on her wrists, her dead green eyes moved over to the stains she left on the bed sheets. The crimson blemishes reminded her of her tears from last night, a memory that seemed to pop up too often every day. She forced herself out of bed, using the last ounce of will she had left in her body.

Once her feet hit the ground she felt her body collapse against the wall in a languid way. Her face was emotionless despite the fact that the slam against the wall had caused her head great pain. She kept her hands against the wall as she tried to make her way across a room so compact it could make the smallest person feel claustrophobic.

"Kill me."

These two words ruled her life or lack there of. Suicide. There was no doubt she had tried before, but for some reason someone stopped her. She didn't know why, she wasn't worth keeping around. She referred to herself as dead weight, a dead body that was left lying on the floor for some odd reason.

She slammed her fist against the wall when her feet started to slip, her face soon meeting with the floor. She stayed face down on the floor for quite a while before she regrettably pushed herself back up.

Tukiyo made her way to the bathroom and started to brush her teeth in a lifeless manor. When she finished she stared at her self in the mirror. Her skin that once glowed with a tan was pale white, her glossy brown hair that once bounced with messy curls now drooped down, and her eyes, oh her eyes. They were once so happy, bright green full of hope and will, but now they were inanimate. Her eyes had always defined her and they still did, her emerald eyes had lost all hope of becoming what they once were, as did Tukiyo.

She slipped into her clothing, instead of the uniform she was intended to wear. She then grabbed the change that sat on the table and left her shabby home without eating any food. She looked over the railing and like every morning she thought of jumping off the eighth floor. She gripped the railing her knuckles turning white from holding on so hard, then she placed her foot on the railing. It would be so easy, falling, she placed her other foot on the railing awaiting the sickening crack that would soon fill her ears.


The Host Club was as busy as ever. There was a huge amount of guests today, which surprised Kyoya considering that today was not a cosplay day. He busily typed on his laptop, his slim fingers running across the keys flowingly. He put on his best host smile as he chatted with girls who had to wait to visit the hosts. Some were getting extremely impatient, but Kyoya's cool, calm voice settled them down in a matter of seconds.

Kyoya was never a "true" host like the rest of the Host Club. He took care of the business side of things instead of entertaining the female students. But if he needed to, Kyoya could charm any girl with his velvet smooth voice. Kyoya politely accepted the compliments that were pouring in from the girls, they didn't make him arrogant like most others would. He had no interest in dating or love or anything like that. Most guys envied him, he could have any girls he wanted with snap of his fingers, but he chose not to. There was no girl that made feel like he wanted put on a real smile.

He tried to imagine himself with someone, he scanned the faces of the eager girls and could not find one that he could see himself with. "Good." He thought to himself, he didn't need a distraction from his work. He would keep smiling his false smiles to the girls who opened up business opportunities and no one else.

Kyoya's thoughts were interrupted by the double doors to the Host Club slowly opening. "Welcome!" he said greeting the girl. The door opened revealing a frail looking girl in a blue sweatshirt that had something written in english on it, a pair of blue jeans that had tears all over them, Kyoya could tell that the holes were not there to make a fashion statement or a rebellious statement, but the jeans were just old and worn out. On her feet were not designer sandals or heals like most girls wore, but black Converse sneakers that looked like they were about to fall apart.

She looked like a simple commoner, but under her arm were a stack of books that you could only receive when attending Ouran High School.

"May I help you?" he asked, referring to her confused green eyes.

"I thought.... I... this room was...." the girl mumbled, she then spun around and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"What a strange girl..." Kyoya said to himself, he then continued to type at a speedy pace and entertain the waiting girls.


The final guest had departed and the Host Club was ready to close up for the day. The club had said their farewells and left except for Kyoya who was still typing away on his laptop.

"You're not coming Kyoya-sempai?" Haruhi asked halfway out the door.

"I have a few things to take care of before I leave." he replied, his eyes not leaving the screen.

Haruhi nodded and closed the door behind her. Kyoya enjoyed the silence the room brought after the Host Club and all their guests had left. It gave him time alone with his thoughts and time to work without Tamaki constantly bothering him. Though he did enjoy being in the Host Club, it got quite stressful and even annoying at times.

He was just finishing up his school work when he heard a yell down the hallway.

"Tukiyo!" a man's voice yelled. Kyoya paid no mind to it, keeping his attention on his work.

"Tukiyo!" the voice screamed again getting closer.

Kyoya heard doors opening a closing and the sound of feet noisily clomping on the floor, it sounded like someone was frantically searching for someone. Soon Kyoya heard the voice approach the Host Club door. The door swung open, a slim man with messy light brown hair stood before him. The man looked about thirty years old, he was wearing a formal business suit and he had a briefcase clutched in his hand. Kyoya could tell by his expression and the way his hair looked like it had been pulled many times, that this man was strained out.

"Have you seen a girl named Tukiyo?" the man panted, "She has bright green eyes and brown hair."

"No, I'm sorry I hav-" suddenly Kyoya realized who this man was, "You wouldn't happen to be Makoto Nakamura, would you?"

Makoto Nakamura was one of the most famous up-coming businessmen. He worked closely with Joben Hayashi, the man who owned one of the wealthiest companies in the world. Kyoya had no idea why a man like him was at Ouran.

The man took a deep breath, "Yes I am, I apologize for rushing in on you like this, I'm just in a rush."

"Oh no! Don't apologize, it isn't everyday I get to meet someone of your stature. I have great respect for your work." Kyoya made sure to emphasize his compliments.

"Oh, thank you. But if you'll excuse me, I must be going." the man started to leave when Kyoya stopped him, he wasn't going to let him get away so quickly. "Would you like to sit down and have a coffee, you seem very tired." Kyoya put on a pleasant smile and gestured to the pot of coffee on the table.

"Thank you for your offer, but I really must be... You know what? I could go for a cup of coffee right now." Makoto chuckled as he took a seat across from Kyoya. He removed his jacket and loosened his tie.

"I have to be honest with you, I am not fit for this formal clothing." Makoto said draping his jacket on the wooden chair. Kyoya laughed and closed his laptop, pushing it to the side.

Kyoya grabbed a clean coffee cup and started to pour a drink for Makoto from the fresh pot. He made sure to use the expensive blend he drank, instead of the instant coffee Tamaki demanded the Host Club drink.

"So what brings you to Ouran?" the seven-teen year old asked after pouring Makoto a cup.

"Well a good friend of mine attends this school and I was supposed to pick her up today. But I can't seem to find her. So what are you still doing in school at such a late hour?" Makoto replied taking long sips in between his sentences.

"Well, I belong to a Host Club and I wanted to get some work done before heading home." Kyoya asked sipping his own cup of coffee.

"A Host Club? I've never heard of that before?"

"Six friends of mine and myself started this club last year. We entertain the female students that attend this school."

Makoto laughed, "I would have loved to be a part of something like this in my school days."

Kyoya smiled, "You said something about not being able to find your friend earlier? Maybe I can help you, because of this club I know almost every girl that is a student at this school."

"Well her name is Tukiyo, she is second year, class 2A I believe."

"Tukiyo? That name doesn't sound familiar to me. Are you sure she is in 2A, because I am also in that class and I've never seen Miss Tukiyo." Kyoya was very confused on why he didn't know this girl, he made a point to know every student in this school incase they were someone he should get close to.

Makoto laughed, "I'm not surprised you don't know her. Tukiyo tries very hard not to be noticed, she's very... different."

"How so?" Kyoya asked.

"Well there have been some problems in her family and she has not been taking it well. I've been trying to help her through it, but I haven't been very successful." Makoto took another long sip of his coffee.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope everything works out in the end. I'll see if I can get her to come to the Host Club tomorrow. What is her last name?" Kyoya said taking one last sip of coffee.

"Hayashi, she's Joben's daughter." Makoto said simply.

Kyoya almost spit his coffee at Makoto, he coughed a few times and managed to get some words out. "D-did you say she is Joben Hayashi's daughter." Makoto nodded, staring at the boy strangely, "I-I didn't know he had any children."

"Tukiyo is his only child, he doesn't speak of her much. Well, I have to get going, it was nice to chat with Mr..?"

"Ootori, Kyoya Ootori..." Kyoya was still in shock about Tukiyo Hayashi.

"Oh, one of the Ootori boys, give your father my regards. It's been a pleasure, I hope to speak with you again some time." Makoto lifted his brief case and hurriedly left the room.

"Tukiyo Hayashi..." Kyoya whispered to himself in disbelief. Joben Hayashi was the owner an extremely powerful computer company. It was the richest company in Japan and competed with some of the richest companies in the world. He always knew that there was little chance that he would be able to meet this man or anyone close to him. But right here, in his own school, there was a girl who was this powerful man's daughter and even better his only daughter. He had no doubt in his mind that he could charm this girl and meet her father.

A smile spread across his face, his deep brown eyes becoming more and more intense as he thought of the future. "Tukiyo Hayashi." he said once more, almost giggling.


End of Chapter!

The story will seem a bit slow in the beginning, but as it progresses it will become more interesting. This chapter was sort of an introduction to the story.

If you liked it please review, if you didn't don't be afraid to tell me why you didn't like the story!

Critiques are always welcome, I'm always glad to make my story better!

Thanks for reading. X